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Insects of the European part of Russia. Atlas with an overview of biology

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13.02.2013 21:01, Hierophis

There is another "little thing", namely, how they, those who do not pronounce Latin names correctly, develop science, do not defend fake dissertations, write solid articles in journals cited around the world.

The "trick" here is that "they" have extra money znaaachitelno more than on the post-SSR, and not only money but resources in general-time, easier social interactions, less sullenness, bitterness, unhealthy competition-but at least the situation with amateurs is there to take and here-here an amateur is an amateur, and there amateur)))
Therefore, I am sure that if there were at least half of what potential entomologists in the West have, then the results would be completely different, maybe... maybe because it's not all about resources. Fake dissertation, it seems to me, is nonsense in the West, but here it is a question of feeding, prestige, the same with articles. They love numbers and a piece of paper, and they value reporting.
And "there" appreciate the result!

13.02.2013 21:07, Лавр Большаков

There is another "little thing", namely, how they, those who do not pronounce Latin names correctly, develop science, do not defend fake dissertations, write solid articles in journals cited around the world.

Their dissertations can also be fake or simply weak. And their science, at least in terms of lepidopterology, has recently been degrading, adapting to the requirements of"formalization". Only most of them do not have a Higher Attestation Commission, and their "doctors" proudly wear their titles without paying extra for titles.

13.02.2013 21:19, PVOzerski

And despite the lack of these very surcharges, they have a decent standard of living. And do not read at the same time from two to four pairs every day from Monday to Friday for 4-6 different courses to students, most of whom do not need all this for nothing...

This post was edited by PVOzerski - 02/13/2013 21: 22
Likes: 2

13.02.2013 21:24, Hierophis

And despite the lack of these very surcharges, they have a decent standard of living. And do not read at the same time from two to four pairs every day from Monday to Friday for 4-6 different courses to students, most of whom do not need all this for nothing...

And do you know, a graduate student of biological and chemical sciences smile.gifzealously proved to me here at five minutes to five that teaching is really just a class - it does not interfere with scientific activities in any way, in general, no problems, but at least five pairs a day, including Saturday wink.gif

13.02.2013 21:28, PVOzerski

I'm happy for him... Is it "in theory" or has he already tried it the hard way? However, let's see what he will say after a few years of such a life.

13.02.2013 23:40, rhopalocera.com

Laisenids-golubyanka, Djedzhei-gagii (goose bows), Zeuzera-Zeuzera etc...

Yeah, Well). Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what the other person is talking about in a conversation.

13.02.2013 23:42, rhopalocera.com

There is another "little thing", namely, how they, those who do not pronounce Latin names correctly, develop science, do not defend fake dissertations, write solid articles in journals cited around the world.

This is done everywhere. I'm talking about science, fake dissertations, and internationally cited journals. The question is: what sciences are we talking wink.gifabout?

If we take entomology, it is 90 % a local science. I haven't seen much of the work of entomologists from South Africa on the butterfly fauna of the Arkhangelsk region :D. That's why we, the local entomologists, are judged by local entomologists (sorry for the taut).

14.02.2013 8:58, amara

amara, don't confuse God's gift with scrambled eggs.

Well said, but it is only necessary to determine what is "scrambled eggs" here, the state of development of science and technology, or the (controversial) correct pronunciation of Latin names? smile.gif

I, for example, also cringe inside when mercEdes is called Mercedes, Jeep Cherokee, some kind of "Cherokee" and VIP (=VIP) some kind of "vip-om".

I myself picked up the accent in the name of families on the second syllable from the Americans.
For example, karAbide sounds more natural to me now than the boring, nasal karabIde. smile.gif

This post was edited by amara - 02/14/2013 08: 59
Likes: 1

14.02.2013 9:01, Лавр Большаков

And despite the lack of these very surcharges, they have a decent standard of living. And do not read at the same time from two to four pairs every day from Monday to Friday for 4-6 different courses to students, most of whom do not need all this for nothing...

On the one hand, even in Tula I know at least 3 worthy biologists (although botanists and others) who can't imagine themselves without the educational process, i.e. sharing their knowledge. One of them does not even have enough couples - it promotes its diocese in the museum and introduces children to summer school camps. It is primarily thanks to such fans of pedagogy that science is growing in personnel.
On the other hand, there are those who curse these couples, and because of them they cannot fully engage in science, but they do not want to leave the university - it's nice when they are called "associate professor". But to tell you the truth-I don't like to plow in pairs - what keeps an educational institution going? You can find a more relaxed or paid job and find time for science. After all, we quickly lost the days when science was considered the lot of the" caste " of employees of scientific holes and educational institutions.

14.02.2013 9:42, Yakovlev

If the number of funds allocated for science is divided into a scientific product in our country and in the West , we will see that the scientific product is paid 50 times higher. That is, our employees work just like that and it is not clear how they pay for all reagents and optics in general. Now something is somehow changing. For example, we have excellent optics, very good equipment for molecular work. But that was a decade ago... That's the trouble... The workload in higher education institutions is about 3-5 times lower. I am well acquainted with many teachers and professors in Germany and Japan. They just fuck up - how they work in the Russian Federation.... Getting 650 bucks of a professorial rate, leading a bunch of classes, working on the most primitive equipment and still being printed periodically in WoS-they are amazed. If the budget of Harvard is half the budget of the entire Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation. What can I say?... a professor in Nigeria gets 10 times more!
And articles in the same ZooKeys are paid for by institutions.
And how to speak is a small matter. About dissertations - recently in Heidelberg, a TERRIBLE dissertation was published on the day butterflies of Hangai, which lists the species Colias staudingeri, Kretania euripilus etc.

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