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From nevylozhennyh me earlier there S.coccinata and female Cymothoe sangaris. The rest I can lay underside.
I got it. Should have warned me. Before it was more convenient, you come to the page photos immediately redaktiruesh.
It is male. Basil, I realized I did not give this type of photo? Or he was before me sfotat Dmitry? (I try not to repeat). And I have a female of this species. It should be a photo?
And on povadkam- net Juno. On Hamadruas different kinds nasmotrelsya- they fly quickly, often sit on trees, while straightening the wings instead of adding them. And it flies from flower to flower, just as Juno Southeast Asia.
Clearly not Helenus! Looking at mine (Vietnam, China, The Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia), they all have this back spot ending on the third vein, all save hystaspes which does on the fourth.
Then what's the difference between subspecies? Genitalia only? Or not? Such a mess, worse than with machaons.Time to group them similarly to morphos!
I've got also ssp. Stabilis same dark colour. Can add pics if needed. Whilst mine asterius is light.
As Irina said right, It's most likely P.hipponous. Red eyespots are confusing, that's all. Mine of the collection don't have front eyespots, they're all males though. This looks female. Not polytes at least, I checked all mine, both collected myself and got from somewhere, don't look like. This marvel doesn't look any other else in Southeast Asia. Not a rare species (quite rare compared to ...
Well, some mystic, I again removed the photo, and then another. Though laugh, though you cry again .. What add? or it will be very soon
No double anymore, I uploaded new pic #32964 cause the previous one somehow disappeared whilst I was changing and this one was kept despite I did everything recommended. So this pic to be removed and #32964 to be kept. Won't remove or change anything more!!! Let the moderator does that.