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On April 30, I waited for the male:
Corrected data. Not identified → Glaucopsyche lycormas / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Glaucopsyche lycormas / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Glaucopsyche lycormas / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Cupido argiades / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Cupido argiades / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Celastrina filipjevi / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
In Irkutsk, this species (or a very similar one) was found in the mass on yellow acacia trees. We thought it was K. quadriplagiatus.
Corrected data. Imago → Female.
Corrected data. Andrey Ponomarev → Vlad Proklov.
Corrected data. Andrey Ponomarev → Vlad Proklov.
by the way, this stupid bug I fed)) gave him a black ant almost the size of himself. well, he was not at a loss - he immediately clung to him (he was starving to see), pierced him with his proboscis (it was shrunken) and still does not take out the proboscis. horror stories straight. so he will not starve to death, there will be someone to pass for tests in case of anything (I hope the ant did ...
This same comrade is just from another place Pogonocherus (Pityphilus) fasciculatus (DeGeer, 1775)29.04.2014. Moscow region, Lyuberetsky district, okr. der. Torbeevo, deforestation in a mixed forest with a predominance of conifers, in years.
Again I went to Tai, Krabi province, from April 14 for 12 nights.Every night there were rains or thunderstorms, so fishing for light failed. There were a lot of mosquitoes in the forest.Few typesAnd this is the few animals that were caught on the paths in the forest
Super-! I put in the illustration.
It is necessary to pay attention to the name of the village in the vicinity of which was collected Butterfly:Свинская Eloquent is the name :) Not really, right?
Eau accurately. Here are some of visyak zygaenidae for example:
Uzhbo hurt it reminds me Zygaena (Mesembrynus) rubicundus (Hübner, [1817]), but alas: punctum like as endemic in Italy, and is listed in the geography of Turkey :)
Corrected data. Not identified → Sericinus montela / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Sericinus montela / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Sericinus montela / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Sericinus montela / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Sericinus montela / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Sadly (Ure, these harmful bird in the early 2000s in the United States in several states (I think in Virginia and Maryland) all ate euonymus (This is me when my "titmouse" defines several articles came across - a very serious pest ...
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Corrected data. Tentatively identified → Confidently identified.
Corrected data. Not identified → Ochlodes subhyalina / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Pyrgus speyeri / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Ochlodes venatus / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Erynnis montanus / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Erynnis montanus / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Erynnis montanus / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Parnassius nomion / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Parnassius nomion / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Parnassius nomion / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Uploaded exclusively for points. More out Swallowtail ship will not: they and so many here :)
Corrected data. Tentatively identified / Imago → Confidently identified / Male.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Corrected data. Ova → Male.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Corrected data. Imago → Male & female.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Geography-like. Doubtful some. It seems to me this is not croceus.
It's just underside "tied" to the previously loaded butterflies.
Arctornis sp. The thing in my joints.
Corrected data. Not identified → Thymelicus sylvatica / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
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