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And according to coleopterologists, will this be the case?This question should be addressed to coleopterists. Some of their biographies are available on ZINA's website.
Do not delete. It was a double best picture and I changed it. The point is that when the goods have not yet had the opportunity to replace :)
Alexander, a small question. You are in the background that you use? For a long time I want to go to a black background, but I can not find the optimal solution. A plan to replace, complete and ahead of winter, when there is time to do it.
Dear colleagues!Biographical and Bibliographic Reference Book of Russian Lepidopterologists is being prepared for publicationYou should probably put this in a separate topic, here the message risks going unnoticed
Rubbish poudalyal. With regard to the uniformity of writing subspecies: the very fact that it is written in a separate line in the free form has a defect site. Will do option to foty can be fastened to the same subspecies, not only to species. This is the future. And now everyone can write as it sees fit.Just do not forget that this field to clarify the classification and not the stage of ...
As a postscript: I understand of course that can be useful to determine the type, for example, in the field (where the Internet is not always and not at all). But why in such quantities. I think that they have already played a role in determining a particular butterfly and should remove excess, leaving one photo. Of course, if Andrew will not mind :)
Sorry for off-top, I'm still mainly Coleoptera man :) Insects happen to change behaviour in new area. Just an example. There was peaceful ordinary Leptinotarsa decimlineata Say. which fed on solanaceous and did no any harm. At the end of 19th century it spread over France and little by little all over and became famous dreadful potato pest. So far no effective measures found against this ...
Dear nnsb, Ethyl acetate 0.90 kg (1000 ml) was purchased. The first time last year, there are no complaints about it. The" poorly performing " ethyl acetate was purchased in April 2014 (most likely the previous batch). If necessary, I can bring it to the fair with the appropriate checks.
Could be this. However, I see it as miniata male. I upped this a week ago without moving. Yesterday I did where thought reasonable. Miniata can be pale as well. If I was wrong, please move where you think it should be. Would be great though to get some reaction to my 19:18 27/08/2014 request. No offense :)
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Lycaena tityrus / Confidently identified / Female / Alex Lender.
Corrected data. Not identified → Incurvaria oehlmanniella / Confidently identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
Well can't stop bother :) Originally here was the remark in the classification field, "Probably orange variation of erate, hyale or sareptensis" Not croceus, is it? No courage to move it to not identified.....