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ZIN library

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AGG, 24.04.2015 19:27

Dear colleagues!

We are writing to you with a huge request!

Today FANO posted a questionnaire on the demand for academic libraries.

The ultimate goal of the survey is to close academic libraries that specialize in paper media.

Please fill out the questionnaire indicating your interest in libraries and paper media - books and magazines!

The application form is available here:


The questionnaire is not very convenient, you need to click "vote" after answering each question, otherwise the results are reset

Unfortunately, the questionnaire can be filled out once from a single IP address, so it can only be filled out once from all ZIN computers, and the results are very necessary.

If possible, please forward the email to your colleagues!

Many thanks in advance from our entire library!


24.04.2015 20:48, AGG

"rationalism" and" optimization "begin to cross all possible "edges"wall.gif: schools and kindergartens merge together, departments / institutes merge and/or are abolished. now we've reached the libraries! it looks wink.giflike they rake in 7-8k/month for their wives there (in the provinces, this is with personal income tax), but in the" capitals " they finally get greyhounds!!! nafig to us to feed ogloedov if everything can be digitized for xxx years and xxxx money and everything will become immortal! jump.gif
without clinking glasses! Amen to that! weep.gif

This post was edited by AGG - 24.04.2015 20: 52

24.04.2015 20:56, AGG

I propose to create a "Society of Original Witnesses": Yakobson, Lampert, Plavilshchikov, Yakhontov, Semenov, Pallas, Przhevalsky....and many others, including all the volumes on the fauna of Europe and so on and so forth, which are filled with corridors ZINa, BAN, ZM MSU, ..... shuffle.gif This list will only include people who have seen these works "in paper"!!!! And I have made every effort to preserve this UNIQUE heritage!
I have such an assumption - in connection with this "transition to digital" soon a lot of interesting books will "pop up" on the market shuffle.gifpeople want to eat - we are flying to / orony, we are flying!

This post was edited by AGG - 24.04.2015 21: 25

25.04.2015 16:55, AGG

I remember Boris Korotyaev, wrote a receipt under his responsibility, so that I took out and otkseriril EA about barbels smile.gifI went with 2 magazines in the gallery of 12 colleges, and when I reached the philosophical building, where there was a single copier, the studers dispersed "automatically" because it took a couple of hours wink.gif

it's great to look at the "figure", but nothing can replace "paper"! but!!! and do not forget that we are in Mother Russia, here you will not find Europe....

This post was edited by AGG-25.04.2015 21: 36

26.04.2015 10:51, Лавр Большаков

So, please know that the corridors in ZIN are NOT filled with these antique books. They are filled with more recent large-circulation periodicals belonging to the REO library.
And no receipts are required for taking books out of the library and, especially, the ZIN building. Fill out the standard order form and go to the copier with the librarian's permission.

This post was edited by Bolivar - 05/11/2015 20: 09

27.04.2015 10:11, Penzyak

Like little children-by God! Don't you understand why this is done by pseudoscientific bosses? They will close the issue of paper - they will disperse librarians, many of whom are already old and possibly retired... they'll want new ones and then they won't find them!
All this is clearly done to save the funds of a scientific or pedagogical institution, by any means! Just now they are reducing the research staff of old men at Moscow State University, requiring them to report articles published over the hill in cool magazines... Young pindos managers from science are now sitting and working off their salary with such cool innovations to save money... at the same time, they themselves are godlessly far from science and by and large they don't give a damn what to steer now... if only the money went.

27.04.2015 11:55, Penzyak

So much for the nerds:

Dear colleagues!

I inform you about another idiocy, which must be fought (because they do not know
what they are doing)! Many scientists need not only electronic libraries, but also real
ones. I know this as a person who is engaged in the history of his science.

Please support scientific libraries and distribute this letter as
widely as possible!

L. Y. Borkin


To: All employees
Subject: Library: VERY IMPORTANT!!!

Dear readers,

We are writing to you with a huge request!

FANO posted a questionnaire on the demand for academic libraries.
The ultimate goal of these surveys is to close down libraries that specialize in
hard copies (books and magazines, including the old collection), under
the pretext that the Presidential Library and
electronic resources on the Internet will meet the needs of employees. However, the use of the Presidential Library
is very difficult for the average user, at best, access
is limited, and electronic resources are available only as long as they
are paid for by grant organizations or academic libraries.
Please fill out the questionnaire indicating the high demand
for and interest in preserving and receiving paper media in libraries!

The application form is available here:

Unfortunately, the questionnaire can be filled out only once from a single IP address;
therefore, it is advisable to fill out the questionnaire from home computers or laptops or
smartphones with a separate network. If you don't have this option, please
ask your relatives or friends to do it!
Data is urgently needed!

We are very grateful in advance!

your librarie

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