Pages: 1 ...581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589... 630
To go.
Shot moved.
Ok then, moved to H. gyrex.
Moved to H. losa.
Species activated, shot moved.
To go.
Photo moved, species activated.
To go to A. muscipilosa.
Shot moved.
The area from the Volga region to the Eastern Kazakhstan.
Shot moved. Better to comment expansion on the species description page. All right then...
Goes to conspirata.
Moved to D. stenochrysis.
Shot moved.
Included in the Red Book of the Moscow region
Goes to Paradaemonia samba (as 4979).
Shot leaves "undetermined".
Moved to L. herilia.
To go.
Photo moved.
Shot moved.
Moved then.
Photo goes to P. goeldii.
Don't jump to conclusions about what you may not understand. Be patient, sit, wait - there are a lot of people on the forum and, if your offer is worth something, you will find it. And in passing (just because one or two people disagree with you in a sharp form) to water everyone ... no need.I apologize if I offended anyone. Not out of spite...It's just that the views of the employer and ...
View transferred from generation to generation Satyrium Nordmannia.
View transferred from generation to generation Satyrium Nordmannia.
View transferred from generation to generation Satyrium Nordmannia.
Not clearly seen, so it has "uncertain" status...
There we can see antennas from outside are slightly colored red. Anyway, Vlad saw more (shooting or even catching), if identified it like this. ;)
Just for the record: what should be considered that is butterfly's antennas from outside (even though usually it's hardly seen just the smallest part at the end of an antenna). Lineola has dark ones, sylvestris does red. And the sawyere is colored more or less similarly, males have red or something like, females do dark. Also, males can be easily identified by stigmas.
Ok, synonym added then. Meant, this... God, genetic combination.
Moved to P. phyllides.
Uh-oh... I'm dummie. Moving.
Boris, thanks for approving. Photo moved.
Shot goes.
Ok, if male, so male...
Moved then.
Ok, moved. Dear approving gentlemen, please, approve also the very identifying, if it's successful, right after species, for me to move it finally...
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