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Photo #13995: Lygephila maxima


Lygephila maxima

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Dina Rogatnykh. Image redone at the website. Identified by: Sergei Kotov

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2012-07-28 00:00:00, Amur region, near Blagoveshchensk

Comments on this image

26.10.2013 1:33, Peter Khramov

Alexander, the signature "definition of species" is given for the sake of brevity. In fact, this infa not about who is to determine the form, and that those who had information that at this picture, this look to the site. And yes, it can only be zaregalsya user.If it is determined by someone else, it is a good habit to write about it in the comments or in the notes to the picture (so now and make some of our authors).

26.10.2013 1:26, Alexandr Zhakov

The complex case that has long defined Pekarsky photos, and according to the rules of this site, I put the definition of Sergei Kotov. I wanted to put two, this was difficult.

26.10.2013 1:17, Sergei Kotov

Alexander, first of all, I apologize for the excessive sharpness.

"And now a very complex case" - but with these let us disagree. maxima and distinctive appearance is markedly different from other members of the genus Lygephila

26.10.2013 1:11, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Not identified Lygephila maxima / Confidently identified / Sergei Kotov.

26.10.2013 1:10, Alexandr Zhakov

Sergei, do not dissemble, I have never scolded, reprimanded, bantered, indignant, taught, yes, but not abused :) I do not blame you for that. And now a very complicated case, this image is determined in mobiole Oleg Pekarsky http://molbiol.ru/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t523212.html God forgive me, Peter, try to insert in the definition of the two, what happens? and nothing will have no room Pekarsky :(

26.10.2013 0:23, Sergei Kotov

I might be hardly blamed by Alexandr Zhakov, still say this is Lygephila maxima.

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