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Corrected data. Not identified → Ceresa / Confidently identified / Alexander Belousov.
According to G. Anufrieva is a member of the genus Ceresa (family Membracidae), imported from North America.
Igor, old foty replace through new LC?
Yuri, "here" is written in the photos of the author, ie, you and other users "here" is not written anything, Bo file name anyone but the author does not apply; -)
Corrected data. / → Aphrophora alni / Yuri Semejkin.
Yuri, you have in the comments written that identified the person, and the type is not specified anywhere. Clarified pliz.
Peter, but then cant get, ie It is displayed on the page of the form that the information about the time of the summer (inaccurate) gave Basil, and should refer to the source of this specific information, ie on the Czech website!
Eugene, the site specified and sources of information, and who laid out the data to our site (in this case - Vasily). We have obtained (for the visitor of the site) ...
There is a particular source of information, not a general. She should not be changed.
Some pages do not a problem. Only need it? In megabolshinstva subspecies, they are empty. Our views and a decorated few. Or is it necessary? Let's discuss.
Corrected data. Hemiptera / Vladimir Bobow → Dolycoris baccarum / Yuri Semejkin.
I add. But not now.
Placing a genus it is dictated by the absence of the species in the database.
Corrected data. Hemiptera → Lethocerus.
Vladimir, even if the definition of the order to be affixed during / after the download, right?
Corrected data. Not identified → Odonata / Confidently identified / Peter Khramov.
Because there is no data in Russian. In the foreseeable future, I will do so at least infa broadcast in English.
Basil, what's the problem? No species, so can be repaired. And where does the admin panel?
Corrected data. Not identified → Trichoptera / Confidently identified / Yuri Semejkin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Trichoptera / Confidently identified / Yuri Semejkin.
Basil, what do you say?
Corrected data. Not identified → Chrysomelidae / Confidently identified / Marina Bandurina.
UP: exactly Madagascar, just infa from English to Russian version has not yet passed.
It looks like Madagascar. Now load this author is engaged in ph Shamil Murtazin, as will be online, probably, will complement the information on the downloaded yesterday fotam.
Probably, all right, except for the "close call." Bo can be closed even after the transfer in precise and yet such confidence, look, no.
If I understand the author's photo is now the size of already impossible to get ...
Why not lapidarius?
Eugene, why do you write in quotes geography? Like, tsitita with labels?
Let's wait some more opinions...
Duc, and then smart. The issue, move or not.
Evgeny Komarov, what say you about it?
Ok, prepare your foty and I just completed yet updated mechanism replacing ph and make you right.
Look histogram clearly overexposure, even with the white background. And compared to the earlier tovimi collectors or natural. Strange.
Eugene, and you foty in this series are not overexposed?
Vladimir, if it is possible to precisely defined transfer - reported.
Corrected data. Formicidae / Confidently identified → Camponotus sachalinensis / Tentatively identified.
Corrected data. Formicidae / Irina Nikulina → Lasius fuji / Vladimir Zryanin.
The inaccurate yaponikusy send?
Do not remove, one must be replaced. Replace.
Andrew, and what kind of system we mean?
Corrected data. Tephritis → Tephritis hyoscyami.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Alex Lender → Triodia sylvina / Irina Nikulina.
Yuri, it was when you download or later it put down?
Gluck was time for the family, and endured ...
Corrected data. Confidently identified → Not identified.
Eugene, write in the system area where this bug ...
Corrected data.
Corrected data. Hemiptera → Appasus major.
Corrected data. Hemiptera → Lelia decempunctata.
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