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Photo #25376: Cucullia tiefi

Male & female

Cucullia tiefi

Click image to enlarge

Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo, and identified by: Sergey Titov. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2012-04-12 00:00:00, Pavlodar region, Ekibastuz raion

Comments on this image

10.12.2013 21:56, Peter Khramov

"Kind of, images of which is not in the network, should be welcomed on the site in any way and gently recommend to correct the mistakes."
So all right. I just welcome, nothing is removed and gently recommend -)
"As for the rulers, many very good sites, it is required to present"
The fact of the matter is that good general sites for butterflies there.Hopefully in the future we will be so.
ZY Perhaps there are good sites, I just did not see them. But it's very unlikely.

We are accustomed to working with books. And not peretroimsya to book thinking to approach the book with an electric niformatsiey, freer approach.Hence, there is a kindergarten in the form of tickers, implanted into image files, backgrounds in the box, the wishes of links in the directory A, B, C, D, and so forth alphabetically, and "to be able to click on bukovku and view all types that begin with bukovku the "controversy about what to put foty as major - living or dried butterflies,hanging ph several dried specimens together, etc.

It. Sometimes. Conveniently. In books. Because. That there. Strong. Technology. Limitation. And in another. Nothing.

1. Why college ruled? Show razamery species? The dimensions of the form - the characteristics of species, not foty.Dimensions particular instance? If they are common - that is characteristic of the species. If unusual, and I want to stress this - write a note or comment to fote "interesting instance of unusually large (small) sizes." and enter the specific size of . It will be much easier to see the people than college ruled.In the future, when fucking wish, you can bring all foty unusual size for a single property so that they could look for.
2. Why the alphabet? To you brought 15,000 species, beginning with your favorite letter? Autosubstitution rabtayut in mulon times faster and more convenient.
3.Why choose only dried or just live? We stamped the corresponding property in the photographs. Do you want to see one thing as the primary? Or maybe you do not allow religion to look at dried? Well, on the site should be relevant to the jackdaw LC. Nope daw? Kick admin to do.
4.Why figachit several dried specimens on one fote? To be able to compare and see at a glance just one fote? So kick the administrator that he made a feature to display arbitrary ph together and comparing them to compare species or on formal grounds, it will be much more convenient and universally applicable approach.Summary:
In the book, we take the page with text and pictures. And scroll.
On the site we take pieces of text, graphic, and (if necessary) vsyaechkoy other information throwing ourselves in any (convenient for a particular situation) form and work with them.So the program can ensure this is the most arbitrary spreading of information on the site should be as laid out on shelves, and then the program to the requirements of the user with the most of these shelves will collect it.
Private picture butterfly - piece. The size of the form - a piece. The size of the particular outstanding instance - piece.Species name - a piece. From pieces to collect the constructor every time something new, right.
The image of two butterflies with a ruler - do not bite. More precisely, a piece, but only one, and not structured enough.

10.12.2013 15:07, Alexandr Zhakov

Peter, to be honest, did not quite understand what you mean.but probably it is not important, you do not like that two butterflies in the photo? probably yes, it is not good, as I understood the main thing here in a search engine that can go crazy with a large number of options, but again, as I understood it all depends on you, you can put a search on "Options", but probably do not need. Sergei honestly put the "imago".The view image which there is no network , should be welcomed on the site in any way and gently recommend to correct mistakes. About rulers, many very good sites, it is necessarily present, or it does not focus.In my opinion it is particularly important in electronic resources, when the image can be any size and specify the size in the comments of this book. :). Perhaps it's necessary to move somewhere to discuss the photos :)

10.12.2013 11:30, Peter Khramov

First, nowhere it is written that it is male and female. And just spelled Imago. Secondly, the worst has to select ph on the grounds of (male / nesamets). Thirdly, the indication of the size should be in the form of text in the note to a picture (i.e. just in the label) and not embedded in a line in the image.The books can not be so free to handle nifoy (there generally can not be - printed and truncated), and on the site - it is possible. The information must be in a convenient form for handling, and not in the book (though sometimes it may be the same) ...

10.12.2013 11:15, Alexandr Zhakov

Sergei, do not delete, you go ahead of the engine is very good, just unusual. For me there is not something wrong, that the male and female in one picture, if desired, but it can be divided in the future.As for the rulers, Peter I completely disagree, his site is not studio, and a powerful database with 4 thousand species over time, proceed to the fact that all items will be straightened with rulers. From the part of kidding, but an indication of the size, it is also that of a label, be sure to label and line trash, unfair and wrong.

10.12.2013 10:31, Sergey Titov

Remove, debris will not

04.12.2013 22:58, Peter Khramov

Recalls the need to ship foty dried specimens of a single individual in the picture and without waste in the form of lines, if it all possible. This is not a book here on ph selections parameters are no less important than the individual pages ph.

26.11.2013 15:34, Alexandr Zhakov

Very nice view.

26.11.2013 14:59, Sergey Titov This species is identified correctly.

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