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The female is a "typical" forms: in quotation marks because it is-more "grandmother in two said" :) In my edges, for example it is found much more often Argynnis paphia f. valesina Esper, 1793.
All such female green-gray color is Argynnis paphia f. valesina Esper, 1793 Here somehow on the page type, it is as synonymous: "Argynnis (Argynnis) paphia (Linnaeus, 1758) = Argynnis valesina Esper, [1798] is lost, what is considered right and therefore can not stand the discussion page of the form.
We were invited to visit this national park for a few days as part of an expedition. Was there a few years ago, about just a couple of days and in the summer. I remember that there was a large number of deer beetles. The actual question. What interesting things can you see there now? What kind of insects, so that their search is not particularly bothered. And in general, who is found there from ...
Corrected data. Orthosia paromoea / Tentatively identified → Orthosia lizetta / Confidently identified.
Originator according to which the amendment is made: "Schintlmeister, A. 2004. The Taxonomy of the genus Lymantria Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Quadrifina 7: 1-248."
Originator according to which the amendment is made: "Schintlmeister, A. 2004. The Taxonomy of the genus Lymantria Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Quadrifina 7: 1-248."
We continue to "do it yourself" paper =) A4 paper cut in half as well on the long side, then again in half the short One such leaflet glue two drops of glue in the corners. It turns out such a "pocket" or "dumpling". At work, I found a SP-560UZ. it seems structurally the same. We put on this very design of flash. It turns out a little "soft box", also known as a ...
Я пишу методику выявления и идентификации дынной мухи Bactrocera cucurbitae. Мне очень нужна книга (White, I.M.; Elson-Harris, M.M. (1992) Fruit flies of economic significance; their identification and bionomics. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.). Возможно у кого то, есть эта книга в ...
Many sources divide them into two types P.hermeli (endemic to the north of Mindoro, the Philippines, described in 1991) and P.chikae. I have both, and they are really different from each other. MB it makes sense to add to the site view hermeli?
Published on behalf of the Irina Nikulina . April 13 marked two years since the untimely death of a remarkable man and a talented Far Eastern entomologist Meshcheryakov Vladimir Romanovich .Many entomologists his name is well known, and lovers of butterflies know it by the book Yuri Arakcheeva "In a country blue Swallowtail", in several chapters of which the author describes their joint ...
Corrected data. Not identified → Depressaria leucocephala / Tentatively identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Depressaria leucocephala / Tentatively identified / Alexandr Zhakov.