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veerokrylku on something like
Moth can be ruled
similar to Icarus
I do not blame me that such nonsense to the site spread
where you caught it, or where to see it?
then why the scales are bright, because of the climate?
i.e. flake
This species is identified correctly.
I certainly will not argue, but the catch is that this is now a white edging, it is pollen, I checked. can kakoy- some kind of variability?
but Gonepteryx rhamni - it GONEPTERYX RHAMNI, while this other colors
Either I don't know this species or this is painted black-veined white.
What's this?
This is Pallas' Sailer, can't remember its Latin name.
This is Boloria selene.
This is Carterocephalus silvicola too, but female apparently.
This is Carterocephalus silvicola.
The species seems to be called Hemistola chrysoprasaria.
This species is called Selenia lunularia.