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A few questions about invertebrates

Community and ForumInsects breedingA few questions about invertebrates

Effgeniy, 13.02.2022 21:20

Hello, please tell me:
1. Here are the beetles kept in terrariums, but they don't live long, so I'm interested in ground beetles.
They live a long time, don't they?
What are the largest available species?
2. The same questions about the aquarius beetle(the biggest one is ours? Are the floaters smaller? Do they live long?)
3. According to ladybirds, it is also interesting to know which are the largest and how long they live
4. The same goes for fireflies
5. Now large bedbugs are gaining popularity.
Are there any large, soldier-like,red - and-black colors?
6. Which butterflies are the longest-lived?
And how long do they live?
7. Which type of solpuga is the largest and most unpretentious?
8. How long does a pretty dragonfly live?



14.02.2022 3:38, Бомка

If you create good conditions, then large ground beetles live for a year or two.
Here is the methodology - https://www.zin.ru/animalia/coleoptera/rus/worldc2.htm

14.02.2022 8:48, ИНО

Bladders and other large black-bodied beetles live the longest of all beetles.

Dragonflies, fireflies, and butterflies (adults) do not live long. All solpugs are whimsical.

Buy yourself a bird-eating spider (a young female) - you will get tired of waiting for it to die.
Likes: 1

26.02.2022 13:07, Horus89

Bladders and other large black-bodied beetles live the longest of all beetles.

Dragonflies, fireflies, and butterflies (adults) do not live long. All solpugs are whimsical.

Buy prostitutes of Novorossiysk for yourself,, a bird-eating spider (a young female) - you will get tired of waiting for it to die.

According to this principle, it is better to buy earthworms) They live almost forever, are unpretentious in everyday life.

03.03.2022 11:29, Kiseliov

Bladders and other large black-bodied beetles live the longest of all beetles.

Dragonflies, fireflies, and butterflies (adults) do not live long. All solpugs are whimsical.

Buy yourself a bird-eating spider (a young female) - you will get tired of waiting for it to die.

Here it depends on what kind, there are tanks that can not be taken, and there are sissies, like Caribena and Avicularia, which from a crooked look will die
Likes: 2

05.03.2022 16:19, Alesandrov

Here it depends on what kind of prostitutes Saratov - , there are tanks that can't be taken by anything, and there are sissies, like Caribena and Avicularia, who will die from a crooked look

How can you get them now? In our city, everything is generally closed, you can't get anything. They promise by April, but it is still questionable.

06.03.2022 18:41, Aleksandr Ermakov

Alesandrov from Saratov ))), a friendly tip-install some ad blocker.

07.03.2022 10:20, Kiseliov

How can you get them now? In our city, everything is generally closed, you can't get anything. They promise by April, but it is still questionable.

Now, due to low temperatures, they are not transported, but with a very strong desire, you can find the nearest city where there is a sale of spiders and spend the day off for pickup

07.03.2022 11:34, ИНО

It depends on what kind of view, there are tanks that can not be taken, and there are sissies, like Caribena and Avicularia, which will die from a crooked look.

I don't know what a caribena is (probably a new genus has been isolated again), but aviuklyarii are no less tenacious than most other tarantulas.

07.03.2022 12:45, Kiseliov

I don't know what a caribena is (probably a new genus has been isolated again), but aviuklyarii are no less tenacious than most other tarantulas.

Yes, a couple of years ago they separated a separate branch of the Caribene from the Avicularies, the most famous versicolor in the hobby was assigned to them
, moreover, they conducted an audit in the genus Brachypelma, now the good (red-assed) half is called Tliltocatl. Albiceps, epicureanum, schroderi, vagans, everything is now there
And avics are extremely sensitive to humidity, for comfortable development there should be 90% humidity with very good ventilation, as in mangroves, some even keep them without a substrate, only on water.

07.03.2022 13:01, Kiseliov

Hello, please tell me:
1. Here are the beetles kept in terrariums, but they don't live long, so I'm interested in ground beetles.
They live a long time, don't they?
What are the largest available species?
2. The same questions about the aquarius beetle(the biggest one is ours? Are the floaters smaller? Do they live long?)
3. According to ladybirds, it is also interesting to know which are the largest and how long they live
4. The same goes for fireflies
5. Now large bedbugs are gaining popularity.
Are there any large, soldier-like,red - and-black colors?
6. Which butterflies are the longest-lived?
And how long do they live?
7. Which type of solpuga is the largest and most unpretentious?
8. How long does a pretty dragonfly live?

Try the group content of the species Monocentropus balfori they are relatively inexpensive if you buy immediately a newborn group from one cocoon, if there is enough food, they do not canibalate, they weave very beautifully. It is fashionable to collect a large jar, 100 liters and admire these beauties for 15 years

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07.03.2022 13:07, Kiseliov

Just as a food base for spiders and as pets, you can keep and multiply the cool look of Zoophobas morio blackbirds. They do not live very long, but there are a lot
of them Still as an option, now on sale a huge number of a wide variety of cockroaches, kifsyakov, woodlice, collembolus, which compensate for the short-lived, fecundity

11.03.2022 17:37, ИНО

And avikas are extremely sensitive to humidity, for comfortable development there should be 90% humidity with very good ventilation, as in mangroves, some even keep them without a substrate, only on water.

Nonsense! Yes, they need high humidity, but no exotic ventilation is required. Just make a couple of rows of small holes in the lower part of the container, and a little more-in the upper part on the opposite wall, so that the total area is less than, for example, for brachypelmas. The entire area of the coconut at the bottom is filled to a dark color, but so that it does not drip. I have so verzikolory lived not grieved. On the water fools keep, who are then surprised by drowned people.

So it turns out that "albogans" is now an inter-generic hybrid? Clearly some rampant scribe was frolicking. Never mind, the matchmaker will come and everything will return to normal (nanda will also be pushed back to laziodora).

The message was edited INO-03/11/2022 17: 41

11.03.2022 17:45, ИНО

11.03.2022 18:54, Kiseliov

Oh, how quickly time flies! When I was in the business of keeping tarantulas, they were among the most expensive...

That's all now) Species diversity has skyrocketed, and even Poecilotheria (Poecilotheria), in fact all together included in the Cites list, is no longer a problem

11.03.2022 20:24, ИНО

Well, I had pecils (ornates), but I couldn't afford monocentropuses. Then there was another fashion quirk: the presence of a blue shade in the color of any spider automatically increased its cost by 2-3 times compared to the closest relatives of any other color. Probably, now this golubomania has already been overcome...

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