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Central Asia and Kazakhstan

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCentral Asia and Kazakhstan

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04.04.2011 15:52, Seneka

Interesting name "pornolistnik"=)
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04.05.2011 20:42, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Let's slightly dilute reports from the Middle zone with Central Asian exotics smile.gif
I offer you a brief report on the expedition to Kazakhstan from April 19 to 29.
On the first day I arrived in Pavlodar, where I was joined by Sergey, together with whom the next morning we went by train to the glorious sunny city of Almaty. There we were already met by Peter and Stanislav. The field trip was scheduled for the next day. While waiting for registration, we decided to have a little rest and look around - nature was fragrant! everything was in full bloom, the bright southern sun quickly warmed the surrounding air and by noon the temperature reached +29.
picture: IMG_3851s.jpg
The next day, all business was settled and we left for Kapchagai. Our place of deployment was located on the rocky bank of the Ili River with an adjacent semi-desert, where turtles walked sedately.
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picture: IMG_3868s.jpg
Everything was covered with blooming tulips. Poppies and irises were blooming. A. agestis, U. chinensis, L. myops, C. erate, P. machaon, M. didyma, P. afra, and others flew here. We expected to meet Apollonius here, but it was too early, and the cool, lingering spring delayed his departure for some time. A pleasant surprise was the capture of the first male Zegris fausti! Almost all the plants were covered with caterpillars presumably Lacydes spectabilis. Night fishing brought many interesting species of scoops, moths, and micras. There were at least 5 species of drasteria alone. Cucullia argentina flew in the mass, some indistinct moth. I was pleased with the large scarabs that came to the light.
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Two days later, we moved on to the vicinity of Bakanas. The point at which we stopped was a floodplain on the gentle bank of the Ili River, which in 100-150 m turned into a real desert.
picture: IMG_4110s.jpg
picture: IMG_4510s.jpg
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The butterfly fauna (and not only that) was noticeably different from the previous place. A lot of whiteflies fluttered around, looking like P. daplidice from a distance, but on closer inspection they were Euchloe ausonia, Zegris fausti, and Microzegris pyrothoe!! There was no limit to my joy! However, the most interesting and coveted trophy was a childhood dream - Hypermnestra helios! And the first instance was caught quite somehow banal-I was catching ausonia and accidentally hooked another butterfly in the net, which turned out to be H. helios )) All further attention has already been directed to the search for this wonderful sailboat. After some time, Sergey caught another male, which turned out to be the last one that day. Nevertheless, we returned to the camp satisfied. Along the way, various pigeons were found - ?ragneda, antracias, laetifica, etc.
picture: IMG_4228s.jpg
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The next day, we found a place where the food plant of helios caterpillars - artichoke-grows, there were more butterflies flying there, we managed to shoot enough of them.
picture: IMG_4293s.jpg
picture: IMG_4299s.jpg
also captured the mating games of Z. fausti
At night, many good species also flew to the light - hawks Hyles centralasiae, harpies Cerura przewalskii, Furcula aeruginosa, bears Eudiaphora turensis, A. hebe, Phragmatobia sp. (? fuliginosa), small Cossidae, many scoops, moths, etc.
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Among the dunes, it turned out to be inhabited by many bears, which attacked the screen all night.
picture: IMG_4199s.jpg
The last night was almost ruined by the impending rain from Balkhash, but everything turned out fine and finally the hawk moth Smerinthus kindermanni arrived!
In general, the trip turned out to be very successful and productive! Thank you to all participants for a pleasant company! It should be noted that an expedition of the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan was traveling with us in parallel. The photo shows members of both groups.
picture: IMG_4578s.jpg

This post was edited by Konung-05.05.2011 17: 28
Likes: 61

04.05.2011 20:50, Bad Den

A scarab is not a scarab at all, but Synapsis tmolus smile.gif
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05.05.2011 14:30, lepidopterolog

I offer you a brief report on the expedition to Kazakhstan from April 19 to 29.
Along the way, various pigeons were found - ragneda, antracias, andereggi, etc.

What is andereggi? (golubyanka, I mean smile.gif)
And also-ragneda-Pamir subspecies Plebejus samudra (nominative subspecies - in Kashmir), in this regard, I would like to take a look at your butterflies...

05.05.2011 15:48, Svyatoslav Knyazev

What is andereggi? (golubyanka, I mean smile.gif)
And also-ragneda-Pamir subspecies Plebejus samudra (nominative subspecies - in Kashmir), in this regard, I would like to take a look at your butterflies...

Yes, indeed, the error came out! I thought one thing, wrote another. not andereggi, but Glaucopsyche laetifica. And ragneda was not at my training camp, but at Stas, if I'm not confusing anything. In addition, Cupido prosecusa also flew.

This post was edited by Konung-05.05.2011 15: 50
Likes: 1

05.05.2011 16:00, lepidopterolog

Ah, then everything is clear (with laetifica!). But ragneda still would like to see, there this taxon should not be (i.e. not something that should not, but can notsmile.gif)

05.05.2011 16:21, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Ah, then everything is clear (with laetifica!). But ragneda still would like to see, there this taxon should not be (i.e. not something that should not, but can not smile.gif)

Well, then I guess I'm confusing something... If Stas arrives , we'll ask him.

05.05.2011 16:28, Bad Den

By the way, besides synapses, who else was flying beetles?

05.05.2011 17:10, P.Egorov

There should be P. maracanica, and very rarely P. argivus or P. christofi. I'd like to see some butterflies. A Eudiaphora turkestana in my opinion turensis, but I can be wrong for old times ' sake.

This post was edited by P. Egorov - 05.05.2011 17: 11

05.05.2011 17:26, Svyatoslav Knyazev

There should be P. maracanica, and very rarely P. argivus or P. christofi. I'd like to see some butterflies.

it is clear, but for some reason it occurred to me that Stas called this particular taxon... According to the bear, apparently you are right, you still need to check with the specialist smile.gif

07.05.2011 10:14, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Just now I noticed that the more thanks, the more flowers become and even some berries appear ))

07.05.2011 10:27, Kallima

Just now I noticed that the more thanks, the more flowers become and even some berries appear ))

Your report is amazing!
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22.05.2011 10:27, rhopalocera.com

report on the expedition to Kazakhstan

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31.05.2011 2:18, CosMosk

Aralsk, 12-13. 5. 2011:
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Kazaly district (=Kazalinsk, In the Aral Sea region, Syrdarya, 70 km west of Baikonur)
15-19. 5. 2011 :
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South and North in the ROC. Atyrau, north.Kaspiy, Ural River 23-24. 5. 2011 nothing but a blap in the fishing colonies, in fact:
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Moscow-Cassiopeia. KU!
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31.05.2011 21:36, Oleg Belkin

....South and North in the ROC. Atyrau, north.Kaspiy, Ural River 23-24. 5. 2011 .....

If you still have one, can you post a photo of Atyrau and its surroundings?! smile.gif

14.07.2011 20:58, lepidopterolog

It's time for a short report on the expedition to Tajikistan, June 1-23, 2011 smile.gif
The destination of the trip was the Western Pamirs. Due to all sorts of bureaucratic issues (registration + registration of a permit to enter the border zone with Afghanistan), I had to stay in Dushanbe for about a week, during which time I periodically went to the Varzob Gorge, which is 50 km north of the capital. The raspberries that I went there to pick up were not found - apparently, it was early spring, and the preimaginal stages could not be found either. Among the relative interesting species at the bottom are Thymelicus alaica, Phoenicurusia margelanica and Paragrodiaetus dagmara, while at the top - Parnassius actius.
A week later, I finally managed to leave for the Pamirs. Along the way, I fished a little on the Darvaz ridge - good pigeons and satirids.
On the next day - Khorog: botsad struck with a huge number of Superflua sassanides, nothing more special.
Then - Ishkashim and 60 km along the Wakhan corridor. I was there for 3 days, the weather is terrible, and there is not much vegetation - only Plebejus samudra rognedus was found on the sands along the Panj.
The main part of the expedition was spent on the Rushan ridge, in the vicinity of the village of Khuf - a unique place inhabited by the most interesting people, allocated in a special nationality-Khufs. He worked mainly at altitudes of 2800-3500 m, most of the interesting things from the list (see below) - from there.
It was not possible to catch the light anywhere, but perhaps only Ourapteryx purissima and Euroctis karghalica deserve interest from different species. There are also a couple of glassworms for O. Gorbunov, a cossida for R. Yakovlev, and a fingerwing for P. Ustyuzhanin.
With bulavousyami had a little more luck.
Carcharodus alceae
C. dravira
Muschampia antonia
Spialia orbifer
Pyrgus cashmirensis
Thymelicus alaica

Parnassius actius
P. jaquemonti
P. mnemosyne
Papilio machaon

Metaporia leucodice
Aporia crataegi
Pieris brassicae
P. rapae
P. mahometana
Colias alpherakyi
C. erate

Esperarge eversmanni
Lasiommata menava
Coenonympha nolckeni
Paralasa maracandica
Hyponephele interposita
H. dysdora
H. tristis
H. hilaris

Libythea celtis

Vanessa cardui
Aglais nixa
Melitaea enarea
M. sultanensis
M. arduinna

Superflua sassanides
Neolycaena aeto
Lycaena phlaeas
Thersamonia solskiy
Phoenicurusia margelanica
Hyrcanana sartha
Tarucus balcanicus
Celastrina argiolus
Glaucopsyche alexis
Turanana grumi
T. laspura
Farsia sieversi
Plebejus argus
P. samudra rognedus
P. eversmanni
Plebejidea loewii
Agriades pheretiades
Aricia agestis
Eumedonia eumedon
Cyaniris persephattus
Alpherakya sarthoides
Polyommatus icarus
P. venus
P. icadius
Agrodiaetus phyllides
Paragrodiaetus dagmara

Finally, photos.

Hissar ridge


Let's wave our hand to the Hindu Kush-it's next in line smile.gif(this is the Wakhan Corridor-a strip of Afghanistan between Tajikistan and Pakistan)

Panj River - it actually runs along the border with Afghanistan

This is how people live in Afghanistan - even worse than in Jumuria Tojikiston (Republic of Tajikistan, taj.)

Good morning, Pamir!

Here, basically, and worked

Turanana laspura

A by-product of pigeon fishing smile.gif

"The whole world is in the palm of your hand, you are happy and dumb..."


This post was edited by lepidopterolog - 07/14/2011 21: 04
Likes: 40

15.07.2011 9:45, Boris Khramov

[quote=lepidopterolog,14.07.2011 21:58]
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07.08.2011 6:57, Yakovlev

The summer is over, which I am very happy about.
The trip to Kazakhstan was quite interesting-we visited very interesting places, the Ch valley. Irtysh, Saur, northern slopes of Tarbagatai. 19 days. Barnaul-Ust-Kamenogorsk-Zaisan and back. The estimate is 40 tr. Everything is cheap, food, gasoline. I was very happy with the attitude of the population. It is clear once in a while it is not necessary, but...
The training camps are quite interesting - a lot of nights, there are other groups.
1. Ulba ridge
2. Black Irtysh Valley
3. Saur, Mount Tas
4. Bazar River valley, Tarbagatay village
5. V. Doroshkin and I

photo by V. Doroshkin

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07.08.2011 7:35, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Summer is over,

how did it end?? another half of the season ahead smile.gif

07.08.2011 8:55, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

So the fields are over, so it's summer.
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07.08.2011 20:01, rhopalocera.com

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08.08.2011 8:09, Yakovlev


excellent report. I
was a little unpleasantly surprised by the car you were driving - how did you load everything there? I think it was very difficult. However, well done. Very beautiful and very interesting.

11.08.2011 22:28, Трофим


Stepan Shaposhnikov's essay on "How I spent the summer"is not weak

19.08.2011 16:14, Romyald

Hello everyone. I present to you the first half of my trip to Tajikistan. The main places for collecting insects are the surroundings of the Anzob pass, Iskanderkul Lake, Tagob ski base. Then, as always, my partner and I (Andrey Vashchenko's partner, Moscow) are invited to the wedding. And in the end, a bad trip to Tigrovaya Balka (fishing at night is not allowed under any sauce).______2_001.jpg

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19.08.2011 16:18, Romyald


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19.08.2011 16:23, Romyald


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19.08.2011 17:22, Romyald

Gentlemen, to be continued. Our way to Sarez.

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19.08.2011 17:25, Romyald

Afghanistan. Photo from the Tajik side. Progress on the face-the roofs of houses began to appear.

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19.08.2011 17:27, Romyald


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19.08.2011 17:29, Romyald

In the photo, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Khorog is on the right , next to him is Ibrahim, who was driving me to Sarez.

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19.08.2011 17:31, Romyald


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19.08.2011 17:32, Romyald

Walking start from the village of Barchedev (Sarez is 22 km away)

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19.08.2011 17:36, Romyald


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19.08.2011 17:38, Romyald

Fedchenko Glacier-view from the Usoysky blockage. Sarez is behind me.

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19.08.2011 17:40, Romyald

The second photo shows the office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Sarez.

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19.08.2011 17:41, Romyald

Usoysky blockage. According to legend, a sign was formed on the rock (with the participation of inexplicable forces of nature), which, if turned upside down, will mean – Allah (well, of course, if you know Arabic).

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19.08.2011 17:45, Romyald


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19.08.2011 17:52, rhopalocera.com

And they wouldn't let us go to Sarez...

19.08.2011 17:59, rhopalocera.com

This year, it seems that at least 5 expeditions, in which forum members participated, worked in Tajikistan: ours, MisterXus, Romyald, Ripper, Slava penza. It's becoming a popular country smile.gif. Has anyone taken pictures of Muztag Ata? I wasn't lucky - we didn't pass.

19.08.2011 18:48, Romyald

Snow in mid-July.Murghab July 17, 2011

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