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Several dozen new photos Maxim Klepikova

Community and ForumWebsite news and updatesSeveral dozen new photos Maxim Klepikova

Peter Khramov, 11.12.2007 17:00

Thanks to Maxim Klepikov, the site appeared the following picture of butterflies.

  1. Teleiodes proximella

  2. Teleiodes luculella

  3. Teleiodes alburnella

  4. Satyrium w-album - theclinae Elm

  5. Pyralis regalis

  6. Pterostoma palpina

  7. Pseudotelphusa scalella

  8. Pseudophilotes vicrama

  9. Polypogon tentacularia

  10. Polyommatus semiargus - copper-butterfly bean

  11. Poecilocampa populi

  12. Plebeius optilete

  13. Plebeius argus - copper-butterfly Argus

  14. Phalera bucephala

  15. Parnassius mnemosyne - Mnemosyne

  16. Pararge aegeria - Krupnoglazka Egeria

  17. Ochlodes venata

  18. Micropterix calthella

  19. Lycaena hippothoe - Chervonets sorrel

  20. Melitaea cinxia - checkered tsinksiya

  21. Malacosoma castrensis

  22. Maculinea arion - large blue

  23. Macaria alternata

  24. Lopinga achine - Krupnoglazka

  25. Lasiommata petropolitana

  26. Heteropterus morpheus - Tolstogolovka Morpheus

  27. Glaucopsyche alexis

  28. Falcaria lacertinaria

  29. Eupithecia icterata

  30. Euphydryas maturna - checkered maturna

  31. Euphydryas aurinia

  32. Eriocrania sparrmannella

  33. Ectropis crepuscularia

  34. Coenonympha tullia

  35. Coenonympha pamphilus - Sennitsa ordinary

  36. Coenonympha glycerion - Sennitsa glitserion

  37. Carterocephalus silvicola

  38. Carterocephalus palaemon - Krepkogolovka Palemon

  39. Brenthis ino

  40. Euphydryas maturna - checkered maturna


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