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I uploaded underside and replaced the top: work on the bugs. Good to have a collection that is going to for decades. You can always find the right instance. It is already 18 years passed. Butterflies in nature so do not live :)
Corrected data. Lacanobia thalassina / Tentatively identified → Xestia c-nigrum / Confidently identified.
From related speciesApatura irisunderside differs in the following features: "The underside of the rear wings are brownish with a violet hue, purple sash dirty". Verbatim quote from here: BM Mamaev LN Medvedev FN Pravdin "to the insects of the European part of the USSR" Moscow, "Education" 1976
From related speciesApatura irismajor differences on top of the following: "Grasp the rear wings slightly curved, with no angular projection". Verbatim quote from here: BM Mamaev LN Medvedev FN Pravdin "to the insects of the European part of the USSR" Moscow, "Education" 1976
From related speciesApatura iliaunderside differs in the following features: "The underside of the rear wings reddish-brown with purple tint and white band" Verbatim quote from here: BM Mamaev LN Medvedev FN Pravdin "to the insects of the European part of the USSR" Moscow, "Education" 1976
Well, I'll write with a capital letter, if it is the main theme of the site. Unless the name is not on the beginning of a sentence :) I think this option will suit all. For Fedor Ovechkin: under the "Butterfly is not a thing" I mean once again the name of the species.As, however, and people too, not a thing, and From Biological species of animal and should also be written with a capital letter: ...
. Carabus (Morphocarabus) mestscheryakovi ssp. irkoutskensis Lapouge, 1915An obvious error.It is a subspecies of C. odoratus.You should have both mestscherjakovi and odoratus there.This post was edited by Bomka - 03.10.2014 11: 21
I remember it took arms, as with anything there was no goal was not to catch butterflies ..... And now look: flies such "black sheep" among ordinary males over korostavnieom. I could not miss the moment and took his fingers, and then carried home in a cigarette pack. Since this unusual pafiyu not met even once (Nostalgia ....
I can identify them only two or three days before the imago as through a skin begins to show through picture and begins to show a spot on the male end of the abdomen (where the female is not).
Corrected data. Godonella aestimaria / Imago / Oleg Nikolsky → Ematurga atomaria / Female / Basil Sergienko.
Peter, about the fact that she plum, not Cheremuhovo explained in the system area. I propose here to stop the discussion. P.S. In exactly the same way I can explain about the cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae, green-veined white (all the plants in the genus Brassica). It is necessary? And without the quotes here, but may be only Latin names, because they are obviously correct.