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It seems that I have determined that the larva is either a leaf beetle or a ladybug (as for me, these two families should be combined, they are very close in everything up to the smell, and the morphology of larvae differs more within them than between them).
Well, I looked at this crap-I noticed a butterfly in the amount of one piece, it seems to be made of pure graphonium, and a danaid! Where are the eyes!?
Да, но потомство такого самца имеет меньше шансов выжить - мамаша-то осталась голодной. Так что как раз для процветания вида нужны самцы, отдавшие себя на сьедение после оплодотворенияТипичный измышлизм ...
H. z., what was there "for a clay shell", because now "there is no such page", but there is a suspicion that they mean built that they were cradles built by larvae, but not from their clay, but from a completely different substance - their own excrement. Pupation and further metamorphosis occur in them.Andreas, your amazing revelations remind me more and more of the hilarious video about the ...
What factors determine the presence of an insect on a particular plant, in addition to obvious reasons such as nutrition ?For example, mother-of-pearl glitter on nettles. Neither the adult butterfly nor its caterpillar feed on nettles. How then to explain why it is sitting on this plant ?
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
Corrected data. Not identified / Male & female → Pterophoridae / Confidently identified / Imago / Peter Khramov.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Eudicella mutica / Confidently identified / Male & female / Egor Dynastes.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Eudicella mutica / Confidently identified / Male & female / Egor Dynastes.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.
The website is mobile-friendly only in part (main blocks). We'll make full mobile-friendly redesign (with all design elements) this summer.
Hello. Small mayflies. Tver, from the Volga River. Years 27.06-13.07.23. In the first two photos of adults, in the next subimagos of different sexes. The genus Baetis. Is it possible to determine a specific species or group of species by color and departure time?IMG_8780 by Vadim Rybakov, on FlickrIMG_8809 by Vadim Rybakov, on FlickrIMG_8072 by Vadim Rybakov, on FlickrIMG_8071 by Vadim Rybakov, ...
Definitely mayflies. I wonder what kind of view... The picture of summer is really impressive.Ephoron probably
Information from the 2016 catalog: The taxa L. marginata and L. opis differ in stable features both in the structure of the genitals of both sexes and in the characteristics of the wing pattern. There is no morphological "transition" between them in Sib. Lomaspilis opis Butler, 1878, stat. resurr., bona sp., is an independent species distributed in Asia. At the subspecific level, we maintain the ...
In the catalog of 2016 it is written: Heydemann described the taxon nigrita in the erroneous status of the subspecies Lomaspilis opis nigrita Heydemann, 1936, not finding obvious structural differences from opis in the genitals and not taking into account the fact of sympatry of opis and nigrita in the Russian DV (in his publication a typical male nigrita from "Ussuri" is illustrated). The ...