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Tropical butterflies for captive breeding

Community and ForumInsects breedingTropical butterflies for captive breeding

Entomon, 28.02.2012 9:41

Cethosia Biblis
Hypolimnus Bolina
Danaus Crysippus
Ideopsis Juventa
Graphium Agamemnon
Doleschallia Bisaltide
Papilio Demoleus
Hebomoja Glaucippe
Idea Leuconoe
Parthenos Sylvia Philippensis
Pachliopta Kotzebuea
Papilio Polytes
Papilio Palinurus
Papilio Lowi
Papilio Rumanzovia
Troides Rhadamantus
Morpho peleides
Caligo atreus
Caligo eurilochus
Caligo memnon
Catonephele sp.
Danaus plexippus
Eryphanis polyxena
Hamadryas sp.
Heliconius sp.
Mycelia cyaniris
Nessaea aglaura
Papilio thoas
Parides sp.
Phoebis sp.
Prepona omphale
Siproeta stelenes
Dysphania sp.
Athyma perius
Lexias dirtea
Precis atlites
Tanaecia flora
Tirumala septentrionis
Papilio paris
Kallima paralekta
Papilio Maacki
Papilio Bianor
Papilio demodocus
Papilio dardanus
Papilio ophidacephalus
Papilio nireus
Charaxes sp.
Actias Selene
Antheraea Pernyi
Argema Mimosae
Attacus atlas
Cricula Trifenestrata

This post was edited by Entomon - 04/16/2012 16: 59


Pages: 1 2

29.02.2012 7:02, captolabrus

Wonderful greenhouse list. What do you mean by that ?

29.02.2012 9:14, Entomon

Wonderful greenhouse list. What do you mean by that ?

which of them are the easiest to breed doma

01.03.2012 6:30, captolabrus

You will review the food supply for each species, and understand what's what. I was going to try using peanuts to make a morph. But it was never assembled, and the area for planting a sufficient amount of biomass was not found. Think for yourself, breeding is not a dozen caterpillars, then getting attached to our equivalents of forage plants means reproducing only seasonally, and if you are going to keep a permanent population, then find out what they feed on and what can be grown at home on a permanent basis. Well, I poured you some water, then it's up to you!

01.03.2012 10:08, Entomon

Morpho (at least Mogpho peleides) can also be grown on Acacia and clover.

01.03.2012 19:00, captolabrus

On legumes in one word.

01.03.2012 19:10, captolabrus

And most sailboats require citrus fruits, if I'm not mistaken. Grow papilio swallowtail on dill. You'll gain some experience.

30.03.2012 9:00, Entomon

I'm torn between Attacus atlas and Mogho peleides, who is easier to breed? And what conditions do Morpho pleides caterpillars need?

This post was edited by Entomon-30.03.2012 13: 40

30.03.2012 10:23, Sergey85

Better Atlas! Morfyd hasn't bred yet, I don't know. And here is a good suggestion for you about Swallowtails!!!

30.03.2012 13:30, Entomon

Better Atlas! Morfyd hasn't bred yet, I don't know. And here is a good suggestion for you about Swallowtails!!!

Only buy swallowtails.

30.03.2012 14:25, Sergey85

You can also exchange it!

30.03.2012 18:54, Entomon

In large quantities, I can only offer giant scolia and burdock.

30.03.2012 22:25, Entomon

If I am not mistaken, the following 8 representatives will be suitable for home breeding:
1. Attacus atlas;
2. Argma mimosae;
3. Actias selene;
4. Phoebis sennae;
5. Myscelia cyaniris;
6. Hebmoia glaucippe;
7. Hypolimnus bolina;
8. Morpho pleides.

31.03.2012 18:27, Sergey85

Many will do, you just need to have experience, and constantly build it up!

04.04.2012 6:26, captolabrus

If you start with the atlas, you will immediately encounter the situation of males leaving and females "hanging". Therefore, you will need to buy several batches, connect the delivery time and the release time of imago. Estimate the required amount of food. In general, success to you, and go ahead! Without experience of mistakes, nothing will happen . And do not forget that many tropics need high humidity and at the same time good ventilation.

04.04.2012 13:05, Entomon

If you start with the atlas, you will immediately encounter the situation of males leaving and females "hanging". Therefore, you will need to buy several batches, connect the delivery time and the release time of imago. Estimate the required amount of food. In general, success to you, and go ahead! Without experience of mistakes, nothing will happen . And do not forget that many tropics need high humidity and at the same time good ventilation.

I have limited finances, so I will grow peleides.

04.04.2012 18:52, captolabrus

You are not the only one teapot.gifwho takes detailed notes and photographs , accumulate ,in a word, invaluable experience, and share it with us!

04.04.2012 19:02, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

I'm sorry, I accidentally looked into the topic, butterflies are far from my interests.

Such a book was seen: "Tkacheva E. Yu., Berezin M. V. 2010. From butterflies of the house to the House of butterflies: a guide to the maintenance and breeding of lepidoptera, Moscow: Akropolis Publishing House, (series "Home Exotarium"). - 152 p., fig.: 80 color photos on the tab. Scientific editor of the doc. Professor of the Department of Entomology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University V. B. Chernyshev. ISBN 978-5-988070-34-4"?

Likes: 2

04.04.2012 19:56, Entomon

I'm sorry, I accidentally looked into the topic, butterflies are far from my interests.

Such a book was seen: "Tkacheva E. Yu., Berezin M. V. 2010. From butterflies of the house to the House of butterflies: a guide to the maintenance and breeding of lepidoptera, Moscow: Akropolis Publishing House, (series "Home Exotarium"). - 152 p., fig.: 80 color photos on the tab. Scientific editor of the doc. Professor of the Department of Entomology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University V. B. Chernyshev. ISBN 978-5-988070-34-4"?


I saw it of course! I even wanted to buy it, but I can't find it anywhere, can you tell me something?

This post was edited by Entomon-04.04.2012 19: 57

04.04.2012 19:58, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Did you write to the authors? Although, if the publication is commercial, then the authors may have only a few copies.

04.04.2012 20:00, Entomon

By the way, I have just searched, it has already appeared in in the store , I'll order it now!

This post was edited by Entomon-04.04.2012 20: 35

04.04.2012 21:18, Sergey85

There are also books: butterflies in the home insectarium(Tkachev O. A., Tkacheva E. Yu.) and breeding butterflies "Tips of a veterinarian" (V. V. Bashinsky). In all such books, everything is almost one to one written, but there are good tips everywhere!

05.04.2012 2:39, metall-mikki

Oh, by the way...good books that Sergey85 called (Tkachev and Bashinsky) - you can say that there is all the basic information on the content of butterflies...
The rest of the nuances are already the personal practice of butterfly guardians)

05.04.2012 21:09, Entomon

There are also books: butterflies in the home insectarium(Tkachev O. A., Tkacheva E. Yu.) and breeding butterflies "Tips of a veterinarian" (V. V. Bashinsky). In all such books, everything is almost one to one written, but there are good tips everywhere!
Oh, by the way...good books that Sergey85 called (Tkachev and Bashinsky) - you can say that there is all the basic information on the content of butterflies...
The rest of the nuances are already the personal practice of butterfly guardians)

Are these the ones? IMG_2829.JPG

05.04.2012 21:15, Sergey85

Well, yes!!!

05.04.2012 21:46, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

I must admit that this is the first time I've heard about the advice of a veterinarian (?) and O. Tkachev. I can't say anything bad, I just wasn't interested in this topic. But, Tkacheva E. Yu. and Berezin M. V. are professionals of the highest level, after all, the Moscow Zoo is by no means the last place in animal breeding.

05.04.2012 23:42, Wild Yuri

And what conditions do Morpho pleides caterpillars need?

Peanut leaves. On them, the females also lay eggs well.

06.04.2012 8:42, vasiliy-feoktistov

Tkachev O. A., Tkacheva E. Yu. "Butterflies in the domestic insectarium". I found this book in my bins, posted it, read smile.gifit .
Likes: 1

06.04.2012 11:57, Siriniti

All priva) who can tell me where you can buy tropical butterfly caterpillars)))

06.04.2012 11:58, Guest

write to your email address sirine4ka@mail.ru

06.04.2012 12:33, Wild Yuri

All priva) who can tell me where you can buy tropical butterfly caterpillars)))

In the Internet, vestimo. Type in Google: "buy butterfly caterpillar" and "buy butterfly pupae". Dozens of vendors will pop up. In Russia, too, there are. Type "butterfly pupae"in Yandex. Look for caterpillar suppliers inside Russia on molbiol. smile.gif

This post was edited by Wild Yuri - 06.04.2012 20: 08

06.04.2012 19:48, Entomon

By the way, I have just searched, it has already appeared in in the store , I'll order it now!

Here you can pay more for delivery than for a book! Does anyone know where else to buy it?

This post was edited by Entomon-06.04.2012 20: 16

15.04.2012 13:28, Entomon

Here's what I found about Selena:
Actias selene (Hübner, 1806), Saturniidae, Saturniinae
In captivity, caterpillars obtained as a result of breeding from artificial culture in mid-July continued to feed on birch and apple trees until the end of August. The butterflies appeared at the end of September. The caterpillars obtained as a result of captive breeding from an artificial culture in early October were fed on poplar, elm, raspberry, and in late autumn and winter they were fed on lingonberries until the end of December. The butterflies appeared at the end of May of the following year. From indoor plants, you can also use azalea. The pupa in the cocoon normally overwinters at temperatures from +5 to-5C and moderate humidity, possibly withstands lower temperatures. Breeding was carried out and gave good results, long-term culture is possible. There are also reliable data on good results of breeding in captivity. (Message from R. Nenashev, Gomel)

Taken from the page http://www.macrolepidoptera.ru/info/83

19.04.2012 0:11, Сергей71

[quote=Entomon,15.04.2012 14:28]
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19.04.2012 14:37, Entomon

I would also add that some people die from condensation in the cage. And yet: the second generation grows very slowly (mating 26. VII, laying 27. VII, pupation 2. XI.) Fed oak leaves-birch, apple, cherry-for some reason ignored from birth. And, by the way, it's good that the oak tree, in the Moscow region in early November, you can still pick up rare green twigs only on the oak tree.
In general, the feeling is that in the fall they do not have enough heat even in the apartment - I put the cages on the warm lid of the aquarium - they seem to have more fun moving their jaws.

And how do they handle crowding?

19.04.2012 16:05, Сергей71

the older you get, the worse it gets.
Likes: 1

20.04.2012 10:58, Entomon

How much space is needed for hundreds of adult caterpillars?

20.04.2012 14:43, Сергей71

I kept the Euchloron (Acherontia atropos)separate, as in this photo http://molbiol.ru/forums/uploads/a001/b034...-1233082296.jpg
But since the food is ordinary foliage, and not an artificial environment, I wrapped a cut of a branch with a wet napkin and wrapped it tightly in plastic wrap. I also lined the bottom of the box with a napkin (toilet paper) and put the same piece under the lid, so that excess condensate was absorbed into the paper. 3-4 age normally lived in a team of 10-15 pcs, in 5 liters of eggplants from under the mines.water (the bottom is cut off, the bottle is turned over, the branches are put in water and passed through the neck-respectively, from above, instead of the cut bottom-a grid) Only it is necessary to calibrate the tracks in groups - so that the whole group is more or less in the same weight category.
Likes: 1

22.06.2014 21:44, AnnetLepidopterolog

You will review the food supply for each species, and understand what's what. I was going to try using peanuts to make a morph. But it was never assembled, and the area for planting a sufficient amount of biomass was not found. Think for yourself, breeding is not a dozen caterpillars, then getting attached to our equivalents of forage plants means reproducing only seasonally, and if you are going to keep a permanent population, then find out what they feed on and what can be grown at home on a permanent basis. Well, I poured you some water, then it's up to you!

I tried on peanuts, my morphos were not at all impressed with this plant

22.06.2014 21:49, AnnetLepidopterolog

If you start with the atlas, you will immediately encounter the situation of males leaving and females "hanging". Therefore, you will need to buy several batches, connect the delivery time and the release time of imago. Estimate the required amount of food. In general, success to you, and go ahead! Without experience of mistakes, nothing will happen . And do not forget that many tropics need high humidity and at the same time good ventilation.

mda I suffered the same fate with atakusami. Perfectly grown sailboats on citrus, generally unpretentious, except that the food plant they have LIMOOOOONlol.gif, kotory is worth a horseradish and does not grow in our strip

I have a question in this topic, maybe someone came across postponed my Caligo Memnon, do not believe it, there is no problem not on a banana, but on zameokulkasmol.gif, caterpillars appeared, and then everything hung weep.gifup, who has experience?

Pages: 1 2

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