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14.07.2017 22:28, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #66129

Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Vladimir Bobow → Pyrgus maculatus / Irina Nikulina.

14.07.2017 22:27, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #66128

Corrected data. Not identified → Pyrgus malvae / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.

14.07.2017 22:26, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #66092

Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Vladimir Bobow → Oroplema plagifera / Irina Nikulina.

14.07.2017 22:24, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Dysaethria moza

The taxons were merged. Dysaethria moza and Dysaethria moza were merged.

14.07.2017 22:20, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Dysaethria erasaria

The taxons were merged. Dysaethria erasaria and Dysaethria erasaria were merged.

14.07.2017 22:18, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Dysaethria illotata

Corrected data. Dysarthria illotata (Christoph, 1881) → Dysaethria illotata (Christoph, 1881).

14.07.2017 22:15, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Dysaethria cretacea

The taxons were merged. Dysaethria cretacea and Dysaethria cretacea were merged.

14.07.2017 22:01, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #66149

Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Carterocephalus silvicola / Confidently identified / Female / Irina Nikulina.

14.07.2017 22:00, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #66117

Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Vladimir Bobow → Ptycholoma lecheana / Viktoria Dubinina.

14.07.2017 21:00, vafdog: comment on

всем спасибо за ответы. буду пробовать. бабочек много перекупал в бензине, жуков еще не пробовал

14.07.2017 19:10, Olga Voronova: comment on photo #65433

This species is identified correctly.

14.07.2017 18:56, Olga Voronova: comment on photo #65505

This species is identified correctly.

13.07.2017 19:11, Valentina Ezhova: comment on What's it (help with a beetle identification)

Vasily, thank you! Next time I'll try and change size of the photos before uploading them.

13.07.2017 17:20, Fornax13: comment on

По первоописанию Hypophlaeus Fabricius, 1790, а Hypophloeus auctt. последующее неверное написание.Сообщение было отредактировано Fornax13 - 13.07.2017 17:20

13.07.2017 12:01, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #66138

Corrected data. Not identified → Hydria undulata / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.

13.07.2017 11:59, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #64822

Corrected data. Imago → Female.

13.07.2017 11:58, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #61923

Corrected data. Imago → Female.

13.07.2017 11:57, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #52275

Corrected data. Imago → Female.

13.07.2017 11:55, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #48298

Corrected data. Imago → Female.

13.07.2017 11:55, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #46031

Corrected data. Imago → Female.

13.07.2017 11:54, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #46029

Corrected data. Imago → Female.

13.07.2017 11:54, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #46030

Corrected data. Imago → Female.

12.07.2017 15:56, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #66057

В конце июля примерно будет повод вернуться к вопросам кураторства в целом. Тогда, думаю, и порешаем вопрос тем или иным образом.

11.07.2017 8:17, Viktoria Dubinina: comment on photo #65223

Предполагаю, что это личинка совки Acronicta psi

10.07.2017 18:50, ИНО: comment on

Слепни вообще не кусаются в порядке самообороны, так что после выяснения обстоятельств укуса этот вариант отпал.Сообщение было отредактировано ИНО - 10.07.2017 18:51

10.07.2017 15:59, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia anovittata

Corrected data. Protaetia anovittata Chevrolat, 1841 → Protaetia (Protaetia) anovittata Chevrolat, 1841.

10.07.2017 15:23, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia culta

Corrected data. Protaetia culta Waterhouse, 1879 → (Waterhouse, 1879).

10.07.2017 15:21, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia pryeri

Corrected data. Protaetia pryeri Janson, 1888 → Protaetia (Pyropotosia) pryeri Janson, 1888.

10.07.2017 15:20, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia rufocuprea

Corrected data. Protaetia rufocuprea Gory & Percheron, 1833 → (Gory & Percheron, 1833).

10.07.2017 15:19, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia conspersa

Corrected data. Protaetia conspersa Janson, 1877 → (Janson, 1877).

10.07.2017 15:17, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia spectabilis

Corrected data. Protaetia spectabilis Schaum, 1841 → (Schaum, 1841).

10.07.2017 15:16, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia miksici

Corrected data. Protaetia miksici Ruter, 1972 → Protaetia (Protaetia) miksici Ruter, 1972.

10.07.2017 15:15, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia igorota

Corrected data. Protaetia igorota Schultze, 1916 → Protaetia (Protaetia) igorota Schultze, 1916.

10.07.2017 15:15, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia ferruginea

Corrected data. Protaetia ferruginea Gory & Percheron, 1833 → Protaetia (Protaetia) ferruginea Gory & Percheron, 1833.

10.07.2017 15:14, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia ducalis

Corrected data. Protaetia ducalis Mohnike, 1873 → Protaetia (Protaetia) ducalis Mohnike, 1873.

10.07.2017 15:13, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia bremei

Corrected data. Protaetia bremei Schaum, 1844 → Protaetia (Protaetia) bremei Schaum, 1844.

10.07.2017 15:13, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia advena

Corrected data. Protaetia advena Janson, 1877 → Protaetia (Protaetia) advena Janson, 1877.

10.07.2017 15:12, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia regalis

Corrected data. Protaetia regalis Blanchard, 1842 → (Blanchard, 1842).

10.07.2017 15:11, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia aurichalcea

Corrected data. Protaetia aurichalcea Fabricius, 1775 → (Fabricius, 1775).

10.07.2017 15:08, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia fusca

Corrected data. Protaetia fusca Herbst, 1790 → (Herbst, 1790).

10.07.2017 15:06, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia trojana

Corrected data. Protaetia trojana Gory & Percheron 1833 → (Gory & Percheron 1833).

10.07.2017 15:06, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia splendidula

Corrected data. Protaetia splendidula Faldermann, 1835 → Protaetia (Potosia) splendidula Faldermann, 1835.

10.07.2017 15:04, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia multifoveolata

Corrected data. Protaetia multifoveolata Reitter, 1898 → Protaetia (Potosia) multifoveolata Reitter, 1898.

10.07.2017 15:03, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia fausti

Corrected data. Protaetia fausti Kraatz, 1891 → Protaetia (Potosia) fausti Kraatz, 1891.

10.07.2017 15:02, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia caucasica

Corrected data. Protaetia caucasica Kolenati, 1845 → Protaetia (Potosia) caucasica Kolenati, 1845.

10.07.2017 15:02, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia besucheti

Corrected data. Protaetia besucheti Alexis & Delpont, 1996 → Protaetia (Potosia) besucheti Alexis & Delpont, 1996.

10.07.2017 15:01, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia afghana

Corrected data. Protaetia afghana Petrovitz, 1955 → Protaetia (Potosia) afghana Petrovitz, 1955.

10.07.2017 14:59, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia ochroplagiata

Corrected data. Protaetia ochroplagiata Heller, 1895 → (Heller, 1895).

10.07.2017 14:55, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia audreyae

Corrected data. Protaetia audreyae Arnaud, 1989 → Protaetia (Poecilophana) audreyae Arnaud, 1989.

10.07.2017 14:54, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Protaetia mixta

Corrected data. Protaetia mixta Weber, 1801 → (Weber, 1801).

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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