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Suggestion for making mandatory noting of shoot location and date data (especially important for the primary identification)

Community and ForumQuestions about image uploading and editing on the websiteSuggestion for making mandatory noting of shoot location and date data (especially important for the primary identification)

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Pages: 1 2

29.01.2016 15:17, Peter Khramov

Basil yesterday on Skype was uncomfortable, now pick up the right to Skype, will be online in the evening.

30.01.2016 9:48, Ivan Tislenko

Was the question of automatic collection of information not considered by the distribution and the time of flight from the uploaded photos and presenting it in the form of tables, graphs, maps? With geography, of course, can be a problem - place names malostandartizirovany.But months of flight it is possible to collect and statistically process even - distribution of findings by month, as the probability of encountering this bug.

30.01.2016 15:38, Peter Khramov

Yes, infa with photons will be included in Google Maps and, accordingly, appear as a whole at once, and in samples (for example, by taxon). It remains to complete the integration of the card to the site. We are working on it :--)

07.02.2016 12:48, Yuri Semejkin

And why did the start of the English version of the site? Or is it in my buggy? To this day always started Russian version.

07.02.2016 14:02, Peter Khramov

Start from?

07.02.2016 14:20, Yuri Semejkin

Site page for several hours today opens (start) of the English version, rather than Russian as it was before. Someone's turned out like this for about a week. Now we have to every time you open a site in the upper right corner to switch to Russian.

07.02.2016 18:16, Peter Khramov

Yuri, in the English and Russian versions of the site a different address, so the Russian site can not "start" in English. Ruska version always begins with insecta.pro/ru, and the English always without / ru. So, what are you talking about, there may be, if you still come on Lepidoptera.ru, rather than Insecta.pro. Then yes. Previously, you would move into the Russian language, and now English.But is not it time in this case to drive itself in bookmarks already insects, not Lepidoptera? ..

08.02.2016 2:47, Yuri Semejkin

Happened ! Thank you, Peter!

Pages: 1 2

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