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African assassin bugs (Reduviidae)

Community and ForumInsects breedingAfrican assassin bugs (Reduviidae)

RippeR, 08.09.2006 14:05

I bought predatory birds in the Odessa Zoo (special thanks to them)
I've been keeping it since about mid-August. Naotkladyvali me here yayok. Please tell me (who knows) what are the best conditions to create, how much hatching to wait for, than to feed the young. I didn't find any information in the net.. And, if possible, how much the larva develops to an adult bedbug.


08.09.2006 18:20, Dmitrii Musolin

And what kind of view, do you know?

I'll see what I've got on the raptors on Monday. but in general, they can have very long cycles - they are record holders among bedbugs, at least terrestrial. Full cycle and 2 years maybe....

I think they will hatch in 2 weeks at room temperature. temperature (it is unlikely that they have an embryo diapause). I don't think there are any special conditions for eggs-just so that it's not very dry.

What to feed you should have asked at the zoo! it seems that flies can be used. In general, I will see what is in the articles.
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09.09.2006 23:47, RippeR

biguttata view (I wrote it correctly only) smile.gif
Well, even if they don't grow so badly for a long time, it's good at least that the eggs will hatch very soon, otherwise we had to wait for 4 months or even more sticks (and during this time we could already throw them away 300 times, thinking that the eggs died)

With flies that will be a problem in the winter to find frown.giffruit flies can still be somehow bred at this time of year? I would like to get some more crickets, otherwise the reptiles all died frown.gifBefore we had people who bred geckos, some cockroaches, feed crickets, and now I can't find their phone number, so I don't know where to get it, maybe I'll go to Odessa somehow..

In general, the impressions of breeding them are positive-it's interesting to watch them-how they hunt, how they lay eggs, burying their ass in the ground - and in general they are stupid to insanity - the filly will move her wings, they are so scared, sometimes they don't see the victim, sometimes their victim crawls right over them, steps on their eyes, and they are zero emotions smile.giffunny kids

11.09.2006 14:02, Dmitrii Musolin

is it Platymeris biguttata or something? So the Internet is full of data on how to breed.

That's what Platymeris biguttata said right away:

can you translate it? if not, write to me and I'll translate it briefly.

Bolivar even wrote here: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=72996&st=50
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11.09.2006 22:33, RippeR

Yupi! He. Only when I searched, I didn't find anything for some reason.. thank you

13.09.2006 21:14, Асаф

When there are kids, I'm waiting for my dad to visit me! beer.gif

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