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Community and ForumInsects breedingWasps

RSRS, 20.01.2007 16:21

Please, I am interested in keeping paper wasps at home in general, and in particular Polistes dominulus. Tell us about the design of the terrarium, the conditions of maintenance and feeding. Thank you in advance.


20.01.2007 23:53, BO.

Please, I am interested in keeping paper wasps at home in general, and in particular Polistes dominulus. Tell us about the design of the terrarium, the conditions of maintenance and feeding. Thank you in advance.

I live for the fourth month Polistes gallicus (Polistes gallicus), in a plastic transparent box 10cm x 5cm x 5cm . Once a week I change two cotton balls: one moistened with water, the other with honey. I put a few twigs from different trees in the box, paper-I don't want to make a nest frown.gif, maybe I don't have enough food for the larvae. There is an idea to put a piece of balyk , in the summer the wasps are very much attracted to it.
But with the pill wasps, nothing happens. The other day, one wasp was hatched , and three days later it died. Heat, water, honey, light - I don't understand what is missing ? Maybe still, due to the increase in temperature, the process of turning the larva into a wasp accelerated by 2-3 months, and the wasp did not hatch quite full-fledged.

21.01.2007 1:08, RSRS

I certainly am not an expert on wasps otherwise I would not have asked questions, but I think your wasp needed wintering and the box seems to me small for it..
This is purely my opinion.. I saw you have some WASP specialists on your site here. I really hope they will enlighten us..

22.01.2007 11:32, sealor

I have kept many different social insects, but only in such a way that the nest is on the balcony and they can fly freely in search of food. Kept polistov, German wasps, honeybees and various types of bumblebees.
I plan to settle polistov and germanskikh in the coming season.

My opinion is this - in such conditions as BO. polist is unlikely to build a nest. First, as I noticed, for example, German wasps do not like "compulsion", if you put the queen caught in the spring in the process of finding a place for the nest in some container, then it will never settle the nest there, and it dies.
And then, after all, wasps need a larger volume, a variety of food, they need insects that they catch for larvae, for some they need specific sources of material for the nest.
I can send you articles of the Congress on invertebrates that describe the experience of keeping German wasps in terrariums for display in zoos.

22.01.2007 22:46, RSRS

sealor, if you don't mind..
Interesting to see.

28.01.2011 22:35, vespa crabro

a suitable terrarium for keeping bumblebees 30cm. d. 30cm. w 40cm.в.

29.01.2011 2:26, Elion

a suitable terrarium for keeping bumblebees 30cm.d. 30cm.w 40cm.h.

Few. Read Grebennikov's books - he was a great expert on keeping bumblebees.

26.02.2011 16:36, vespa crabro

Here is information about the contents of Polistes OS, Vespa. smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

26.02.2011 18:17, vespa crabro


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