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It's late with my winter quarters

Community and ForumInsects breedingIt's late with my winter quarters

infinity64, 08.01.2018 18:54

There are two colonies of Lasius flavus, living in gypsum formicariums, the size of the colonies is approximately 10 individuals each. There are no larvae, or I don't see them ( due to the unfortunate design of the formicaria). The families are half a year old, I caught the queens in August.
The ants were in diapause, but I noticed it too late. Is it worth sending ants to an accelerated winter camp now, or is it better not to disturb them?


08.01.2018 19:22, ИНО

Ready-made lyazius families do not need to spend the winter in any special conditions.

15.01.2018 12:14, xoshAmadam

The ants were in diapause, but I noticed it too late. Is it worth sending ants to an accelerated wintering now, or is it better not to disturb them?

What does "accelerated wintering" mean? O_o

In principle, no problems-cool slowly and put in the refrigerator at +5...7C to remove, and that's it.

They can winter without cooling, but then the uterus will die sometimes...

15.03.2018 22:01, ИНО

Sometime later, the uterus will always die.

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