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Photo #57204: Nacoleia sibirialis


Nacoleia sibirialis

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Vladimir Bobow. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Yuri Semejkin

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2015-07-03 18:12:00, Хабаровский край, город Амурск, окрестности

Comments on this image

05.05.2016 14:07, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Lepidoptera / Vladimir Bobow Nacoleia sibirialis / Yuri Semejkin.

05.05.2016 12:10, Alexandr Zhakov

Yuri, I will try to understand the situation and explain it here in the photo page, although it would be of the form page.
1. Kirpichnikova leads him called Nacoleia sibirialis Milliere, 1879. without question. (I do not have this book, but it would have to be an explanation of the situation sibirialis-maculalis, if there is no such.it is very strange, because-like Kirpichnikova fauna DV 1999 is maculalis, and Catalog Sineva: sibirialis auct. (Nec Milliere, 1879), it is not auct =, and cited as an ...)
If we assume that these are two distinct species. But according to other sources: Lamprosema sibirialis (Millière, 1879)
Synonyms: Stenia sibirialis Millière, 1879; Agrotera fenestralis Christoph, 1881; Nacoleia maculalis South, 1901. And then, Yuri, you're right, the later name goes synonymous.
But there can be exceptions.For example, when the earlier name is considered to be not correct. View transferred in the genus, which already have a view with the same name, then the author who carries it can take a later valid name., Or even give her a new one. :))

01.05.2016 1:22, Yuri Semejkin

Nacoleia sibirialis Milliere, 1879 .Pod this name is listed in the monograph: VA Kirpichnikova Ognёvki fauna of the Far East Russia Vladivostok, Dal'nauka 2009, page 382.
On this site, it somehow goes under the name Nacoleia maculalis South, 1901. But South described it 22 years after Millere description.
Alexander ! Clarifies how to.? There seems to be observed principle.Who first described, and that gives it a name?

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