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I'm not a Noctuidae pro. If it was something of diurnals, I could say 100% sure. There only guesses. Wait for.
If I'd only knew where it from. Judging by other species, this is Southeast Asia. Supposedly, Speiredonia (Spirama) retorta.
No need to move, I'd rather know what our Saturniidae experts' would say. I just suggested that blindly.
The author was helped with identifying at What's better for us, that's an another question.
Coenonympha rhodopensis Coenonympha arcania Coenonympha leander (last three are out at once) Coenonympha orientalis (also passes by) C. thyrsis which is already mentioned there doesn't differ to Coenonympha pamphilus f. lyllus but with its genitalia (Boillat 1986). So, having eliminated all those, we've got Coenonympha pamphilus f. lyllus.
Let's look through Bokhanov's catalog. In Croatia there are such species as Coenonympha rhodopensis Coenonympha glycerion Coenonympha pamphilus Coenonympha arcania Coenonympha orientalis Coenonympha leander.
Do not look. Now it is a subspecies of Caligo telamonius (C. & R. Felder, 1862) Source Gerardo Lamas, 2004; Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera; Checklist: Part 4A; Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea
I'd say this is Oleria sexmaculata = Oleria antaxis (Haensch, 1909). Oleria assimilis is mentioned only for Ecuador and a part of Peru.
Phyllodesma americana feeds on cottonwood too. That's all I found in social caterpillars. There is also one Pieridae species that doesn't live on cottonwood though. Does anybody have anything besides?
Definitely not "identified". Let's check it out by whom such constructions can be made. Especially, on cottonwood.