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Corrected data. Lygaeidae / Confidently identified / Nikolai Vladimirov → Scolopostethus / Tentatively identified / Boris Loboda.
Resource suddenly became paid ((Now the pleasure of using 50 euros a year is worth it ((A bit steep wrapped up in my opinion. Now, in my opinion, it's time to stop thinking about using it as the main one for ground beetles.... Evgeny, we need to find a replacement.
Novel. I accidentally found this post of yours. I am now near Abkhazia.If you do not have a particularly difficult task, then I am ready to help you.
Roman, please tell me if you will be in Barnaul this summer. I want to give you a book-album of photographs by V. V. Sapozhnikov, I know that you are a big fan of him.
Corrected data. Cerura (Neocerura) thomasi Schintlmeister, 1993 → Neocerura thomasi Schintlmeister, 1993.
Poplar hawk moth pupa diedI don't understand why?Some pupae always die, this is normal.The reasons may be as follows: a poorly fed, weak caterpillar, the pupa had a defect, unsuitable storage conditions for the pupa.
Calosoma (Carabophanus) gestroi Breuning, 1928 - EthiophiaEtiophia 12.IX.2006, Harerge prov.Mt.Termaber, Werner lgt. Pictures:Calosoma__Carabophanus__gestroi_Breuning__1928.JPG — (150.04к)
Help me identify it, please! In the village house they climb in droves.Bedbugs (calm down - they don't belong to bedbugs and blood-sucking beetles in general). They are not dangerous for humans. They just spend the winter in the house. When it's warm, they'll leave.This post was edited by Dmitrich - 31.03.2017 17: 18
Parasynaptopsis lespedezae koreanus (Voss, 1924)Primorsky Krai, Artyom district, 9.07.2016This post was edited by Gray-Ejik - 31.03.2017 13: 31 Pictures:Parasynaptopsis_lespedezae_koreanus__Voss__1924__female.jpg — (324.43к) Parasynaptopsis_lespedezae_koreanus__Voss__1924__male.jpg — (321.89к)
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Orgyia antiqua / Confidently identified / Male / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Well, let it be so ( I understand. Somehow he took up a similar one in beetles, with bronzes and cursed everything ((Maybe there is an enthusiast :)
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Lycaena virgaureae / Confidently identified / Female / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Good afternoon!Gentlemen, I was recently on o.Phuhet in Thailand. We managed to collect several species of coleoptera. Unfortunately, I can't recognize it. Please help me identify insects in photos.thank you in advance!Green large rutelins-Anomala from the grandis group (more precisely, it is difficult to determine the type).Rhinoceros - Oryctes rhinoceros. And so Black Coleopter guided you in ...