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Photo #23878: Cricula trifenestrata


Cricula trifenestrata

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo: Alex Dumchus. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Vasiliy Feoktistov

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2013-02-00 00:00:00, Vietnam, Hon Ba mt

Comments on this image

12.01.2015 16:51, Alex Dumchus

Alexander. Here USD went up the hill, so that soon all will only Polixenes and the rest of the domestic shoot! We all flights from Rostov to the tropics was canceled, he was one of Vietnam, who grew up in such a way that for the money I had flown to Mexico for two weeks. So all in front of: (((

12.01.2015 15:46, Irina Nikulina

Alexander, most of all I had in mind the need to specify the size in the case of productions in vague - to facilitate the task of those who will determine.In addition, the disputed may be theoretically any case) Written puts a precise definition, and it can not be true, especially in the case of just such difficult genera (already happened many times), and then what - specifically ask for ext. data? Long and uncomfortable - the author responds sometimes not immediately.And the dimensions shown even if the precise formulations, can help in the future to other authors. I do not really understand what the difficulty when photographing specimens. directly measure the scope and specify. (While I was writing, Alexander had already written a shorter :)))

12.01.2015 15:37, Alexandr Zhakov

Alexander, you're cunning :) something Polixena and Podalirius in your photo noticed. Basically the tropics and most unique in my opinion. So do not be lazy :)) unique information on many species. But Peter does not allow the line to insert :))

12.01.2015 13:33, Alex Dumchus

I have a second same (1-2 mm larger) size. And about Dimensioning, according to Irina, see sense affix them in case of dispute, for example, what is the point I put down sizes or have Polixena Podalirius ???

11.01.2015 23:20, Irina Nikulina

By lit.dannym wingspan for trifenestrata 65-100mm. She looked most photos of male (with a ruler) - from 61- 67mm. I'm not sure that is correct to endure inaccurate trifenestrata. With the same success can be put this photo in inaccurate vietnama or jordani , which are often found in Vietnam and have about the same size.Or maybe it's a smaller species found in Vietnam -Cricula hoffmanni.
With regard to the highly desirable Dimensioning collection. copies - more than once wrote about it. Often so much time can be saved by reducing the number of possible types of consideration.

11.01.2015 21:10, Alex Dumchus

Small she approx. 55 mm

11.01.2015 20:52, Peter Khramov

Taki inaccurate or the same determination to the race? And in scope - well, by the way. You can with the time and then there will be signs in the form to add, if that other sources of information is not present.

11.01.2015 19:54, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Irina, thanks for the fact that drew attention to the incorrect definition of the previous year. Certainly for an accurate determination of species of this genus is not enough only the appearance of butterflies.
Close and reliably distinguishable only by genital types of analysis does not automatically have to be in exact.I propose to transfer any and all Cricula trifenestrata in inaccurate.
Just all: I offer to take it a rule to specify the scope of all collectible copies. Himself repeatedly convinced that this is a great help for the correct definition / redefinition of the form.

10.01.2015 13:04, Irina Nikulina

Why trifenestrata, Basil? Instead vietnama, for example? On what grounds? Here, even the size is not specified, it could even indirectly confirm. I not disputed, just to deal with the kind and would like to understand. Here there are some features that, I think, just for this kind of uncharacteristic.Actually not very clear almost all the definitions on the site in this genus, the more all photos and more precisely defined stand. Very difficult genus as the species mimnimum approx. 60 (instead of 4), it is very volatile, related species reliably determined by the genitive. Analysis of males (females are generally difficult-). In some species there is more or less clear external differences.signs, but in any case, for sure - it has something very bold)

04.11.2013 14:36, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Not identified / Imago Cricula trifenestrata / Confidently identified / Male / Vasiliy Feoktistov.

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