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Dmitry, you can send mail to photo labels? There's the devil himself will not understand. Perhaps the doctor wrote :)
Put in inaccurate because Achilles at all wings with black edges, which is not seen, it's probably M.helenor - it is most prevalent.
Basil, I would not assert so categorically. Many subspecies M.helenor, such ssp lacommei, and M. partoclus have the same underside.
Dmitriy. Put in mansfieldi, although descriptions and the same name as two different subspecies of species need to be sorted out.
In females Duphia quite thin mustache. Well, still, of course, the author of the artistic efforts of color. Look D.avia and D.fraterna
Perhaps you're right. The label was B. pulchristriata, Saigusa & Lee, 1982. The same is available for yulongensis. Strange. In one year the same authors described two subspecies
I have a one male with two antennae. It is derived from another source. No different from etogo.Etiketka: Buokoko, RCA, 08, 2012
Dmitri, you're laughing. Out of Africa - accurate label? Somewhere so - about the place, about a month and a year. It then Europeans write svoi- "refined."
OK. Then I decide - I put it separately. I'm interested in papilionidae, nymphalidae, saturnidae, sphinghidae, - probably the tropics, because Palearctic collected (except rare), that's probably all ...
Fumbling on the bottom of the barrel. I turn up another neraspravlennuyu in good condition. I can succeed at something.
Speaking of bugs. Caught there beautiful barbel, there is a photo where to lay? Ready to trade on the butterflies can promised to Pavon.
I ello c Argentina and Fr.Gviany not of this kind. Today and tomorrow will post, at the same time a couple of erinnisov who have no ph
Not tersa it and clarki - incidentally the most common type in the Dominican Republic. You can collect dozens, took 8, others spared - let
This is a photo to show how many butterflies on a flowering tree. Also present vanillae Dryas julia, Euptoieta claudia and Belyanko
And I do not know what to say. In exchange I have a single-list for those interested. All sfotat online and straightened butterflies from my collection. And many of those who have already been foty site, Fautua Wrap each in the "Collections" and long-has put a thankless. Peter, can you all of my gross zahrenachit there :)
That's why I'm not collect fines. And the vision is not hard to spread currents. But if you need something to catch, then zavsegda please :)
Here I'm not going satyrs. Somehow it did not happen ... As for the envelopes and kept in envelopes, but rather between the layers of tissue or toilet paper, even for Mexico zametil- it absorbs more moisture, sometimes me, but am feeling better about themselves butterfly. In Mexico, so do small villages and fly larvae postponed - to morph. It's a pity so. Then I freeze.After that, I try to keep ...
This is not Thai! In the Dominican Republic all away in the wilderness of waste it is not recommended, the population heavily criminalized, allowed weapons. I moved away for 2-3 km and not very comfortable feeling. And at night, and the hotel is not recommended ...
I not caught, but they were. One with small butterflies I have no friendship :) If nado- next time .. I was looking for Stradomsky blues, and so they are not there. In general butterflies in storage, especially of small, under 100% humidity - that still work. moldy immediately.I tried cleaning the room after them in the refrigerator to shove, so until the morning ohlazhdalis- then in a suitcase, ...
Only. Accidentally caught in the jungle. But battusov caught. There were sailboats similar to thoas or androgeus, but the treetops, even consider not happen. That's all that was of Papilio
I killed three of them life, but were unable to catch it in a restaurant, she flew. Foreigners (oh, these "green") sounded like ...
And what, exactly? I have no clue. What is rare? I caught two, one not. In principle, he could catch more, but they are small, such as not paying vnimaniya.Letayut near a flowering tree. If sled.godu go, I can catch.
In-minute, Lord. It's a hobby, not work- please do not confuse. And from the need to get a hobby only fun !!! Otherwise, why such a hobby ??? So easy to perceive. I, for example, all Therefore drum. I collect butterflies for yourself - a favorite.Remember the anecdote (unless, of course, Peter did not cut yourself): - Russian rock brought two new vyvuholey (for the ignorant - a water creature), ...
Will not. This is another instance. Himself govorish- individual butterflies :) Just at first I caught them, and then just walked, looked, photographed ....