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Added dozens of new species and synonyms, English names of hundreds of species, and most importantly - information on food plants for a thousand species of butterflies (see. Subsection "Food plants caterpillars" under "Detailed information identifying the sources" on pages of species).
One might think that butterflies and brutal ska punk are hardly compatible. However, this critter is not that fragile as it may seem. Guys from American band Chilled Monkey Brains, Tallahassee, Florida, evidently appreciate such endurance and thus got a whole song dedicated to it. Chilled Monkey Brains, Butterflies (Chilled Monkey Brains, 2011)
Aenetus virescens is a moth of the family Hepialidae and one of the largest native moths of New Zealand. Puriri moth as it's called has a 15cm wingspan for what this happens to get mistaken for a bat. This moth spends nearly all its life in the larval stage inside a trunk of some trees—eucalyptus, for instance, and this stage can last up to seven years! Trees that serve as homes to A. ...
A curious video from the National Geographic's “Untamed Americas” miniseries on how Arctiidae moths produce low frequency clicks to muffle the sonar that bats use to guide flight and prey. Thus a bat gets mislead and a moth masterly dodges the attack. National Geographic Untamed Americas, Moth Jamming Bat Sonar
Sergey, you posted some quite curious Noctuidae, nice shots, but no location or time data. :( Would you please be so kind to complete your initial upload?
Even Godzilla the Great grounded his mighty arms before the face of our huge and fearless hero. The thing is that he had no such magic “eyed” wings, which could seriously scare not only birds but even people. That's the thing!
Tell me, please, where can I find information about the lifestyle of the ant-hoverfly?What do Yandex and Wikipedia say about this?
Refer to the topic "classification of insects", there you will undoubtedly be helped.This post was edited by Black Coleopter - 10/23/2012 21: 57
It is unlikely that the guys from Pensoft started this just like that, without guarantees for future profit. They're too clever at publishing. Surely the magazine will find its own author's audience, and surely there is some idea with a quick push through the impact. The checklist looks quite interesting zhrnal, but there is no impact, although age allows. Time will show...
In 1965, when James Nebel was young, he got a large collection of butterflies and moths to keep and own. Then it was called the Anderson Collection and reckoned as the second largest private butterfly collection in Washington. It comprised about 3000 specimens that Andrew Anderson had gathered throughout his life in Pateros, WA, a city with a today's population of 667 people. Nebel knew ...
17th Annual Texas Butterfly Festival will take place in Mission, Texas, US, from October 25th to 28th. The Rio Grande valley, where Mission is located, is a well-known US region for its biological diversity. Here four ecosystems of the four valley counties meet: the local subtropical area makes a home for over 300 butterfly species, 512 bird species and 94 odonate species. In autumn you can ...
American rockabilly from 1958, Chuck Royal & The Sharpsters, You're Like a Butterfly. Chuck Royal & The Sharpsters, You're Like a Butterfly (1958)
There are two cats.Entomologists examined them, found fleas of a different breed on them, and their color seemed to have a red tint,no other fleas were found on cats,fleas in question are black,less than on cats,about one and a half millimeters long(very small,and to see it on the leg, you need to look closely.They bite me painfully, it itches a lot,and they only bite me,why I don't understand.I ...
This was as possible as to spot the well-done mount of an extinct dodo bird in the rubbish at a yard sale — barely ever. Tom Terzin, a developmental biologist from University of Alberta, Canada, never waited to discover a rarest well-preserved specimen of an extinct endemic Jamaican moth Urania sloanus of the Uraniidae family on a popular online auction eBay. Any hesitation was immediately ...