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Caterpillar-obzhorik eats tasty blade of grass :-)
Sorry, I overlooked. I shot netrupik. Not so close, yet shot. ;-)
So you finally did shoot it? Or it's just a dead corpse?
Gobbler :-)))))
Obzhoriki :-)
Ikebana :-)
I think one that smile on her head?
Lycaena virgaureae, male
Cerura vinula?
Thank you! By the way in a northerly direction and caught. Everything is as it is written.
It - Leptidea sinapis
The joint outing with Andrew buttercup.
Saturnia pavonia?
This species is identified correctly.
In my opinion it is all the same underside, not the top of the wings. And like a butterfly Aporia crataegi
Thank you! :)
Blue admiral?...:-)))))
Neptis sappho.
Neptis sappho?
Macroglossum stellatarum.
Photo's likely to get lost...
Even the Poplar Admiral (Limenitis populi) crowds around!:-)
They changed indeed! Week ago I was driving through Bryansk region and there were loads of! Flying in swarms. Did not I even come out to shoot 'em since done it way too much. The opposite, I still can't make a good shot of the blackleg tortoiseshell (Nymphalis polychloros). :(
Yeah, nearly.))) So it came to the light of a mercury vapor lamp, didn't it?))))
Cool! I also happen to shoot butterflies in Khar'kov at times!:-)
Vasily, a friend of mine works in Moscow city and watches this butterfly every spring. I guess, its total disappearance is kind of the fact quite overrated.
Didn't know, fairly.
I used to live in Povarovo and never saw such butterflies there. Climate change :-))
Drunk, maybe))). Even with its "tongue" out. They usually flush away just of flicks. I finally shot such one, but admin is on vacation now. Not published yet.
What's with it? :)))
This is Leptidea sinapis.
I might have fouled up, but I named it as Polygonia c-album. Maybe, this took the previous photo name... shot location is right though. Correct, please :).
Awesome! This year I'm also going to catch some night butterflies to UV mercury-vapor or mercury-vapor lamps for make shots.