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Photo #43546: Capnodis tenebricosa

Imago, ssp. bucharica Obenberger,1945

Capnodis tenebricosa

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo, and identified by: Vasiliy Feoktistov. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 1952-05-18 00:00:00, USSR, Tadjikistan, Stalinabad

Comments on this image

21.09.2015 19:06, Peter Khramov

On removal of the photo out of the question. And in the case - I agree Alexander option is the most reasonable.

21.09.2015 6:50, Vasiliy Feoktistov

In order to finally close the issue did as I advised Aleksand Belousov in his post by 20.09.2015 16:09 .
So, really, "the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe."
In fact, I really do not want that for this reason, were removed from this unique photo copies.

21.09.2015 6:44, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

21.09.2015 5:05, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yuri, in order to understand the current name just a few seconds to dial in Yandex word "Ctalinabad." If a person has the ability to browse the site - it automatically has a connection to the Internet and the ability to use search engines. The first in a row the same link to Wikipedia will obyasnenie.This is an extreme case.
In fact, nothing to find out it was not necessary: ​​in the beginning, I made a note of the Russian language in a comment about the modern name.
Just rename the label information is not accepted, depending on the change of name names.His position I have expressed, if not satisfied with the writing of the geography for instance, collected in '63 a year ago - then it is necessary either to delete the photo or photos to do for such an exception.
And I did not change its position even in favor of the site. Just I will not post here photos of such copies.

21.09.2015 4:08, Yuri Semejkin

What some argue. Here it was proposed to give the old and the modern name and the history of all remember. Only we must not forget that some, such settlements were renamed several times.
Basil! With regard to your point of view-for collectible specimens.Geography is a label that changes depending on the name of the place name is not overwritten, but remains unchanged ....... Basil, that people will listen to you Wait and I'm including the start we throw the geography of collection time. Personally, from me you can get, includingPrimorye with a number of Chinese names, which few people remember, and not all of them have in the internet and renamed several times in geography too. More for example a label can offer other countries where geography may also renamed. And how many seconds or minutes or months, you will need to understand how all the same pattern.So, let's not split hairs. There is a modern place name, and proceed from him, not from the time the geography sbora.Kto interested in history will find what he needs. And here still INSECTA!

21.09.2015 0:25, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Fill: Lino, I believe that for such a photo beetles necessary to make an exception and not interfere with them, "the pile" :)

20.09.2015 23:50, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Well, if this question ....
To close it definitively - to delete the photo. Other decisions I do not see.
Collected after 1952 this subspecies from me will be no more (I do not have them) (

20.09.2015 23:26, Peter Khramov

Duplicate of service threads, people will also be useful: Here I want to find instances of bugs on the site, which were found in Dushanbe and the surrounding area. And this beetle I do not find https://insecta.pro/gallery/43546. And it is necessary to find.

20.09.2015 21:11, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Fill to finally close the issue.
Rewrite the label is like, what to take and rewrite the text books, written before 1914, and published in the period from 1924 to 1992, replacing Saint Petersburg to Leningrad (
Petrograd, the city was called a short time, so do not take into account).
I do not think it's right.

20.09.2015 20:10, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Alexander, I immediately give an explanation for those who do not know / can not remember, or trying to forget the story (it happens unfortunately) :(
For images in the nature of geography into the shooting, but for collection specimens. Geography is a label that changes depending on the name of the place name is not overwritten, but remains unchanged.Come on it and otanovimsya. I know how I fill out such things)))

20.09.2015 19:33, Alexandr Zhakov

Basil, or I'm bad or explain something, we understand differently. What you write about the labels, all right, this is a truism. And when publishing label of course saved the entire text, with the possible addition of the omission or deciphering acronyms. All of which nebylo on the label is given in brackets. [].In this case, the total label would be shown as: [USSR] Tajikistan [Skye SSR] Stalinabat. But on our website: Time and place / fishing: So there it is desirable to give the geography in its present form, and in the comments to the author's original inscription labels.Date is always the date and the name of the countries, regions and even rivers and mountains can change, we have the whole geography and search engines attached to its present name. Therefore, it is necessary to give a maximum of geography to-date information, and even the details :) as you do for the new species.And to try to bring modern old common names.

20.09.2015 16:21, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Same thing. I still have such historical items in the collection. But with them and begin.
A beetle is the way 63 and it is much "older" than many of us here :)

20.09.2015 16:09, Alexander Belousov

And if no extra writing of comments like this _ 05.18.1952 00:00:00, Tajikistan, Stalinabad (modern. Dushanbe)

20.09.2015 13:09, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Alexander, about collectible copies.
The thing is that at the time when the collected insect officially existed toponym Dushanbe and was Stalinabad ..
A "geography is a continuation of date." So I bring the text in the original.
And for those, who do not know: the modern name of a better result in the commentary.It is generally considered bad manners to change the label text has changed over time, if the name of the area where it was collected insect. Label, is a kind of history too :)
I have a number of insects with similar labels. And if I will upload something I will do it this way, giving an explanation.

20.09.2015 12:47, Alexandr Zhakov

Basil, I think we had the opposite: in the place of fishing - the modern name (can not find the line label), and the comments of the author labels the data, very interesting information.

20.09.2015 10:56, Vasiliy Feoktistov

The label is shown in the original, so I will explain for those who do not know)
Stalinabad - is the current Dushanbe.

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