Community and Forum → Other questions. Insects topics → Development of a public website on insects
Peter Khramov, 07.03.2016 1:14
In continuation and development of the topic
At the end of last year grew up to
The core of the site is a tree of taxa and a catalog of insect species. Around them are sections/services that interact closely with them. Sections can be either general (for example, a photo gallery where insect photos are uploaded by site users), or private (a service or project for a specific work of a particular person or group). Examples of the latter include qualifiers, systems for recording species in certain territories, and so on ad infinitum.
The quality of the core depends on the specialists who work with it. Therefore, the site has introduced a system for curating individual insect taxa. The curator is responsible for putting the taxon tree in order and keeping it up — to-date, plus (to a lesser extent) the catalog-within their own taxon. For some taxa, there may be several curators interacting with each other at once, while for others, there may be none (hopefully temporarily). If there is no specialist curator, then the taxon is handled to the best of my ability by a curator of a broader specialization, and if there is no such person, then I (only at the most general level).
The full list of sources is collected in the updated section
Just a few days ago, we launched
Approximately this week we are launching a public exchange/salesman/gift shop of dry material for everyone who wants — again with reference to the catalog and the ability to select by a bunch of parameters.
All this is overlaid with a system of comments and (fully available in March) ratings/ratings.
So, — this is a sea where you can swim everywhere, or you can concentrate on one area, but with all seriousness. For those who want to focus, you can quickly limit the output information to a single unit (at the session level, registration on the site is optional) and limit it to a taxon of any level, starting from the subgenus (at the user configuration level, only for registered users). In other words, all classification, catalog, photos, and comments will be configured for output information only, for example, about ants.
P. S. If you have an idea for an entomological project, which will not be hindered by an online presentation linked to the catalog, taxon tree, and all other data — please voice it. It is quite possible that I will make it for you and your colleagues in the framework
P.S. There is often a situation when on the Internet it seems that something is wrong and wrong and well, but you talk in person or at least on the phone — and everything is much clearer, and in general people completely agree and think in the same direction. Therefore, if you see that such a site is the right thing for you, but something you really don't like and prevents you from working with it — you can not only write and read, you can just call the phones +7 (495) 255-00-95 (Moscow), 8-800-775-60-95 (Number for free calls from the regions, including from mobile phones) and discuss everything. You can also use these numbers to ask any questions about the site and how to work with it. In the next couple of weeks, I will try to be on the phone more often, and even if I don't answer, they will switch you to me (or just call me).
P. s. S. S. And also for users there is a special entomological shop, where prices are slightly lower than on the "Naturalist".
As before, I offer to participate in the development of the project, and I will also be happy to listen to all thoughts/comments on the topic of such a site and answer any questions. Plus, I attach a survey similar to the previous topic.
Past results:
3% The idea is good, but almost impossible — it was not worth starting
35% The idea is not bad, if someone succeeds, I will be happy to use
it 61% I will participate in the content and other development of such a resource myself, if it is worthy of it
Peter Khramov.
This post was edited by Asar-07.03.2016 01: 20
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