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First photo of this species will be indexed by Wow!
Thanks, that's in memory of one man (inherited some collection after his death).
No exact label, alas. At least, species is identified. Cool.
Imho, not alexis also, as well as the previous one (nearly no spots on its underside).
Glaucopsyche alexis Poda, 1761 (couple).
Glaucopsyche alexis Poda, 1761 (female).
Truly Stichophthalma louisa, Wood-Mason, 1877. There Dmitry Podjogin is right.
This species is identified correctly.
Butterfly is famous for its magnificent caterpillar in whose honor is soё second name "red-". Imago compared with caterpillar sulfur and quite homely.
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
Sure, move that (didn't know about its synonyms).
There is some mistake about identifying of this species, I know the right name of it. No jokes, this is really Calliteara pudibunda. Let's move?
Wonder if it can be Calliteara pudibunda?
Also minos, imho.
No hope.
Whether can it be Z. minos?
Hard with such angle shot: Z. minos? osterodensis? No more than a guess work. For sure, genus Zygaena. Can see even subspecies here! But no go.
Viktor, I see the same. Maybe, some technical bug.
Lycaena virgaureae, male, Linnaeus, 1758.
Triodia sylvina Linnaeus, 1761.
Triodia sylvina Linnaeus, 1761 (hopely, not wrong).
This species is identified correctly. Let's get these classified too.
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly. Up
Approve: that is truly polytes, but let's at least database Jordani. I just fouled up a little bit.
Think, this case should be cleaned, so as even me often mash up these two species, chrysitis and stenochrysis. And tutti should be deleted.
There is some mistake about identifying of this species, I know the right name of it. Diachrysia stenochrysis, Warren, 1913.
There is some mistake about identifying of this species, I know the right name of it. Changed: Diachrysia stenochrysis, Warren, 1913.
There is some mistake about identifying of this species, I know the right name of it. Diachrysia stenochrysis, Warren, 1913.
There is some mistake about identifying of this species, I know the right name of it. Diachrysia stenochrysis, Warren, 1913.
Vlad, this information is assured on a forum. I offered it there as S. ocellata (caught nearby), but guys re-identified it successfully.
Viktoria, this one is definitely not P.blumei. Once I uploaded blumei there, so that one was pure blumei (compare at least the leg spurs):
As far as I can remember, Vanessa atalanta, Linnaeus, 1758.
Lamprotes c-aureum, Knoch, 1781, 100% sure.
Moma alpium, Osbeck, 1778.
Pronophila unifasciata, Lathy, 1906 ssp. kennethi (underside).
Pronophila unifasciata, Lathy, 1906 ssp. kennethi (up). South America (no details, no any label).
There is some mistake about identifying of this species, I know the right name of it. Smerinthus planus, Walker, 1856.
This species is identified correctly. Evgeny, you are right. This one is really Idaea emarginata, Linnaeus, 1758. I identified it wrong, my apologies. ( or (
Euploea sp.
Euploea sp.
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