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Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
Oh, I didn't know.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
Corrected data. Tenebrio → Neatus picipes.
Corrected data. Tenebrio → Neatus picipes.
Corrected data. Tenebrio → Neatus picipes.
Please tell me how to prick a butterfly strictly perpendicular ?I only get it at an angle.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Indo-Malayan.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Vladimir Bobow → Erynnis montanus / Yuri Semejkin.
Corrected data. Lycoperdininae / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Spathomeles retiarius / Evgeny Komarov.
Corrected data. Lycoperdininae / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Spathomeles retiarius / Evgeny Komarov.
Parent taxon has been changed. Endomychidae → Lycoperdininae.
Corrected data. Silphidae / Alex Lender → Phosphuga atrata / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
This species is identified correctly.
Looking at the gallery and selecting a stage "adults" - ignored "male", "female", well, etc. In terms of databases all true of course, but logically wrong =)
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic. Flight time: No formalized data → , , , , .
When bringing to the subspecies, in those cases when it is determined to species, determined the surname did not seem to change?
To lose ....
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
Celastrina ladonides ?
Corrected data. Samia → Samia kohlli.
Corrected data. Loepa → Loepa diversiocellata.
Corrected data. Loepa → Loepa diversiocellata.
Corrected data. Samia → Samia kohlli.
Corrected data. Samia → Samia kohlli.
Saturnia thibeta, (Westwood, 1853)
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
So. Last fall, the swallowtail did not come out of the pupa and I prepared it for the winter in the refrigerator. The twig on which he pupated was placed in a small jar, put a wet cotton pad on the bottom (so as not to dry out) and covered it with foil by making holes in it with a fork. In winter, sometimes once a month, 1.5-2 drops of water dripped to the bottom in a cotton pad, and there were ...
Thank you, Alexander!
Thank you, Alexander!
Corrected data. Not identified → Nomophila noctuella / Confidently identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
Corrected data. Loepa → Loepa anthera.
Corrected data. Loepa → Loepa anthera.
Corrected data. Loepa → Loepa sikkima.
Corrected data. Loepa / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Loepa diversiocellata / Alex Dumchus.
Corrected data. Loepa / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Loepa diversiocellata / Alex Dumchus.
Yes, it is better not to move to the exact C. ladonides.
And as, I do not see any reason to transfer pictures and believe in the true definition of inaccurate looked. By the way the name of this butterfly has undergone a series of metamorphoses Celastrina sugitanii (Matsumura, 1919). C. sugitanii phellodendron M. M. Omelko, 1987 = C. phellodendron M. M. ...
Corrected data. Pseudanostirus → Pseudanostirus ecarinatus.
Corrected data. Chrysididae → Chrysura dichroa.
Corrected data. Chrysididae → Chrysura dichroa.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
Corrected data. Chalcoidea Motschulsky 1860 → Chalcoidea Motschulsky, 1860.
All very simple - do not notice in the sample of the cocoon (chrysalis), and then the larva, somewhere inside bundles of spinach, from which, after raising the temperature butterfly and left - inspect something only a few samples from imported batches. Maybe in the selected sample, and there was nothing. The rate of sampling in the inspection of cabbage for example, one with a fork truck.Banal ...
Adjustments made, thank you)
And write in the present case it is not necessary to type s.str (sensu stricto) title.
Name of the species is the nominative subspecies. and place him with a note "s.str" in case of emergency, see "Subspecies" :)
Ubaldennaya butterfly
Corrected data. Coleoptera / Alex Lender → Byturus / Evgeny Komarov.
Corrected data. Coleoptera / Alex Lender → Pterostichus melanarius / Evgeny Komarov.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
Corrected data. Cetoniini / Alex Lender → Cetonia aurata / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
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