Andrei Valentinovich Sviridov's passing is a profound loss. His contributions left an indelible mark, and he will be remembered for his dedication and impact. May his memory live on, and condolences to all those who knew and loved him. .
Сентябрь 2023, Тульская область, в саду. Что за вид?Eumodicogryllus burdigalensisМожно конкретное место находки?
During September, I will have little time to work with Insecta, so I will announce here the results of the summer and plans for the fall: All topics/messages have been moved. But those that have appeared since the transfer were not transferred yet. An essential part of the transferred file is open for public access (for unregistered users). But not all of it — because search engines have ...
Corrected data. Formicidae / Tentatively identified / Ferran Lizana → Aphaenogaster / Confidently identified / Vladimir Zryanin.
The second stage of the website adaptation for mobile devices is completed. I think everything that was reasonable to do within the current design version has been done. Nevertheless, if you see any glitches/shortcomings when opening the pages of the current version of the website from smartphones or tablets - comment on it, we will try to fix it.
Здравствуйте! Кто-нибудь разводил G. shelkovnikovae? Есть ли особенности инкубации яиц и какой грунт лучше подходит для кладки?G. shelkovnikovae кстати в домашних условиях очень легко содержать при достаточном белковом корме, на ...
Small ones should already be quite there, as far as I understand. We look in the direction of forage plants...
Now, if a moderator changes the insect taxon affiliation of a photo from the website gallery, changes the author of the identification and/or the precision of the identification, then all these changes are automatically applied to all photos of the specimen photo group (if the photographer set the appropriate attributes for them). A comment on the changes is also published on the page of each of ...
We are expanding the functionality of double "aka" (two @ symbols before and after the desired section of the comment text). Now, if you place the number of a photo from the website gallery between double "aka" symbols, the desired image will automatically be displayed in the comment in medium size with a link to the page of this photo in the gallery. This is how it looks: Photo ...
Corrected data. Mantis / Tentatively identified / Dmitry Mezenin → Tenodera sinensis / Confidently identified / Evgeny Shcherbakov.
Corrected data. Mantis / Tentatively identified / Dmitry Mezenin → Tenodera sinensis / Confidently identified / Evgeny Shcherbakov.
Corrected data. Mantidae / Tentatively identified / Konstantin Kraevsky → Stagmomantis / Confidently identified / Evgeny Shcherbakov.
Corrected data. Stagmatoptera / Male / Galgo Dela → Stagmatoptera hyaloptera / Imago / Evgeny Shcherbakov.
All topic titles have been translated into English. The most serious errors in Russian topic titles have been corrected. Garbage, empty topics, as well as topics that have nothing to do with insects (even at the "smoking room" level) have been removed — the second pass. The translation of the forum messages is in progress in parallel. And the topics are being sorted out and put into sections.
Corrected data. Trichoptera / Tentatively identified / Shirley Sekarajasingham → Psychidae / Confidently identified / Dmitrii Michailov.
Corrected data. Trichoptera / Tentatively identified / Shirley Sekarajasingham → Psychidae / Confidently identified / Dmitrii Michailov.
Corrected data. Trichoptera / Tentatively identified / Shirley Sekarajasingham → Psychidae / Confidently identified / Dmitrii Michailov.
Corrected data. Trichoptera / Tentatively identified / Shirley Sekarajasingham → Psychidae / Confidently identified / Dmitrii Michailov.