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Tropical butterflies for captive breeding

Community and ForumInsects breedingTropical butterflies for captive breeding

Pages: 1 2

23.06.2014 9:41, Entomon

Kaligo eat cannas wonderfully, look for them in the flower beds.
Well, with sailboats, too, everything is not so bad: smile.gifthey eat Ponzirus trifoliata as well as citrus fruits. It is a close relative of citrus fruits, belongs to the Rutaceae family, genus Ponzirus. Keeps frost down to -25 without shelter.
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23.06.2014 12:07, AnnetLepidopterolog

Kaligo eat cannas wonderfully, look for them in the flower beds.
Well, with sailboats, too, everything is not so bad: smile.gifthey eat Ponzirus trifoliata as well as citrus fruits. It is a close relative of citrus fruits, belongs to the Rutaceae family, genus Ponzirus. Keeps frost down to -25 without shelter.

Well, I understand peanuts grow at a great speed, but will the trifoliata Pontirus be eaten faster than it grows?

23.06.2014 12:12, AnnetLepidopterolog

Kaligo eat cannas wonderfully, look for them in the flower beds.
Well, with sailboats, too, everything is not so bad: smile.gifthey eat Ponzirus trifoliata as well as citrus fruits. It is a close relative of citrus fruits, belongs to the Rutaceae family, genus Ponzirus. Keeps frost down to -25 without shelter.

zameokulkas is easier to get in large quantities and cheaper than Cannes, at least here. I have a hunch that the owls may still have something to eat like zameokulkas inexpensive, since they postponed it

21.07.2014 0:36, Entomon

Why buy Cannes? Just go to the nearest flower bed with a hole and cut off a couple of leaves. And with Ponzirus, not everything is so bad smile.gifIn the fruit, there are many more seeds than pulp, so it is not so difficult to sow a large area with them.

21.07.2014 20:43, Andreas

What kind of butterflies can you grow on a banana?

21.07.2014 20:44, Andreas

Other than Caligo Memnon?

24.07.2014 23:17, Euchloron

I don't know about kaligo, but erifannis polyxena (from the same family) eats many banal cereals well, including hedgehogs and the like.
Morpho is easily bred on clover and some other legumes, but grows slowly frown.gif
Many more good species eat European kirkazon. There are a lot of people you can breed on it. Including troides, pakhliopts of all kinds, birdwings, etc.

27.07.2014 14:55, Andreas

I just have a lot of bananas divorced, so I became interested in who can be fed with benefits.

24.12.2014 19:17, guest: Катя

Good day
I started a house of Blue Morphs (morpho peladies)
Are alive and well, they eat well. The conditions seem to be quite suitable too (humid and the temperature is about 26-28). But they don't reproduce in any way. Trying to grow on peanuts
What could be the problem?
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21.03.2021 16:24, Анна Анатольевна Пушкинская

Please help me, someone . I have a blue morpho butterfly, I made a house out of a plastic bottle, and soaked the peas, they are about to rise. Tell me what else can I do for her ? She eats orange and tangerine (cut. How else can I make conditions for her to live long and lay eggs ?
I've never had butterflies. Help me with tips, I really ask those who know ! Write to me: anchapuch2012@ mail. ru

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