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26.03.2015 18:15, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #24072

It would be nice to specify the date of catching and geography. Especially when a bunch of photos is not related to the group. And focus not on what (((. Therefore, to link them to groups stop until no clues in the form of a label data.

26.03.2015 17:54, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #39549

Suffered in uncertainty. If a species is defined only up to the kind of in the "Name of the species" is not necessary to write anything.

26.03.2015 17:22, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #39547

Everything can be removed, it is a matter of chance. I see where the village, I come and I can not see. She sits next to, including with open wings. So did only 2 inferior image and the underside hardly saw her.

25.03.2015 20:19, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Edit your comment

Half an hour of editing is still no (in practice approx. 20 minutes).

25.03.2015 17:12, Stas Shinkarenko: comment on Glaphyridae MacLeay, 1819 / Furry crustaceans (Eulasia sp. etc.)

  Отличное фото! Только Pygopleurus vulpes (Fabricius, 1781).Поправил.

25.03.2015 14:43, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #39539

Another flight of which began in March. Winter.

25.03.2015 10:29, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #29970

Nothing wrong. It happens!

23.03.2015 20:35, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #39513

How much compared with Papilio rumiko, found only 2 maaaalenky differences, and I think it depends on the particular instance

23.03.2015 10:35, Stan Korb: comment on Lycaena pamira

Rhode Hyrcanana

23.03.2015 10:35, Stan Korb: comment on Lycaena sartha

Rhode Hyrcanana

23.03.2015 10:34, Stan Korb: comment on Lycaena sultan

Rhode Hyrcanana

23.03.2015 10:31, Stan Korb: comment on Athamanthia churkini

This is a synonym dilutior

23.03.2015 10:30, Stan Korb: comment on Athamanthia zhdankoi

This is a synonym dilutior

23.03.2015 10:22, Stan Korb: comment on Boloria frigidalis

I recommend all the same in Butterflies use our catalog (Korb, Bolshakov, 2011), it is much more accurate Sinevskogo (especially proliferation)

21.03.2015 21:16, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #39477

You have a good picture of the quality, now find decent facilities. Never will be equal to the worst, it greatly relaxes on a life :)))

21.03.2015 13:46, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #39478

I decided to add another spring option. Since almost all represented by the July images.

20.03.2015 14:22, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #39461

Spring is coming, spring road :)))

18.03.2015 10:05, vasiliy-feoktistov: comment on Question about entomological tweezers

  Правда не в рублях, а в гривнах...)Да не углядел. Русскоязычность сайта попутала

17.03.2015 9:15, алекс 2611: comment on Question about mosquitoes in Volgograd

У меня вообще подозрение, что речь идет не о комарах, а о слепнях рода Crysops.

17.03.2015 0:06, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #39445

Omiodes tristrialisDetermination confirmed Ph.D. Kirpichnikova VA (Gornotaёzhnaya station them. Komarova FEB RAS)

16.03.2015 12:59, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #37216

Andrew, they do not differ in color and the geometry of the external sling. In exanthemata arc almost parallel to the outer edge, and at pusaria straight. :) A copy of the same.

15.03.2015 12:26, Andrey Bezborodkin: comment on Butterflies, moths, and... moths. Help me to understand

  Ну чего же, статья Чешуекрылые на Вики вполне сносная для широкого круга читателей, да и статус Избранной имеет тамНу, пускай там почитает. В нашу молодость интернета не было, кто интересовался - в библиотеках сидели. ...

14.03.2015 14:28, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #39176

Super properly when exposed to the site is already certain, I know photographers who take pictures of nature, their task is to photograph and identify others they sometimes provide for a number of reasons. But if one collects, the material in the collection should be determined. How this is achieved is a personal matter.:))) If in doubt, put an inaccurate definition. :))

14.03.2015 7:37, Лавр Большаков: comment on M. I. Falkovich died.

Светлая память.

12.03.2015 10:12, collector: comment on Entomological cartoons

Просто - картинка в тему! Картинки:reWalls_com_18996________.jpg — (126.29к)   

11.03.2015 19:44, kovyl: comment on Programs for managing collections

  База в Excel!Если в смысле классических баз данных, то это не совсем база, скорее таблица. Если же в смысле набора данных, то можно считать и базой.

11.03.2015 16:53, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Scopula caricaria

Perhaps trite missed. :(

10.03.2015 11:49, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #39355

Exclusively "to the point" :)

09.03.2015 22:39, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #6838

The right question, Alexander))) Here is my view justZygaena osterodensisis)) In the area of ​​Kovrov, Vladimir region. This species is very easily could be. By the way: there, in the "Red Lighthouse" is closest to Moscow and stable populationParnassius apollo.Place of worship, if people went there to shoot, so he went to shoot Apollo :) I myself to those places is not reached, but there ...

09.03.2015 21:23, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #35869

The label is not at all?

09.03.2015 19:48, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Dudusa synopla

Hence it is necessary to remove the photos.

09.03.2015 18:59, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #39343

Alexander, who had nothing, that does not eject :)) Peter, sometimes removes absolutely dead photos, and after persistent requests from all sides, and only if he agrees. :)). Andrei on a lot of photos, all the stages of a butterfly from egg to butterfly.if several photos one stage something different angles (right, left, top) is all you need to determine. if a lot of the tracks, the different ...

09.03.2015 18:03, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Ginshachia gemmifera

Photos should be removed.

09.03.2015 17:48, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #6925

I do not remember :)), but this site is not suitable for determining .boldsystems.org., Will dig deeper. :)))

09.03.2015 16:26, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #39341

Understood, I forgot, Basil.

09.03.2015 12:27, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Euploea mulciber

It is necessary to change the above photo (redefined butterfly).

09.03.2015 10:27, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #39321

Alexander, but it is because we Basil joke. I know that butterflies, like beetles and others ... are endopterygota ... in the end and we can say about mummies :))) With regard to Isabel, I was getting pupae from Belarus, and then the track is lost in the remote corners of Europe ...And by the way, you also admitted to moderation - see my last post and transfer of multsiber in ideopsis. It is ...

09.03.2015 9:16, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #30611

In group two different species were related: in the photo # 30610 E. mulciber clear and because of this all cheese boron ((( This gaffe corrected :)

09.03.2015 8:41, Black Coleopter: comment on FROM MARCH 20 to JUNE 28, the exhibition " ColeopTERRA. Planet of Beetles"

Надо будет сходить!

08.03.2015 10:19, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Род Eublemma Hübner, 1821 (Eublemminae) from Eastern Europe

Eublemma parva действительный очень редкая бабочка в Украине. В Запорожской области была поймана пока только один раз, 01.08.2014 Мелитопольский район, п. Мирное. Разглядел ее Egorus, среди десятков Eublemma minutata. Фото техническое, ...

07.03.2015 10:51, Hagnar: comment on Buy pupae

Здравствуйте, уважаемые коллеги!Хочу собрать коллекцию живых бабочек России. С удовольствием приобрету куколок российских, или других, но редких бабочек, не продающихся на обычных сайтах. Если интересно- пишите...

06.03.2015 6:02, Alexander Belousov: comment on photo #39310

Thank Jura, took into account! I ran correct! :-)

05.03.2015 12:06, Анатолий Константинович Мусоров: comment on Endemic to Iturup Island

  ну, скорее, не "назвать своим", а назовут Вашим    и если метите на это место, то берите всякую "мелочь"  а уж "новое слово в расширение ареала" Вам обеспечено, при должном размещение материала  ...

05.03.2015 11:11, Анатолий Константинович Мусоров: comment on Another option is possible: Krasnoyarsk Ridge

  Экстремально экзотического вроде бы как нету, собирал карабусов в том году, по усачам есть кое-чего. По бабочкам все достаточно банально, хотя по ночным всеже некоторые интересные вещи попались. Спасибо! Понятно. ...

04.03.2015 21:14, Nikolay Grebennikov: comment on photo #24385

where he was caught?

04.03.2015 18:03, Nikolay Grebennikov: comment on photo #39260

-poymenny meadow habitat.

02.03.2015 15:05, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Fusadonta albipuncta

It remains old peg to the genus in the "System" , though in a new genus is present.

02.03.2015 13:08, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on

According to the latest revision of the world Notodontidae & Oenosandridae (Lepidoptera) A.Schintlmeister, 2013, World Catalogue of Insects. Vo1. 11, there is podseystvo. There is a lot of mess in the taxonomy, it is necessary to create a new caution. :))

02.03.2015 10:10, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Clossiana perryi

3 years have not yet passed - wait !!!

01.03.2015 16:10, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #8430

I think, too, that this is luridiola (even depressa). While they can not stand: it is interesting to hear more opinions.

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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