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No no no! This is exactly how it's pronounced it, according to English Wikipedia:
On the contrary - if in Russian, then there are no dubious associations:
In general, I would automatically grant editing rights to everyone who posted a sufficient number of photos of various taxa (for example, > 100 or 200 taxa). As a rule, these are people who are interested, meticulous and responsible. Otherwise, the site will drown in errors, typos, and inaccuracies in the absence of curators.
In my opinion, this is Aiolocaria hexaspilota Right here it is indicated that 10-20% of these cows have black elytra
In my opinion, this is Vibidia duodecimguttata. See, for example,
In my opinion, this is Vibidia duodecimguttata. See, for example,
Interestingly, in the catalog of weevils compiled by Zabaluev, on the ZIN website planus is listed as a synonym for two species: carlinae (Olivier, 1807) and rusticanus Gyllenhal, 1835 . What does "auct."mean? combined with "= planus auct."?
At Zabaluev's website this species belongs to the subgenus Phyllonomeus. Its synonym is Larinus planus
The view page shows the summer time July-August. In the middle of June in the Crimea quite often met this motley bird. Mine was taken on 14.06.2016. This one the same color scheme was also shot in Crimea on the same day four years earlier. Need to correct the time of summer?
I for the transfer. Firstly the number and location of points is the same as that of Calvia quatuordecimguttata (although they pale). The second "black mask of Zorro", which it is not Calvia decemguttata and have Calvia quatuordecimguttata.
The atlas on ZIN site only your Calvia decemguttata without spots. The rest of the photos of three different cows with clear spots.
In my opinion this is not Calvia decemguttata, and Calvia quatuordecimguttata
Note to Phyllobius piri mind (removed from the database 11.05.2016 18:36): This type Phyllobius piri synonym Phyllobius pyri IA Zabaluev writes that correctly Phyllobius (s. Str.) Pyri (Linnaeus, 1758)
Unfortunately this head, probably not from this bug They are removed in the same place with a difference of 1 day. So, the probability that they are different kinds - small. I stand in the bedbug Lygaeus simulans. In principle, if a photo of the insect is equally suitable for two types, then do not worry, if it is to illustrate any of these species.
I tried at the time to define "their" Bulgarian to these "whiskered" signs, but really did not understand. That's what these mounting mustache in "my" Bulgarian:
Cerura vinula or Cerura erminea? I read in the determinant that their difference is "reach" (Cerura erminea) whether the "lateral angles spinal rhombic spots base of abdominal legs" or not (Cerura vinula). Spot this photograph on the second false foot does not hint whether it is Cerura erminea?
The tablets healed, and before the "Subspecies Leptura quadrifasciata" and left: Summer time July - August [198]. Vasiliy Feoktistov.
How correctly indicate the time the flight of July and August, if you already have 2 photos to the June beetles?
Clear. Another question here is bulging belly (seen in the second photo that instance means that it is a female?
Unfortunately it is not considered an important designate who defined the "my" insects. Who I tried to remember: first, it has identified E. Alexander Zykov on Makroklube like Chrysolina cerealis (now do not check, because there is something zaglyuchil). Then, on the site of the Zoological his determined Andrew O. Bieńkowska as Chrysolina aurichalcea (Mann., 1825) ...
I do not remember why identified "my" skrytoglavov (# 46999, # 47000, # 47003) as a Cryptocephalus octopunctatus. How do they differ from Cryptocephalus cordiger ( P.S. I looked at photos on the Internet - like at Cryptocephalus cordiger foot light, while Cryptocephalus octopunctatus - black. If so, some of these same ...
Determined to molbiole Zabaluev Ilya Andreyevich as Phyllobius (s. Str.) Arborator (Herbst, 1797) How did this kind of incomprehensible (like Georgia where necessary). The foregoing also applies to the second photo of this species.
Exochomus quadripustulatus (L., 1758) = Brumus quadripustulatus Ie this kind of duplicates
Bulgarian bugs # 45468 - # 45475 Alexander identified Drogvalenko (Triplaxxx) on molbiole as Carpocoris mediterraneus mediterraneus Tamanini, 1958. His comment to the view that Carpocoris mediterraneus is now a synonym for Carpocoris fuscispinus: "Based on the number of signs, some authors rightly considers him a good view: Lupoli, Dusoulier, Cruaud, Cros-Arteil & ...