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Positive temperature anomaly

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06.04.2020 22:54, ИНО

This is in your taiga, probably, you can put out all the lawns in the area with one fire brigade. We have vast expanses covered with dry grass, and if every young idiot with a stench starts setting fire at every step (and they often do - you walk along the path and see a chain of ashes that are not connected to each other), there will not be enough firefighters in the whole republic. Yes, and it spreads quickly-until the calculation arrives, it may already burn out or the line of fire will stretch for several kilometers. But still, yes, along the way, our firefighters are not trained to extinguish grass and, especially, cane. And there is no equipment for this, such as satchel water cannons, in our fire departments. At least, I've never seen it.

07.04.2020 6:30, alex017

People are different everywhere, and so are firefighters.
Young idiots without smartphones set fire to grass 10 times more often and there were more arsonists.
You are dry, which makes it more difficult to extinguish.
We put out the grass with twigs (we scored it with the crown of a bush), an old sweatshirt (we scored it with a flourish, then trampled it) and feet without satchel water cannons. Sometimes a built-in water cannon was used for the sake of laughter.

Today it was cold, very strong gusty wind, snow flew by, but the day was rather sunny, -4 in the morning and +1 in the afternoon, now 0, perhaps due to clouds and snow, will pass and warm up again to +1.

Getting colder, -2

This post was edited by alex017-07.04.2020 18: 00

07.04.2020 21:05, Hierophis

50 degrees jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif
Podaliriyas fly in flocks, dawns too, apple trees bloom, and finally the summer heat begins!!!!
Soon already, very soon +30 jump.gif
But today it was no more than +17. But it is clear, but still, alas, not quiet.

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07.04.2020 21:29, ИНО

We also have chesnochnitsa bloomed today. However, the temperature is only +12 at noon. It doesn't even smell hot. Of the bees in the mass only colletes, but they are still more engaged in sex than pollination. Apricots still haven't started to fly around, so they haven't been pollinated yet. But they smell powerful (they stopped smelling right after the frost)

08.04.2020 15:36, alex017

And we have no smells for 6 months a year.
As a variety, there is a smell (stench) from sewage treatment plants and the smell of burnt wood of different species, because many in the private sector drown with wood (having a gas pipeline).
In the spring, when the marsh bushes bloom, everyone cries.
Very fragrant, I love this smell very much! And it happens every year.
The second most pleasant is from bird cherry trees, which are quite a lot so that the smell is everywhere, but it happens that it is cold and there is no smell.
Apple trees also smell nice, but there are too few of them, they are not nearby (some small ones are found).

I forgot that the moment the poplar leaves come out is very fragrant!

This morning it was -7, in the afternoon +3 and sunny, good weather.

This post was edited by alex017-08.04.2020 19: 49

08.04.2020 22:24, Hierophis

+20 jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif
But still the wind blows and blows and blows, but when will it blow?!!
Smells all carries away, there are few animals, the best days are when the trees are blooming and it's quiet, only you can hear how bjooli buzz, oto yes, well, what mayo is mayo)
And my fotik sednya once again vychudil, the shutter clicked, and tyu tyu, back in any way, and the inscription "turn off the camera and turn it on again" and so on several times, you can endlessly on. off)) Well, it is clear that the shutter is jammed, a pebble got there! In general, the newer, the worse! Chinese thing! In the Yapon G1 there was good protection against this, there was a lot of earth and sand that had to be dug out, and nothing, but here there is no protection, I had to disassemble everything, sort through the bolt and get the stone. And so, the second breakdown, cured successfully, but still, the third month and +10k clicks jump.gif

How are the lizards in the greenhouse? It was already possible to catch one and take a pictureumnik.gif, but do they grow grapes here?

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08.04.2020 23:16, ИНО

I don't even know what you need to do with the camera so that not only dust gets inside, but also stoneseek.gif.I suspect that the designers could not even think of such a possibility. But in general, all these slats are an anachronism, the future belongs to the electronic shutter.

09.04.2020 10:30, ИНО

It looks like this music will last forever:

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This is already the return of cold weather on the bill? Soon we'll get a dozen in the spring. In the old days, there was no such garbage - "global warming" on the march weep.gif

The post was edited INO-04/09/2020 10: 30

09.04.2020 13:26, alex017

In my childhood, there were exactly three cold snaps before the summer - three winters. Now there are infinitely many of them.
At that time, until 1-2 weeks in September, we swam, or rather caught carp with tulle. Now in August there is nothing to do in the water.
In our country, in late autumn, there is often a complete calm in winter, and the smoke from the stove is a solid fog until it burns your eyes.

Nothing +11. Immediately and abruptly. Sunny.
These perpetual weather jumps are very stressful.

Grapes grow in the neighbors ' greenhouse, taste "Isabella" - tear out the eye (tongue), sour yak lemon. The same entertainment that I have in the greenhouse. Yeah, we have grapes. And peaches. Even blackberries do not ripen some, or rather turn black, and taste very sour.

I do not go to the greenhouse or garden, I maintain self-isolation. Laziness, no strength, one day until 2 am worked, in the morning again to work, not to the cottage

This post was edited by alex017-09.04.2020 16: 21

10.04.2020 3:06, ИНО

Today summer came to visit us for a short time. Although it's like summer, +17 only. It was warmer in early March. But the plants and insects had enough. Everything bloomed and hummed. Moreover, it has bloomed so much that in some places white color prevails in the landscape, and this is not snow smile.gif

But rain is forecast for tomorrow, and the apricots still haven't fallen off. And this is a direct road to Manilioz.

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picture: DSC09892a.jpg
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10.04.2020 11:09, Hierophis

By the way, peaches and apricots in your area will easily ripen as expected, we have them sometimes in good years ripen in early June, and normally in early July, so you will definitely ripen by the end of August, the main thing is to keep the trees in winter.
Grapes ripen much longer, usually by the end of August, but there are early-maturing fast-growing ones, and they are also the most delicious varieties, all sorts of overseas, but they are also the most heat-loving and early-growing, I planted such a nutmeg on my balcony, so he already has flower brushes! Fortunately, it did not freeze out during these cold snaps, although the leaves appeared in mid-March! Here is such you would have ripened probably, only again, I think that if there are three days in the winter -25 -30 then he will have a kirdyk even if you sprinkle it with earth, and when the cold weather returns, the kidneys will freeze, you need to grow it in a tub and put it in the cellar for wintering and take it out at the end of April smile.gifripens let's say we have by the end of July, you would have matured by the end of August, but the vines grow and then ripen for another two months.

About the smoke from the chimneys-right on the spot! And this is in a gas superpower! weep.gif
Yes, you even have every bear den must be connected to gas!
It is precisely because of the fear of smoke from the pipes that Eurosoplezhui does not introduce radical sanctions, because just in Western Europe and in England it was a terrible thing, they write that in the winter the city was generally covered with smoke, and as coal appeared, all sorts of sores began, there th only does not stand out when burning.

And by the way! Not well, I understand why Alex writes "in Ukraine" all the time - because he is an imperial, he should be. But why "to the garden"!?)))

And yesterday we had ok +22, clear and already quieter, for the first time so well tanned! Well, in the forecasts, of course, it's terrible, we don't seem to have frosts, but in the north and north-east, up to 20 cm of snow and up to -2 is quite easy, and we have overcast weather up to 20x numbers, well, but there will be no drought!

11.04.2020 1:56, ИНО

I do not know what pan saw in the forecast of 20 cm of snow in the north-east (maybe the USA?), they have slowed down the degree of apocalypticism for us, they don't promise any frosts. Although the geographical distribution of temperatures, of course, is strange.:

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And with the rain for today, the State Fiscal Service took a big hit: it was not there. And almost until sunset, the weather was clear and warm. Abrikoski tied up and began to fly around. If a cold snap with precipitation comes when there are no petals and empty flowers left, then this is not terrible anymore. Meanwhile, cherries and sweet cherries were blooming, and pears were on the way. And in the gullies - dwarf almonds and blackthorn. There are a lot of bees. But pollen is still collected almost exclusively by melifera, other species are mainly represented by males circling around flowering trees, waiting for females. You can't even take a close-up picture of them. On balcony hives osmium-generally solid 80+ lol.gif

11.04.2020 16:32, ИНО


Continuation of the banquet:

11.04.2020 17:07, Wave Storm

Yesterday, unexpectedly after 4 days, the sky was overcast, the wind came up and it started raining at about 5 o'clock. But the rain was very light: a little dust washed up and stopped. Not gismeteo.wa, nor the weather forecaster.ua did not transmit any precipitation, GeeFeS transmitted at night, about 2 am rain. but there was nothing. And here I think, which of them is more fucked up.

In general, today is cooler than yesterday. There are few people in the city, the trees are blooming, but not apricots: these have already faded. Bees fly, whiteflies too. But somehow on the flowering trees butterflies are not visible at all. The wind is cold.

This post was edited by Wave Storm - 11.04.2020 17: 08

11.04.2020 17:41, ИНО

No, the State Fiscal Service promised you rain in the afternoon, and the clouds should have moved to us by nightfall. They did move, but they only left the rain with you. So no one dusted us down. But right now it's for the best - let the apricots bloom first.

We are already 10 degrees colder, but the wind is not very strong. However, balcony osmia do not fly. this means that there are no other pollinators. And the apricots are not all pollinated yet, the late-blooming varieties only bloomed normally yesterday.

12.04.2020 19:18, alex017

It was very warm all weekend, +12 +15, at night +6+7. It was overcast, sometimes the sun shone through, sometimes the rain fell. Mother-and-stepmother bloomed.
Why "in Ukraine", "on the garden"? Well-established expressions for our local area. So they say.
And your southern evergreen blackberries with young shoots are also dark green, closer to maroon? Strange appearance and color of the leaves. It looks like an elderberry. But I do not know if there are elderberries in the south.

12.04.2020 20:01, ИНО

There is no such type of "our southern evergreen blackberry". The evergreen that grows in Donetsk, which one major expert identified as Rubus macrophyllus (but there are doubts about this, because it is a very difficult group), has young shoots of light green.

"In Ukraine" is the standard norm of the Russian language, " just like "in Chukotka". What kind of fright did the Ukrainians take it into their heads to teach the Russians the Russian language-hz. We, the Russians, after all, do not rush to rule their Ukrainian.

And we have got much colder, at night +2, in the afternoon +9, a very strong north wind.

The message was edited INO-12.04.2020 20: 04

13.04.2020 11:39, alex017

I looked at the forecast, it is expected to be warm for this time, constantly positive temperature, the same +6+12.
It's now +10. It doesn't rain. Everyone is very happy with the weather.
Strawberries bloomed in the greenhouse in the garden.

13.04.2020 20:44, Hierophis

Blackberries have a very different color of shoots and leaves even on the same plant, it depends on the accumulation of different substances there, anetocyanins, etc. This usually happens when growth processes occur in cold, but sunny conditions. But even then, this effect is not stable and hardly depends on the type.
Well, elderberries are certainly full here, the most common plant, in the form of a shrub. But viburnum, which seems to be full in your area, is a rarity here)

The weather prospects are terrible, yesterday it was great, I went for a ride, got some sun, today the wind is +17, tomorrow it's up to +22 in front of the front, and then the ZHPZ, which is treacherously approaching from the west weep.gif
Although it's not as scary as it was a couple of days ago, when a diving cyclone was drawn in the rear, it probably won't be even lower than +5C in the south, but snow will fall decently in the north-east and temperatures up to-5C are possible.
By the way, it is quite possible that we will have at some time during the day colder than in Perm, so here it is umnik.gif

Strawberries I have only the second summer leaf issued, and no flowering! Do you have a radioactive-heated greenhouse there? )))

14.04.2020 8:15, alex017

Blackberries, but the shoots are already green.
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Almost everyone in our country has a small thermonuclear reactor. A superpower, of course.
But in reality, it's just a polycarbonate greenhouse works wonders, there is already a month of positive temperature. Plus the variety is quite modern Elizabeth II.
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14.04.2020 13:26, Decticus

Another April snowfall. On the street +3. At night it is minus, during the day it is about +10.
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14.04.2020 15:16, ИНО

Well, I've never seen such blackberries before, and I suspect that Pan Stepova too.

A wild wind has also reached us today, but the temperature is still + 15, sunny.

14.04.2020 15:47, Hierophis

Yes, in such a garden it is good to grow orchids of the middle band, they love moisture, and the soil is probably acidic.
Is the big tree a cherry tree? Sour? ))
We now have such a land that if the scrap from the plane falls, it will flatten) Yesterday I collected land for flowers, in principle, there is no soil drought yet, the land is wet in planting at a depth of 5 cm, but the top layer is already like a stone. If it hadn't rained, some of the grasses would have started to dry up in about ten days. But there should be rain tonight, and then there should be something for Easter.
And we are unlikely to have snow, the sea has already warmed up to +12, and the wind from there will not allow snow to fall, but in general, on April 30, it snowed at night recently, so everything can be)

I didn't understand anything at all, what's in the pots, what's blooming on the left? And what kind of leaves are so weird in the center? Where are the blackberry shoots in all this?)

Does the frog also live in the country? Lizards by the way, you have some kind of water-resistant, well, even if viviparous, it's still amazing - in such biotopes, newts are more likely, well, or angular teeth should live!

14.04.2020 19:10, Hierophis

Shouto has such a suspicion that the front will pass dry, kakabychna!

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14.04.2020 23:27, ИНО

Lizards by the way you have some waterproof, well, even if viviparous

And if not, which ones? Green or Crimean? lol.gif In general, has Pan ever seen a viviparous in its natural habitat?

Today, in principle, we had a beautiful spring day. In the afternoon, the wind died down, all hints of clouds dispersed, the temperature rose to +18. The osmia trees on the balcony are humming in full force. The males were almost gone, all females looking for nests. I'm afraid there won't be enough reeds for everyone. And you can't get new ones - everything is burned down everywhere. Some of them are already providing food. I took a sample of bread with a brush and examined it under a microscope - more than 90% of the cherry pollen is there. So, there is hope for a good harvest of this berry. It's just a pity, we always have it with meat filling.

15.04.2020 6:16, alex017

Meat is protein, well, if you eat meat with fiber, it will be satisfying and there will be no rectal cancer.
Various insect repellents have long been invented.
We are all affected by whiteflies, nettles are literally white. If not processed, it will eat tomatoes and cucumbers, and eat strawberries. No one wants to clean up the nettles, and they swear for trespassing on someone else's land.
The trees in the photo are sea buckthorn. I'm going to cut them down. Wild, there are not many berries, but they create a shade.
I sawed the cherries that year, there are not enough berries, if you plant them, then varietal, but I don't like the sourness, I don't want to. If there are different interesting and delicious varieties of cherries, if I get them, I will plant them. However, the dampness of the site stops you from searching. They will not grow.

Blackberries in the middle of the photo. It's a strange one, that's why I asked about it.

If you throw a crowbar off the plane, it will jump out from the other side of the Ground. Porridge, slurry, fu.

Frogs are everywhere, especially on the roads. There are a lot of crushed ones. There are a lot of them in the garden. There are a lot of lizards, too. They're everywhere. They left the greenhouse, and the weather warmed up outside.

We have -2 this morning, promise +12, sunny and dry.

15.04.2020 9:59, Hierophis

Sea buckthorn is also a rarity here! There is, but only in the culture and quite rarely. But there are a lot of olives.

The rain has passed! There are even puddles! The temperature all night was approx. +5, and now it's clear and already +8! On Friday, even +20 is drawn, but in general, the end of the edge is not visible in the cold, the Arctic VM reigns over Europe. In general, the situation is interesting, the cold depot in the Arctic is almost depleted, I have not seen this yet, usually after the Gulf Stream stops and the PO stops in the spring, cold air comes to us from the north-east, and now the air from the north-east is forced out to the Arctic and the Arctic to Europe! This creates the prerequisites for a sooo strong sibc! Alex can hope for +40 and a dry summer, well, at least dream))

15.04.2020 10:59, alex017

I can only dream of dryness and +40.

15.04.2020 19:21, ИНО

To dream of +40, you have to be a masochist. Wormy cherries and sweet cherries contain not only meat, but also a fair amount of excrement. And their consumption for the gastrointestinal tract is clearly not good. Insecticides were invented a long time ago, but eating them is not the best idea. In a good way, you only need to eat "organic", because the sources of man-made toxins are already a dime a dozen around.

We had +10 at night, but in the morning a gift from the western brothers came, it instantly turned cold to +3, a terrible wind blew and snow and rain began to fall. But now again +10 and calm. There were puddles on the asphalt, but the ground didn't even notice the water - you still couldn't stick a crowbar in. It seems that this time it was carried away. Apricots were tied up noticeably, the main thing now is that monilia does not cling.

The message was edited INO-15.04.2020 19: 22

16.04.2020 9:50, alex017

What harm did the toxins do to you?
Where did you see the toxins? It is necessary to carry out treatment in the recommended time frame, because toxins do not last long, unfortunately.
By the way, in ancient times, cancer was not less common than modern cancer, and life expectancy was less than modern cancer. So don't be afraid. Unless of course you are working on seed mordant.

16.04.2020 10:30, ИНО

16.04.2020 12:53, alex017

Cancer diseases can be seen in the paintings of artists who tried to convey portraits to the smallest detail.
Spraying is performed as soon as the petals have flown from the flowers. Why during flowering that? They write that it is harmful for bees.
Such spraying after flowering and once on adult leaves completely got rid of pests.

16.04.2020 14:58, Hierophis

Alex, have you had any dust storms yet? Now the whole of Belarus and the north of Ukraine is covered by a dust storm, a huge cyclone with a cloud of fronts formed over the Arkhangelsk region, a unique case! This is not a north. atl. cyclone, but your local and huge, almost 5 thousand km ! The amount of energy in the atmosphere is growing, dal bude umnik.gif

16.04.2020 15:46, ИНО

Picture-based diagnostics are much better than photo-based treatment. But suppose you are such a cool diagnostician that you managed to do it. But the conclusion that there was no less cancer then than now, did you make comparing samples of then-current paintings with modern ones? I'm telling you about real medical statistics, and you're giving me some wild elfism.

I do not know why, but still during flowering, mostly they spray - we have a dark people. And from spraying immediately after flowering, the cherry fly will be neither cold nor hot, it is not there at this time.

16.04.2020 15:51, ИНО

Yes, I looked at the forecast-until the end of the month, spring will not be normal. With his vangovaniem +30 in April, Pan Stepova notably lohanulsya. In connection with "global warming", we even extended the heating season until April 20. There has never been such a thing before.

16.04.2020 20:29, alex017

Another Thay plant bloomed. Spring.
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We usually have only snow storms.
If people in the 21st century water from a watering can and mulch with manure (clay+straw+person/pig.cal) with a layer of 10 cm, i.e. there is also no fertilizer culture and pest control.
Well, any diseases are now really less.
It is a deep mistake to blame them on human activity.

16.04.2020 23:20, ИНО

17.04.2020 6:07, alex017

No, well, mysticism is clear that there is no need.
If I had lived THEN, I would have died in early childhood.
Of course, many diseases were not present. Their owners died.
My grandmother had 13 children in the family. Others had more. A lot of people died. They didn't even pay much attention to the deaths of children due to a hard life. There were many of them, all of them hungry mouths and a burden to the family. Women died very early from childbirth and labor. The most severe natural selection worked.
The older the times, the more brutal the selection process was.
Take my grandmother. Her health was excellent. Such a job, where she worked, a modern man could not stand it. Modern works are a resort.
Her sister, for example, worked on seed dressing, died early. Someone used to work for chemical engineering.production facilities and also died. These are the victims of progress. But they are vanishingly few.
I would very much like you not to become followers of the Grettunbergs!
I personally owe my life to civilization.
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17.04.2020 17:55, Decticus

Hierophis, ENO, the grasshoppers have already hatched in your area, haven't they? Do you have any recent photos?
Alex017, and you probably, like me in the Leningrad region, they appear later, verrucivores at the end of April begin to hatch, cantans from the beginning of May?

The post was edited by Decticus - 17.04.2020 17: 57

17.04.2020 17:58, ИНО

Hatched. There is. But they are not interesting enough to delete old photos for them. Otherwise, the forum repository no longer accepts.

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