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Central Asia and Kazakhstan

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCentral Asia and Kazakhstan

Mylabris, 02.10.2006 20:13

I went to the Ili River in south-eastern Kazakhstan. After cold rains, sunny weather was established, +29. I poked around in the manure, collected some little babies. But the most interesting thing, as always, comes by chance. Under the rock, I found a nest of tetramorius ants and winged individuals among the workers. Since there are some, I randomly collected 5 males and 5 workers. But when I arrived, I found that these were males of the parasitic Strongylognathus ant. And among the workers - one individual worker of the same genus and another ant, which does not fit into any determinants. In general, strongilegnatus is clearly a new species, if not a subgenus - the worker has antennae of 11 segments. And that is the only working individual at all with 9 segments. Interesting movie! In general, autumn is rich in surprises in our deserts. In general, I'm going there again on the weekend.


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03.10.2006 14:30, RippeR

Congratulations! When you name it, enter the name in the topic "unusual Latin names" smile.gif

06.07.2007 0:07, Валерий А.

For two weeks I joined a small entomological expedition in southeastern Kazakstan. As a resident of the European part, I received an entomological shock. The number and variety of insects is amazing. For example, from Parnassus we met: mnemosyne, apollo, apollonius, delphius, actius, tianschanicus. I don't say anything about other families at all. The weather is always sunny, once only in the mountains there was rain and snow.
In general, I highly recommend it...

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06.07.2007 9:12, Zhuk


06.07.2007 11:23, mikee

For two weeks I joined a small entomological expedition in southeastern Kazakstan. As a resident of the European part, I received an entomological shock. The number and variety of insects is amazing. For example, from Parnassus we met: mnemosyne, apollo, apollonius, delphius, actius, tianschanicus. I don't say anything about other families at all. The weather is always sunny, once only in the mountains there was rain and snow.
In general, I highly recommend it...

Thanks! And who is it in the 5th photo with orange rear fenders?

06.07.2007 12:33, Guest

Melitaea ala (female)
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07.07.2007 0:37, Aleksandr Ermakov

Thanks! And who is it in the 5th photo with orange rear fenders?

And the first one with a net? wink.gif
Who is going to the Crimea, know that everything is burnt out, it is very hot (there is no rain for about a month, and t from June =35-39 gr.) and the weather resembles the end of August. By the way, this will have a negative effect on insects.

What about the ones that didn't have time to pupate? Bored out of my mind.?

07.07.2007 1:00, RippeR

That's all, I save up money and next year I'll go somewhere on a normal expedition frown.gif smile.gifAnd not under the house- * * mno sobrat

03.09.2007 14:38, Mylabris

I went for 4 days to the floodplain of the right bank of the Ili River, which is located in south-eastern Kazakhstan, 140 km north of Alma-Ata. During the day, it was hot under 40, and the vegetative vegetation was directly near the water, on the placor and in the river valley everything had long been burned out. Getting up before dawn, I went to a group of rocks located 1-1. 5 km from the coast. Meeting the dawn on one of the peaks, I decided to stir up the rocks. Most of the beetles were found in the genera Tenthyria, Scythis, and Anatolica. I also found copulating weevils under a rock. I was surprised to find a female Carabus from the eous group under one of the stones – I can't say up to the species yet. I will also mention two-scorpions and a German wasp, also found under the rocks. Of the ants, I found many reapers storing seeds, as well as small colonies of tapinom and cardiocondyls. And of course everywhere – predators Cataglyphys aenescens and Tetramorium caespitum. In the horse shit found two days ago, we managed to find aphodiaceae, carapaces (it looks like Chalcionellus and Saprinus), several staffs (Philontus) and bystrans of the genus Anthicus. Diptera are not very familiar to me as a taxonomist, but I will note a lot of Simulidae, which did not give rest all day, twirling around the face, flies (Muscidae?..) habitually similar to ordinary domestic ones, but having a proboscis and strongly "burning" throughout the daylight; lucilias and sarcophagids were also numerous. There were very few daytime butterflies-apparently, this can be explained by the almost complete absence of flowering plants (for a kilometer along the river I found only 1 bush of flowering kendyr, some blooming mint, and 2 pathetic helianthus flowers among the rocks). From afar I saw a swallowtail, once a pigeon, and that was all. Only satyrs of some sort were quite common – both in the valley and directly by the river. I saw a couple of dustpans flying into the car during the night. In conclusion, I will add that I collected only beetles, since other groups (with the exception of German women and ants) are not very familiar to me, and therefore the description is replete with verbosity. I didn't even get my" own " beetles out of the stains – I'm going to sort them out in two days. If necessary, I'll publish the list. And for clarity-pictures of those biotopes where I collected animals.
P.S. (to the moderator) when numerous attempts are made to upload a photo (size from 150 to 250 kilobytes), a page pops up with a concise and incomprehensible mathematical phrase: ||,69,70,71,4,53,64,72,||40||
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03.09.2007 22:39, Tigran Oganesov

Diptera are not very familiar to me as a taxonomist, but I will note a lot of Simulidae, which did not give rest all day, twirling around the face, flies (Muscidae?..) habitually similar to ordinary domestic ones, but having a proboscis and strongly "burning" throughout the daylight hours.
Zhigalki and were wink.gif Stomoxys sp. (sometimes allocated, sometimes not-sem. Stomoxidae from Muscidae)

03.03.2008 1:09, Валерий А.

The sun is almost spring, after the winter I already want to catch something, but it's too early.
I went through Satyrinae. I remembered last year's trip to Kazakhstan. Especially the first day. So I decided to share it...
We arrived early in the morning in Almaaty. We were met by a driver with a car hired by i-net. We arrived in the city. Well, I think now the eastern flavor will trample. But no, the era of globalization – the same mobile phones on billboards, the same Coca-Cola in tents and the same jeans on girls. Well, except that the ditches along the sidewalks and shoe cleaners are a little unusual. And of course, you can see the mountain peaks directly from the city...
We bought some groceries. They tried to get registered with the local police. They killed two hours in the migration department, filled out some forms, made copies of passports, etc. As a result, it turned out that registration was canceled for Russians and Belarusians (I don't know about Moldova). We left for the east around 17-00. After driving to the Turgen River, we stopped right next to the highway and went "into the field". The neighborhood looked pretty bleak from the car, like the mid-lane at the end of a hot August, but when I got a couple of steps away from the highway, I realized that I was on another planet. The sun was sinking to the horizon, but everything was flying, buzzing, chirping, running, and all this in huge quantities. A stream with very clear but very warm water. The dry shrubs, on closer inspection, were blooming and swarming with insects. On each inflorescence something was feeding... Large butterflies flying around were completely unfamiliar and behaved unusually (as it turned out later, they were very common Chazara enervata and Chazara briseis) they tried to sit on the ground in the shade of large trees and a fair amount of them were collected there. Taking off at the same time, they produced an indescribable effect on the psyche of an untrained entomologist. After an hour of fishing, I was exhausted and happy. My friends, who had been to Central Asia more than once, chuckled at me.
Then we reached the Kokpeg pass and decided to stop for the night. We turned off the highway and drove as far up the gorge as we could so that we couldn't be seen from the road. The vegetation was much richer, there was a very strong smell of flowering plants and shrubs, and despite the late evening, butterflies were still flying around (Satyrus ferula, Melanargia russia). Parted with the net when it got dark...
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14.04.2008 21:18, Mylabris

13.04.2008 SE Kazakhstan, left bank of the Ili River, 26 km below the hydroelectric power station. +20,

partly cloudy weather.
Since I have been in these places repeatedly for at least 15 years 3-6

Once a year I want to note the low vegetation activity of plants -

despite a very warm spring. I could only explain the severe drought

- greenery can only be found in the gorges of the rocks. Turtles are active

making love - who watched this spectacle for sure was amazed at how

rudeness of males towards females (they bite their friends ungodly) as well as

hissing screams (for a long time I thought that turtles are silent creatures).

Now about the entomofauna.
Daytime butterflies (which I'm not good at) were flying, one was caught

golubyanka, 2 copies of some satyrids and zorka. I've seen it about four times

swallowtails that tried to mate. In the mass, I saw caterpillars on any

from vegetative plants-I think some scoops. From ants all

banal - and reapers, and tetramoriums and runners. They immediately dug up their own

funnels and their eternal enemies-ant lions. In the shit caught in

massa gymnopleurus and onthophagus haroldi. The gorges were in full bloom

kurchavka and wild cherry on the flowers of which in the mass came across single

andre bees, thick-headed flies and tachins, as well as leatherworms from the genus

Anthraenus. A pair of scorpions were found while turning over the stones,

male eresus, a pair of bladders, hrnisolins, pecilus akinini, harpalus

amplicollis. In general, everything is banal for a given place at a given time.

Later I will put the butterflies on the definition for our dear experts and

a list of collected beetles - if anyone needs it. In the app - photos of biotopes.

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14.04.2008 21:44, Zhuk

Bladders? lol.gif

14.04.2008 21:55, Mylabris

Blaps Fabricius, Tenebrionidae.

17.04.2008 16:47, Mylabris

To the report on the Ili River from 13.04.
1. Blaps lethifera (m,f)
2. Tenthyria acuticollis (2f)
3. Zophozis punctata Brule (1m)
1. Chrysolina unicolor (2m,6f)
2. Hippocassida subferruginea Shrnk (1ex)
1. Saprinus cribellatus Mars (1m,1f)
1. Meligethes sp. (1ex)
1. Cardiophorus sp (1ex)
1. Harpalus serripes ernsti Kataev (1ex)
2. Poecilus tschitscherini (1f)
1. Ocypus sp (1m)
1. Anthraenus pimpinellae F. (6ex)
2. Attagenus steinbergi Zhant. (2ex)
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19.04.2008 21:00, Mylabris

Then what's it like for me? - I recently posted a report on ili here - then it was +27, my shoulders are now "climbing" - and outside the window the snow just melted, at night -6? Tomorrow on the bike I'm going to rewind 40 km to the nearest desert-I'm glad that at least the earth is soaked with moisture, and therefore the vegetation will start normally...

19.04.2008 21:17, Victor Titov

Tomorrow on the bike I'm going to rewind 40 km to the nearest desert-I'm glad that at least the earth is soaked with moisture, and therefore the vegetation will start normally...

Happy hunting, Kaa! smile.gif

28.05.2008 19:24, Mylabris

Somewhat late report on weekends.
22-24.05. 2008 SE Kazakhstan, 8 km W Issyk, dacha massif. 43°47'07''N/ 077°08'27''E.
The main goal is to search for individuals of Carabus bohemanni, which I "caught" in these places two weeks earlier.
In the evening I tried to catch the light. It didn't fly much (after 2 hours it started raining), mostly moths. Of the beetles - 4 males

softling, Pentodon bidens Pall., Aphodius strumi Har. Photos of butterflies will be posted in the appropriate topic.
At 12 o'clock in the morning it started to rain and I had to curl up. In the morning it was clear-caught pigeons Glaucopsyche alexix and

Cianiris semiargus. Under the rocks I found for the first time in my life a perokrylka-photo attached, 0.9 mm long. Drew it

attention to the weevils Otiorrhynchus sp., some of which crawled freely on the ground, and some of the individuals in

lazius anthills. When turning over a stone with an anthill, ants saved both their eggs and these eggs.

weevils. I don't know if there are any myrmecophiles among them? Under the stones were all sorts of harpalus, pecilus punctulatus,

pangus brachypes. I was surprised by the large number of ground beetles Dixus semicylindricus-it was found under almost every stone.

the shit was picked out by Aphodius immundus and Aphodius lugens. On a black currant bush, I collected a couple of Agrilus

tschitscherini Sem и Tetrops formosa bivittulata Plav. In the pool of male and female Gaurodytes sp. Excel file with

I attach it with fees. And most importantly: I found two males of Carabus bohemanni, although one was dead (but intact), inflated

P. S. went to the tame 3-year-old bear Grishka-eats directly from his hands. His owners ride him like a calf - but I don't

I didn't take the risk - after all, a beast is a beast...

This post was edited by Mylabris - 05/28/2008 19: 48

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28.05.2008 19:37, Fornax13

Is this really Daptus in the photo??? In my opinion, the most honest Dixus, and most likely semicylindricus (Piochard de la Brlerie, 1872).

28.05.2008 19:40, Mylabris

Ugh! Of course he is-my memory has failed me - daptus-dixus... I'm sorry!
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28.05.2008 19:49, Fornax13

But the little animal is still funny smile.gifAmong the weevils, they write that there are myrmecophiles (in Europe, anyway). But not from Entiminae. Did the ants really save them? wink.gif
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28.05.2008 20:27, Mylabris

That's it. And this is the second time I've seen this. But they are not obligate myrmecophiles-they are free and shy on the ground...
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28.05.2008 21:07, Fornax13

But who knows? Maybe this species has larvae in anthills - at least the humidity and temperature of the b. m. are stable theresmile.gif

This post was edited by Fornax13-05/28/2008 21: 08

29.05.2008 12:46, omar

Dear Milabris, please take a picture of these funny little animals. Very much intrigued.

14.06.2008 11:47, guest: Stan

Kirghiz ridge, village of Prokhladnoye, altitude about 1000-1100 m. n. o. m. - 14.06.2008 - from 9-00 to 12-00
Temperature 35 (in the morning) - 47 (in the afternoon), absolutely cloudless, no wind. In a word-inferno.

Melanargia parce and Chazara enervata fly in huge numbers, while Colias erate, Pontia chloridice, Pontia edusa, Polyommatus icadius, and Aricia agestis are slightly smaller. Interesting ones: a pair of Maculinea cyanecula and a very stripped Maculina arion, as well as Hyponephele dysdora and H. magna. There are a lot of different whiteflies (rapae, napi) and fatheads (Pyrgus ssp.). Argynnis pandora, Neolycaena engstroemi, Superflua sassanides.

In general, I was not impressed with the low mountains - tomorrow I will climb higher. A couple of H. naubidensis and a lot of Chazara bryzeis flew by pipo - it was unrealistic to run after them in this heat.

I was surprised by the abundance of ascalaphs in the wheat fields (close to the slopes) and the abundance of xylocops and some other large solitary hymenoptera. From the beetle tribe, mainly bronzes and abscesses were observed smile.gif.
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14.06.2008 11:49, guest: Stan

PS. And the night before the hike in the village of Kok-Zhar caught a couple of linear hawkmoth in perfect condition smile.gif. Sednya I'll go there again-maybe I'll get lucky again :D

16.06.2008 17:14, guest: Stan

2 Kemist

You won't get any live smile.gifones . I'm here until the middle of July, I'm afraid that they will not survive so much

07.09.2008 12:32, Raptor

September.the steppe seems to have died out, even there is nothing to brag weep.gifabout

12.05.2009 11:13, Yakovlev

Yesterday I returned from East Kazakhstan, where I was together with Elena Guskova and two botanists from Barnaul.
The route was as follows: Barnaul-Ugli, Ust-Kamenogorsk - Zyryanovsk-Verkhnenarymskoye-Kurchum-ferry to Kaznakovka and back.
The places are lovely. But spring is cold. Butterflies are a complete bummer.
On each point to stupefy P. afra. and all perhaps, except for a couple of lost raspberries suaveol.
The night is a complete failure. It's windy.
But there are a lot of good beetles, primarily poop scavengers.
If you want, I'll put out mattresses and biotopes.
Estimate from Barnaul 33,000 rubles. Including paying a bribe to Kazakhs at the border. In principle, I am satisfied.

I was also encouraged by the fact that excellent Georgian alcohol is sold in Kazakhstan. And delicate as nectar, Vazisubani touched our taste organs.
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12.05.2009 12:09, Liparus

If you want, I'll put out mattresses and biotopes.

Of course we want smile.gifto know what you caught

23.11.2009 21:21, Yakovlev

This is a very brief account of my trip to Kazakhstan in early May. In pictures
35-spurs of Kurchumsky district
58-Kalbinsky district
46-clay variegated flowers of Bukhtarma
, we did not catch anything. There was a wild refrigerator. Lena collected a few leaf-eaters, and there were very few beetles in tselovm. There were no butterflies at all!

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01.04.2010 18:12, chebur

End of March this year. Turkmenistan, Ashgabat.
There were few insects. There were only a few moths. I will be very grateful for your help in determining. I don't know the local fauna myself.
1. some kind of scoop
picture: 28.03. 10_Turkmenistan.Ashgabat.JPG
2. as far as I understand it, these are all variations of one type of moth
picture: 28.03. 10_Turkmenistan.Ашхабад__1_.JPG
picture: 28.03. 10_Turkmenistan.Ашхабад__2_.JPG
picture: 31.03. 10_Turkmenistan.Ashgabat.JPG
picture: 31.03. 10_Turkmenistan.Ашхабад__12_.JPG
3. another moth
picture: 28.03. 10_Turkmenistan.Ашхабад__5_.JPG
4. Eupithecia sp?
picture: 31.03. 10_Turkmenistan.Ашхабад__8_.JPG
5. Kopet-Dag
picture: 30.03.10_turkmenistan.Ашхабад__21_.JPG
6. Surrounding areas of Ashgabat
picture: 30.03.10_turkmenistan.Ашхабад__35_.JPG

This post was edited by chebur - 01.04.2010 18: 15
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01.04.2010 19:10, svm2

moth is similar to L. coassata
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01.04.2010 19:15, chebur

the moth is similar to L. coassata

And the second one is dark, it's a different species, or also L. coassata, but a melanist, what do you think?

01.04.2010 19:17, barko

A scoop from the genus Autophila may be asiatica, but without genitalia it is impossible to determine.
Eupithecia centaureata ssp. centralisata Staudinger, 1892

This post was edited by barko - 01.04.2010 19: 43
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01.04.2010 20:47, Sanbor

Chebur! And in the fifth photo, what is this mountain? Isn't that a Douche Bag? Something like that. How many years I spent in these places. Now I would like to go back to these parts. A dream come true!!!

18.04.2010 12:34, rhopalocera.com

April 6, 2010. Near Bishkek, Tashtar Ata mountain, from 1000 to 1400 m. There are few butterflies (Pontia chloridice, Colias erate, Papilio machaon and all overwintered ones), and a lot of beetles.

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18.04.2010 13:24, RippeR

dorcas on mattresses, it seems, 2 vids

18.04.2010 13:37, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Stas, are there no butterflies in the collections?

18.04.2010 16:04, rhopalocera.com

There are butterflies. Now on the rules are.

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