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Can you tell us where to put your butterfly collection?

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsCan you tell us where to put your butterfly collection?

Seneka, 19.06.2019 10:37

I was asked a question and promised to find out.
The collection is medium-sized, measured in cabinets. I don't know how many boxes there are.
Butterflies from all over the world.

I can't name the owner.

I immediately thought about the museum, but I know the Moscow State University Museum. There, the storage conditions are not very...
Like Darwin's, I don't know.


19.06.2019 14:05, Konung

I was asked a question and promised to find out.
The collection is medium-sized, measured in cabinets. I don't know how many boxes there are.
Butterflies from all over the world.

I can't name the owner.

I immediately thought about the museum, but I know the Moscow State University Museum. There, the storage conditions are not very...
Like Darwin's, I don't know.

is it necessary to attach it to the museum? you can go to the ISIEDH of Novosibirsk, for example, or visit us at the Omsk Historical and Local Lore Center.

19.06.2019 14:59, Seneka

A person is worried about long-term safety and usefulness, so he prefers to go to the museum, I also had the first independent thought - to the museum.

If it was a ready-made exhibition, it would be possible. However, the collection is not prepared for the exhibition, you need to work with it. In the local history department, there are no full-time employees(entomologists) or a special storage space. The collection will die faster there than at home.

ISiEZ is more interesting, I wish someone would unsubscribe from there, about the storage conditions.
True, it is a long way to drive from Moscow.

In general, I wonder if somewhere in Russia they were able to create a modern storage system, as in the West?

The most appropriate place would be the Moscow State University Museum, because there, in addition to the exhibition, they conduct research work. But the storage conditions reset this option to zero.

This post was edited by Seneka - 21.06.2019 08: 52

24.06.2019 16:05, CosMosk

in Darwinovsky will be buried in the funds. a purely official and commercial museum.

the Russian Federation was honored to catalog each copy, but "info-system" of course..
and now employees take pictures of who is what, and what quality of shovel could be found mixed with Catherine's scoops, I don't know how now, but "loot must be mastered" - the essence)

This post was edited by CosMosk - 24.06.2019 16: 08

24.06.2019 16:55, Mantispid

What's wrong with ZMMU storage conditions? They are no worse than in other museums.

26.06.2019 16:35, Konung

A person is worried about long-term safety and usefulness, so he prefers to go to the museum, I also had the first independent thought - to the museum.

If it was a ready-made exhibition, it would be possible. However, the collection is not prepared for the exhibition, you need to work with it. In the local history department, there are no full-time employees(entomologists) or a special storage space. The collection will die faster there than at home.

ISiEZ is more interesting, I wish someone would unsubscribe from there, about the storage conditions.
True, it is a long way to drive from Moscow.

In general, I wonder if somewhere in Russia they were able to create a modern storage system, as in the West?

The most appropriate place would be the Moscow State University Museum, because there, in addition to the exhibition, they conduct research work. But the storage conditions reset this option to zero.

Don't consider the ZIN?

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