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Photo #40400: Aemona amathusia


Aemona amathusia

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo: Alex Dumchus. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Dmitriy Pozhogin

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2015-03-00 00:00:00, Vietnam, prov.Quang Ngai

Comments on this image

29.07.2015 22:14, Dmitriy Pozhogin Corrected data.

Andrey Polstyanoy Dmitriy Pozhogin.

29.07.2015 21:14, Dmitriy Pozhogin Corrected data.

Not identified Aemona amathusia / Confidently identified / Andrey Polstyanoy.

29.07.2015 21:13, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Alexander! I did not dig this kind of never - see descriptions of these species. Start with this

29.07.2015 21:10, Alex Dumchus

Dmitriy. I'm interested in significant differences between:
Stichophthalma cambodia (Hewitson, 1862),
Stichophthalma uemurai Nishimura, 1998
and accurate illustration Stichophthalma fruhstorferi Röber, 1903.
I have a material and illustrations on them, but there is a lot of confusion. Can you help?

29.07.2015 20:34, Dmitriy Pozhogin

This Aemona amathusia

29.07.2015 19:59, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Alexander! Write exactly what you need, and then I was confused (I had better full Latin name, the authors)

29.07.2015 19:52, Peter Khramov

Leon, there Stas Korb in the comments to the video wrote that it was.

29.07.2015 19:50, Alex Dumchus

Dmitriy.Spasibo. It is a pity only two pictures. I was hoping for more. Disappointed. What is even cambodia, well, louisa deviatkini. S.eamsei me there, just a darker, the site has a photo, and a few uemurai too, but the butterfly, like a picture on uemurai, some catchers issue for fruhstorferi. Actually, I was looking for significant differences between the three species mentioned cambodia, uemurai and fruhstroferi.

29.07.2015 19:49, Leon Ortlieb

What was there?
I encountered the same thing here, in the cherry. Also it looked interesting. I found it Yponomeuta evonymella, bird cherry mole was. Somewhere in the archives of the past years should be a photo of the gusennits. What have you been?

29.07.2015 19:39, Dmitriy Pozhogin

The caterpillars then we immediately identified, but I'm not an expert to give an interview))))

29.07.2015 19:39, Peter Khramov

"Biologists say."

29.07.2015 19:32, Leon Ortlieb

I hope you saved the situation in your city? Come and identified tracks?

29.07.2015 19:17, Dmitriy Pozhogin

What gal knows even my 12 year old daughter.
Then I remembered a specialist from my city

29.07.2015 19:13, Leon Ortlieb

If you know what galls on the leaves, the cooler you are already candidates of science!

29.07.2015 19:11, Dmitriy Pozhogin

A candidate I would also Pendel gave good)))

29.07.2015 19:09, Dmitriy Pozhogin

You are trying to persuade me that I am an expert? Neighing!

29.07.2015 18:29, Peter Khramov

Collectors important collections. Skilled knowledge is important. Between them there are many intermediate forms.
Graduates, it is important knowledge, and thus he has a diploma in his specialty.
Proffesional specialization earns a living.

29.07.2015 18:17, Leon Ortlieb

Again I lost my koment.
Dmitry come anyway! Let lovers will appreciate the graduate spices.
I will tell the true story, and you will appreciate ..

Spring was Altyn Emel reserve. It was assigned to us in accordance with the order (2 and / machine) the guide, the candidate of biological sciences And ...When he began to show in the galls on the leaves and explain that in this way multiplies turanga, I could not resist and said turanga as all poplar propagated by seeds, cuttings, root suckers, but not so on the Gauls.Guides angry and said: "Where did you come from? I was born here, live all the time, and I know! And besides, you're dealing with a candidate of biological sciences .. What do you have settled for nonsense-Turanga poplar, willow and even family .." Etc.

The driver and his son, the dispute seemed funny.People for Education, having nothing to do with nature, came immediately to the Internet and installed :. Yes, Turanga poplar and willow family and so on. etc. Then he laughed, saying: "But ... Leon Soviet education, and you probably degree, and your master's more recent times ..."

Fans have access to the information for 5 seconds, in the car, in the desert.
Now imagine if the graduate will receive power and will force people to collect galls with leaves and seed to propagate the Red Turangi!
How do you like this graduate ??

29.07.2015 16:45, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Leon Ortlieb! Then, determine that you have a specialist without a diploma and ask for such specialists by specialists with diplomas)))

29.07.2015 16:41, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Alexander, sorry, confused link. From diletanta- layman reference picture)))

29.07.2015 16:41, Leon Ortlieb

The ark built amateurs, the Titanic experts ..
Dmitri, why did you decide that it is a shame when a person without a diploma called the expert? Do all dealt with a diploma? or tomorrow holders of diplomas sell ice cream?

The knowledge available, and many fans are classified sometimes broader or in a narrow sector is stronger than the owners of diplomas.Once upon a time, when the pictures to sell to publishers was interesting, I sold one publisher multivolume something like "Fish World", about a dozen photons.In an interview he said that he has available a number of authors amateur aquarists are highly specialized for a particular genus or family of fish, for example Piscary looking Old and photos from around the world, speak different languages, vacation conducted where the different types of Piscary found, collect info, photos, trying to breed and so forth.Write recommendations and so on. This sometimes does not work on the profile, and there teachers, state bureaucracy and so on. They know about the Piscary professionals with more than a diploma. Maybe a slightly different profile, but they are specialists. They write articles for books and some Ph.D. then edit the publication.

29.07.2015 16:37, Alex Dumchus

Dmitriy . Thanks for the link. But stichophthalma to the coolant. there. They are very interested in Ch. imitata and P.plexaspes. If there is that about stichophthalma picture (sorry, an amateur), then throw off the link, pliz!

29.07.2015 15:58, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Alexander! Why did you decide that I'm an expert? For me, this is also just a hobby, as well as for you. And in the jungle I'm probably not as much as you love to run and run))). Description I have given, that all saw how all sucked from the finger. A description of the subspecies called hard you stihopalm- is available in the public domain. http://www.landesmuseum.at/pdf_frei_remote/Atalanta_34_0075-0109.pdf But it is the same as this description.

29.07.2015 14:48, Alex Dumchus

Yes, Dmitri, your sarcasm is out of place. I'm no expert, but perhaps as recently someone named like me - "stamp collector." Passion butterflies childhood there, and then climb into the jungle do not want to study, and time too. I am one of those who need a hobby. Someone goes hunting, fishing, someone with rusty iron things busy, and I catch and collect butterflies.And beautiful butterflies, but not micro any. And I enjoy it.
A pussy boil or gene analysis done - not mine. Let these experts are engaged ... or those who like it. I - no, to each his own, I would rather run through the jungle.And as the site of "locked up" for the most part, in the amateurs, that's what you had describes aemon, and even from England and, since 80 percent or so, people are barely razlichat ksantomelas from polihloros. So I remembered an old anecdote.And about stihopalm so at Monastery and Devyatkina, there are also illustrations of the described species and subspecies, which I would like to see.

29.07.2015 7:51, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Yeah, Alexander! And description stihopalm)) looking for. They have me, but they need you? (They are on the same dialect obscure for you as an article on the new species of the genus Aemona)

28.07.2015 19:24, Alex Dumchus

Yeah. He remembered an old anecdote: "Dad, you're talking with someone today?"

28.07.2015 13:39, Dmitriy Pozhogin

And now we look and laugh
Aemona kontumei spec. nov.
Holotype d: Central Vietnam, Kon Turn Province, Ngoc Linh Nature Reserve, 1700 m, 2.IV. 1998 (ALM leg.).
Paratypes (6 cTcT, 2 $$): the same locality as the holotype, 1 $, 1700 m, 30.111.1998; 2 dd, 1600m, 3. and 6.IV.1998; September 1, 1450m, 20.IV.1998; 1 d, 1600m, 21.IV.1998; 1 d, 1500m, 6.V.1998 (all ALM leg.); 2 dd, Central Vietnam, Gia Lai Province, Kon Ka Kinh Nature Reserve, 1600 m, 19. and 20.IV.1999 (ALM leg.).
Holotype BMNH, paratypes MSU.
Generally large; forewing apex falcate and termen convex; hindwing conspicuously angled at vein 4 (M3).
Upperside. Ground colour not uniform: forewing brownish yellow at base, paler yellowish ochreous in the distal part; apex and termen narrowly dark brown, very contrasting; a fine dark streak at the end of the cell (upper part); discal line dark and contrasting, tending to be irregular, interrupted by veins and produced towards termen from both sides of at least veins 2 and 3. Hindwing ground colour brownish yellow (as in the basal part of the forewing); submarginal lunules dark outlined from both sides, filled with paler colour, merged and irregular in spaces 4-5 to 7, separate and gradually reduced towards tornus.
Underside. Ground colour rather dark, ochreous brown, paler in the postdiscal area, darker in the marginal zone; discal line narrowly bordered yellowish from the outside.Forewing with 5-6 brown-outlined ocelli, those in spaces 4-6 usually reduced to dots; those in space 2 and sometimes 1b filled with yellow (with white, in one specimen) and brown-centred. Hindwing with 6-7 brown-outlined ocelli, those in spaces 1c and 2 white-pupilled and those in spaces 4- 5 usually dot-like.
Length of forewing 35-44 mm.
Upperside. Similar to the male in general characters, but larger; the contrast between the darker and paler areas more expressed.
Underside. Rather greyish compared to that of the male; spotting pattern the same.
Length of forewing 45-49 mm.
Uncus equal to tegumen or slightly shorter, leaf-like extended, blunt-ended (dorsal view) and sharply bent down (lateral view). Subunci long, straight, pointed and divergent. Clasp robust, its distal part ("foot") massive, about V3-V3.5 length of the clasp; end of the clasp ventrally with a variable number of spines (15-50), tending to be irregular. Juxta (lateral view) rhomb-shaped, with all angles acute, the basal process (connected with aedeagus) very long. Aedeagus as long as clasp, slender, evenly curved (lateral view), almost not extended towards the distal end (dorsal view), with a short patch of irregular spines on the left side.
The structure of the female genitalia, especially that of the antevaginal area, is very complicated and seems to be rather similar in all the species studied. Of diagnostic importance is the shape and structure of the antevaginal plate proper, situated immediately before the ostium. In the case of A.kontumei, this plate is long, over 1 Vi times longer than wide, with short deep folds at the distal end (also incised at the middle in one specimen); the ventral surface covered with numerous irregular and laterally directed folds and wrinkles throughout.
Diagnosis and discussion
Since we are not prepared at the moment to provide a full revision of the genus Aemona Hewitson, [1868], we follow here the last published opinion of M. Nishimura (1999) and compare the newly described taxa with the butterflies flying in North Vietnam (originally described as A. amathusia tonkinensis Rothschild, 1916), which are treated by the lastauthoras belonging to the nominate subspecies of A. amathusia (Hewitson, 1868). The new species differs from the North Vietnamese A. amathusia in larger size, strongly falcate apex and convex termen of forewing, strongly two-coloured wing upperside, interrupted discal line, irregular shape of the submarginal lunules and details of the male genitalia (in A . amathusia, the uncus much longer than the tegumen, sharply pointed, the end of the clasp expanded with a sharply defined field of densely packed very small spines, juxta asymmetric, with a very short basal process, aedeagus shorter than clasp, slightly curved, broad and gradually extended to the distal end, with a long patch of irregular spines on a strongly sclerotized rib of the left side; jn the female genitalia, the antevaginal plate is very short, rounded and shallowly excavate, without folds or wrinkles
Aemona simulatrix spec. nov.
Holotype d: Central Vietnam, Gia Lai Province, Kon Ka Kinh Nature Reserve, 1400 m, 24.IV. 1999 (ALM leg.).Paratypes (4 dd, 1, 2): 1 d, the same locality as the holotype, 1200 m, 23.IV.1999; 2 dd, the same locality, the 1200 and 1300 m, 24.IV.1999 (ALM leg.); September 1, Gia Lai Province, Kon Cha Rang Nature Reserve, 1000 m, 11.111.1999; 1 d, the same locality, 900 m, 12.111.1999 (ALM leg.). Holotype BMNH, paratypes BMNH, MSU.
Male (col. Pi. VII, figs. 1, 2).
Medium-sized; forewing apex not falcate and termen nearly straight.
Upperside. Ground colour of both wings uniformly ochreous; forewing apex and termen only slightly darker than the rest of the wing. Forewing: discal line dark and contrasting, tending to be irregular, interrupted and produced towards termen from both sides of at least veins 2 and 3. Flindwing submarginal lunules dark outlined from both sides, filled with ground colur or slightly paler, separate and subequal.
Underside. Ground colour more or less uniform, yellowish ochreous, including the marginal zone; discal line not bordered yellow; marginal lunules faint but conspicuous. Forewing with 2- 3 brown-outlined ocelli, those in spaces 1b and 3 very faint or absent, that in space 2 with a black-ringed white pupil. Hindwing with a full set of 6 ocelli, those in spaces 1c and 2 white- pupilled and black-ringed as on the forewing, those in spaces 3 to 7 filled with ground colour. Length of forewing 33-35 mm.
Female (col. Pi. VII, fig. 3)
Upperside. Very different from the male, the ground colour being uniformly greyish brown. Forewing discal line unbroken, very conspicuous, diffusely dark-shaded from the inner side; diffuse pale postdiscal patches in spaces 1b to 3.Hindwing discal line fine and unshaded; submarginal lunules conspicuous, paler than the ground colour, diffusely outlined with dark. Underside. Ground colour of both wings the same as on the upperside, slightly paler near bases and conspicuously paler in the postdiscal area up to the wing margin; faint traces of marginal lunules.
Forewing ocelli faint, that in space 2 larger and white-pupilled. Hindwing ocelli also faint, brown-outlined; that in space 2 filled with white.
Length of forewing 38 mm.
cT-genitalia (fig. 2, A-E)
In general, very similar to those of A. kontumei, but differing in the following characters: uncus slightly longer than tegumen, not so sharply bent down, its leaf-like part longer; subunci shorter, almost parellel; clasp slender, its "foot" smaller and shorter (about Vs length of clasp); the end of clasp with a more constant number of spines (about 25), arranged rather regularly; aedeagus and juxta similar to those of A. kontumei; aedeagus with only few small lateral spines (almost inconspicuous) in a single line.
9-genitalia (fig. 2, F)
Similar to those of the above species in general characters. Antevaginal plate short, slightly wider than long, excavate at the distal end, with a small number of faint, mostly longitudinal wrinkles.
This new species differs sharply from A. kontumei, with which it flies sympatrically and syn- chronically in Kon Ka Kinh, in external features, being at the same time rather similar in male genitalia; from the North Vietnamese A. amathusia, to which it is more similar in appearance, it differs in the characters of the genitalia (see the diagnosis of A. kontumei).Aemona implicata spec. nov.
(colour plate VII, figs. 4-6)
Holotype d: North Vietnam, Bac Can Province, loc. Lung Vi, 21.IV.2001 (BXP leg.).
Paratypes (13 dd, 3 99): 9 dd, 2 99, the same locality as the holotype, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22.
IV.2001 (BXP leg.); 1 d, Central Vietnam, Ha Tinh Province, Vu Quang Nature Reserve, 1200 m, ZVIII.1997 (ALM leg.); September 1, the same locality, 1500 m, 3.IV.2000 (BXP leg.); 2 dd, the same locality, 1500 m, 8.IV.2000 (ALM leg.); 1 d, the same locality, 1500 m, 6.V.2000 (ALM leg.).
Male (col. Pi. VII, figs. 5, 6)
Medium-sized; forewing apex not or slightly falcate; forewing termen slightly convex or nearly straight.
Upperside. Ground colour of both wings uniform yellowish ochreous. Forewing: apex and termen narrowly and diffusely brown, not very contrasting with the rest of the wing; discal line faint but conspicuous, unbroken. Hindwing: discal line as on the forewing; submarginal lunules faintly outlined from the inner side, large and subequal, as in A. amathusia tonkinensis, becoming almost inconspicuous towards tornus.
Underside. Ground colour of both wings more or less uniform, yellowish ochreous, slightly paler in the postdiscal area; discal line brown, not bordered yellow; marginal lunules faint but conspicuous. Forewing ocelli basically visible only in spaces 1b and 2, filled with whitish or ground colour. Hindwing with a full set of 6 ocelli, those in spaces 3 and 4 may be dot-like; those in spaces 1c and 2 filled with whitish.However, in one male from Vu Quang, collected in August, ocelli in space 2 of the forewing and in spaces 1c and 2 of the hindwing have black- ringed white pupils, this character making it practically indistinguishable from A. amathusia tonkinensis.
Length of forewing 36-38.5 mm.
Female (col. Pi. VII, fig. 4)
Larger and darker than the male, forewing apex more conspicuously falcate and termen more convex.
Upperside. Ground colour of both wings more brownish than in the male. Forewing rather contrasting, being darker in the basal and discal areas and much paler in the postdiscal zone and above vein 3 to costa; dark brown coloration at the apex and along termen extended compared to the male. Hindwing of the same ground colour, slightly paler in the postdiscal area near costa, where two upper submarginal lunules are bordered by dark colour; other lunules
Underside. Ground colour of both wings greyish brown, conspicuously paler in the postdiscal area. Forewing with a set of 5 ocelli, those in spaces 1b and 2 filled with whitish, the others dot-like. Hindwing with six ocelli, those in spaces 1c, 2 and 6 filled with whitish.
Length of forewing 42 mm.
d'-genitalia (fig. 3, A-E).
Uncus much longer than tegumen, rather sharply bent down, its distal part leaf-like extended in dorsal view (although not so strongly as in A. kontumei and A. simulatrix), both parts being equal in length, with a sharply pointed and curved down tip. Subunci relatively short, almost straight but slightly curved upwards and pointed at the ends, conspicuously divergent.Distal part of clasp slender, looking somewhat three-edged in dorsal view; its distal part ("foot") short, about 1/6 length of clasp, rounded at the end, with a sharply angled dorsal projection; a narrow field of densely packed small spines is situated on the very tip of the clasp. Juxta short, dorsally rather rounded (lateral view), with its basal process (connected to the aedeagus) short. Aedeagus shorter than clasp, faintly curved, evenly extended (dorsal view) towards the distal end, with a narrow patch of irregular small spines on the left side.
9-genitalia (fig. 3, F)
Antevaginal plate shorter than wide, gradually tapered to the distal side, which is broadly V-wise excavate or almost straight; its central part looks almost rectangular, with 1 or 2 straight central folds and a number of oblique lateral folds extending to its base.
Diagnosis and discussion
Soth sexes of the new species are hardly distinguishable from A. amathusia tonkinensis by external features. However, the male genitalia show marked differences from the latter in the shape of the uncus and the distal part of the clasp and in the arrangement of spines on the latter. The antevaginal plate of the female is also very different from those of all species studied. The distribution areas of the new species and A. amathusia tonkinensis seem to overlap widely in North and Central Vietnam (Ke bang in Quang Binh Province is the southernmost record of A. amathusia tonkinensis), both occurring sympatrically and synchronically in the Ba Be-Na Hang area (Lung Vi and Lung Li localities).The single male collected in August and differing in the underside characters may be suspected to represent the second generation (wet season form) of the new species.
In general find three differences)))

28.07.2015 12:57, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Stihopalmy it a lot)))

24.07.2015 18:20, Alex Dumchus

Well, yes, I write with a tablet, it was reluctant to move Inglish. As far as I am aware, there are 6 subspecies described, and type - stihopalma Devyatkino.

24.07.2015 17:40, Peter Khramov


24.07.2015 16:40, Alex Dumchus

Here is where to take these descriptions, I especially would be interesting stihopalmy?

24.07.2015 15:09, Peter Khramov

The inaccurate?

24.07.2015 9:10, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Earlier I said that it Aemona amathusia, but now- I do not know, because I did not see the descriptions Monastery and Devyatkina 3 new species from Vietnam

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