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Problems with the Dead Head

Community and ForumInsects breedingProblems with the Dead Head

Моника, 26.12.2021 19:56

Hello, I bought 13 small caterpillars, first I kept them on the IPS for hawkmoth, as the seller advised. Maintained heat, humidity, and ventilation. The caterpillars began to die. I thought of a low-quality IPS, bought it in another place, planted half of the caterpillars for Wednesday, half for (fodder) seedlings of tomatoes and peppers. There are both losses. 4 remained , by this time sprouted potatoes and a sprig of privet, planted on them, the result is deplorable. There is only one caterpillar left, does not grow,does not shed, sits in one place, it is waiting for the same fate..... I wrote off with different people who know these caterpillars, everyone said that everything is normal, the caterpillars do not take root well and I do everything right . What did I do wrong? There is no limit to my frustration....


27.12.2021 0:22, ИНО

27.12.2021 10:17, Моника

I was looking for this view, found it in Moscow. The humidity in our apartment is very low, the plants even dry out, so I support spraying on a fine dispersion without large drops. Today, the last caterpillar has passed away. Environments are standard, for hawk moth, from whom I bought caterpillars, they said that they eat, but I have doubts whether they eat anything at all from the proposed....

27.12.2021 11:24, ИНО

Clear. With a high probability, it was by spraying that you destroyed them. These are not stick insects, you can't spray them.

27.12.2021 14:51, Моника

So the caterpillars were dry, even the plants, I say very dry in the house. I have a fog generator, fine dispersion in the air.

27.12.2021 17:20, ИНО

Fog generator - frogs are good, caterpillars are bad. What matters is not the size of the drops, but the humidity itself. For caterpillars, the lower the humidity (within the limits of what happens in apartments), the better. Otherwise, they all fall ill with bacterial or fungal infections and die. The caterpillars get all the necessary moisture from the feed, so the food should always be fresh and juicy. This is true for steppe species, which include the death's head. Perhaps the species living in the Gilean forests would benefit from your fog generator - I don't know, it didn't contain such things.

27.12.2021 17:28, Моника

So it's the humidity, I'll know who would have suggested it earlier ...

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