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Positive temperature anomaly

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17.04.2020 18:00, Decticus

On the radical.<url> can be downloaded https://radikal.ru and here as references

17.04.2020 18:09, ИНО

Radical-a garbage dump with ads for debauchery (alas, like Molbiol recently), there are better options. But with long-term storage, everything sucks. If you look at your topics from 1-2 years ago, half of the photos are gone. And you think: what the hell time and effort spent?

Why do you need those photos? Tettigonia is there. Do you know how to distinguish caudata from viridissima at the first age?

17.04.2020 19:22, Decticus

Yes, I just wanted to look at the first-aged spring grasshoppers from another area, anyway, the quarantine will not end soon and it will be possible to get out somewhere. I was going to Mari El in May. Now it is unlikely that even in the summer you will be able to go.

The post was edited by Decticus - 17.04.2020 19: 23

17.04.2020 19:41, alex017

When and how they hatch. Sometimes - in May, in early June-imago (sometimes), sometimes-in June. It's too early for us right now. Even +20 and above was never, and they love the heat. This year I "got" with the mantis ooteks. I won't even get it from the refrigerator, I can't get food because of the self-isolation.

17.04.2020 22:35, ИНО

18.04.2020 10:16, Hierophis

And by the way, you can also go to the tree mantis depots, but I don't know if mantises can grow in a greenhouse on a pasture, and their hatching is sooo late, in our region it's the beginning of August!
So for normal development, even in the greenhouse of the ooteka, it was necessary to keep it at room temperature from February so that in May the babies could be released for food, otherwise they would not have time to grow up before the cold weather weep.gif
That is why in your area they have no chance YET umnik.gifto take root in nature, even if at the first start they are released into nature in May and they are normally deposited in August, then after the winter the kids will come out at best at the end of August, and in September already ZHPZ..

18.04.2020 19:01, Hierophis

This is a rare butterfly I took a picture of today!!!!! jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif
Well, ... and a bumblebee, as a nice addition! ))))

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18.04.2020 21:09, Wave Storm

A beautiful bumblebee, but the cabbage patch is also cool, now it is a rare butterfly. Yes, what is there now, it was infrequent even in the early noughties.

18.04.2020 21:33, alex017

We are cool and self-isolated, plus an exacerbation of bronchitis, I do not go to the garden.
A butterfly like this is common

18.04.2020 21:51, Hierophis

Sorry. Do you have a strict ban on walking? We all go where they want, in other cities write policemen brutalize sometimes, but we do not have this, in transport without passes are not allowed only in the state, in private you can go.
Is the butterfly exactly like this? It's just that there are also turnip and rutabaga, but they are much smaller than cabbage. Or is the bumblebee common? You also seem to have bumblebees, but they are also rare.

19.04.2020 10:14, alex017

I've never been stopped, but why go on the van?
Public transport is running. Everyone walks and drives. But that's their business. Purely outwardly, on a working day, everything is as usual. I didn't even see the police. Why take the risk?
In addition, I have a month of exacerbation of bronchitis is not removed.
Why do you need to catch a cold or catch SARS and then sit forcibly at home on isolation? I don't see the point. It will get warmer, I'll do something in the garden. In the meantime, the next week does not bode well.
I have never seen bumblebees, but I have seen cabbage plants, they are common, not rare

This post was edited by alex017-19.04.2020 10: 14

19.04.2020 11:23, Hierophis

Well, of course, you're afraid of the korovavirus, that's right! I'm afraid too)
Although the virus turned out to be very light compared to what was expected of it, there were assumptions about tens of millions of deaths in the first months ,the "second Spanish flu" and other fears, but so far at least much less dangerous than with the Hong Kong flu, they write that the Yulkin flu (2009) this virus seems to have bypassed (or it will bypass it) for deaths.

What's your resting pulse and breathing rate, and how long can you hold your breath? Have you been tested for asthma, spirometry?
I have 55 beats at rest and about 9 breaths per minute, 1 minute 20 seconds on the inhale and 30 seconds on the exhale, it is considered that this is normal, well, this is the result of not getting off the bike and regular walks for 20 km in the steppes.
In general, you were diagnosed with chronic bronchitis in the hospital, did a CT scan and all that? Just if he diagnosed himself, then there may be options, maybe asthma, maybe something else, well, it depends on the doctors could write anything on the dump and not understand.
If you have a very frequent cough, a lot of phlegm, then you need to make every effort to stop this, because then there may be COPD, terrible things are written about it.

19.04.2020 15:05, alex017

I no longer remember what the analysis was called, what they did (I had to breathe into the tube, a graph was drawn on the screen), X-rays of all sorts. They didn't do Ct scans. The doctor made the diagnosis, of course, not me.
At rest, I have 65 to 70 hits. I don't know your breathing rate.
I did not do fluorography for several years, because it did not show "mostly clean"

19.04.2020 21:42, Hierophis

It is strange how this is possible at the enterprise, the fluorogram is forced to be done every year.
Yes, this is just spirometry, and chronic bronchitis seems to be curable, so there is something to strive for, and it is better treated against the background of an active respiratory load on the street-great, running, only regularly.
And yes, no cottage or garden is suitable, there are no such aerobic loads, except to plant potatoes, but this is one time )

And in the steppe there are already huge grasshoppers!! Probably the fourth molt already!

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20.04.2020 5:32, alex017

Yes, it's very simple, I was given this piece of paper with the seal of a pulmonologist (for the first time) or a therapist (for the second time). And then the spot decreased, it was only visible in the big picture, and I started going to the usual fluorography again.
With my job and our climate, you don't get to travel much.

20.04.2020 18:48, ИНО

Is this cabbage patch a rare butterfly? We have plenty of them. They certainly look a little like a turnip, but they are bigger and more beautiful, they don't look like a turnip at all. Last winter, a whole brood of caterpillars on dvuryadke watched pictures in this topic is.

22.04.2020 11:57, Hierophis

Well, it seems that we finally have something similar (remotely) planned for the summer! And then, all the same, temperatures are much higher than +20C until the beginning of May is not visible. This is cool of course, usually after 20 in April already and under +30 is not uncommon.
However, April will be normal+, just before it was usually 3 degrees warmer than normal)
But I sympathize with Alex, you can't see any gaps on the ETR until May, it's all winter!

We started selling kolubnik a week ago, but at 7-9 pupaars per kg, and today it's already 2-3. 5 per kg, and on the balcony of strawberries only the third summer leaf climbs out, and no flowers umnik.gif

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22.04.2020 14:17, alex017

We have such strawberries appeared before March 8, at the same price, after March 8 it fell in price by a couple of $. I looked at it, but didn't buy it. Sorry about the money. Your own will grow up soon.
It started to rain. There is nothing to do in the garden, there is no water. So far around +7.

22.04.2020 23:53, ИНО

23.04.2020 11:06, alex017

+1 is good, but +13 is quite good.
We started snowing, there was zero snow in the morning, and it was still snowing. The closer to the forest and the uninhabited area, the whiter and whiter, the snow even stuck to the trees in the forest in the morning.

The snow is falling and melting. Sometimes the sun shines. It's been like this all day. But it's still warm, +4. Nothing terrible or bad.

On Ulka, the sun and snowfall are short-term, sometimes so strong that you can't see anything, the temperature is about +4, but the wind is piercing.
And at home everything is blooming, even the tomato seedlings have gathered.

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This post was edited by alex017 - 24.04.2020 18: 53
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26.04.2020 19:56, Hierophis

In general, I'm shocked, the weather is tough!
On the one hand, there is no anomaly, even in terms of precipitation, yes, there is a shortage, taking into account today's "rain", about 20% of the norm fell in April, but for April this is usually the case.
Tinplate in continuous longitude circulation, it does not stop for a day! The circulation is cyclonic, but the air is terribly dry, this does not happen in every AD.
Various wildflowers are still blooming, lilacs have bloomed, but there are no smells, the continuous wind and dry air leave no chance. At least it would be summer before Robinia blooms.
The heating was also turned off, and yesterday the south wind blew right through the windows all day, blowing up to +21 at night in the room, it was probably not so cold at the end of April!)
And it's a shame how, there is no work, to ride a bike every day, and figs there, such a "self-isolation" by the forces of heaven))
Eremurus is going to bloom, gave out a bud, but he's probably terrified, thinks-where did they put me, in Chukotka some!!!)))

Well, it seems that from tomorrow to Friday there is hope for a little summer jump.gif

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26.04.2020 20:37, alex017

And we have yesterday +3+4, this morning +9, in the afternoon after the rain sunny and +17, by 17h darkened as if the night came, rain and +7. It turns green.
A peach blossomed in the greenhouse.
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And in Ukraine kapets summer, even lilac bloomed.
By the way, the wind was just unreal and we have, but in the evening stikh

26.04.2020 21:17, Hierophis

Lilac blooms, but there is still no summer) Even the fact that "according to science", when the average temperature for a day is +15C or more, so far this has never happened, the maximum is +13. It should be already.

I bought such a thing, here it is exactly the sausage pulse does not find umnik.gifIt Works fine, so while I'm sitting in a chair at the computer shows 53-55 pulse, if you get up the pulse shows 90 immediately then quickly drops to 75 and does not change for a minute, then I did not wait, if you squat down, immediately falls to 62-65 but below it doesn't fall, I waited about five minutes)
The oxygen level shows the same in all cases.
It would be interesting to compare it with this glamorous sausage watch, one employee has one at work, but it probably won't work out soon)

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27.04.2020 6:14, ИНО

So Pan wrote that he warmed up to the most do not indulge, and still he was blown 21 degrees, exactly as much as I was with wooden frameseek.gif, despite the fact that we are clearly colder outside. The weather, of course, does not sausage in a childish way: for twenty-four hours the clouds were heavy, the wind was blowing, but no rain fell. On the 24th, the same song was played, and you could even see the fringe of rain hanging down from the clouds, but it completely evaporates on the fly. But on 25 it was quite a summer with +20 degrees and a clear sky. Strawberries bloomed. But with such moisture, it has zero chances to give berries. We can only hope that the drought resistance of stone fruits will at least be enough. Usually, two weeks after blooming, apricots are already the size of the phalanx of the index finger, but now they barely protrude beyond the borders of the flower bed. The grass also does not grow nifiga, only in places it reaches the ankles, while there is no projective cover. And usually by the end of April, the grass is knee-deep and the ground is not visible through it.

27.04.2020 11:33, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

We have windy and warm weather today.You can go out on all sorts of fields.Then I'll try to make a ground beetle trap.

27.04.2020 14:58, alex017

+20 however! For the first time this year. But it used to last for weeks. But even that happiness!

27.04.2020 18:52, Hierophis

Well, as I said, we had +15 today) And on the seashore in general tin, well, it's cold until June can hold, so Alex, soon you will be hotter than in the Crimea on the South Coast, and it will be for a long time)

27.04.2020 20:02, alex017

Come on, for a long time. Tomorrow it's already +12, then it will move to +6. Previously, it lasted for weeks, the numbers from April 20 to 25-30, then it was always winter, then it was warm again. Now, often even one day the heat can not stand.

27.04.2020 20:24, Hierophis

Well, you need to wait a few more days, and vzharit jump.gif
And I sednya SUCH a FLY zafotkal!"!! jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif

Nikita! It has long been necessary to go out, but not to the fields, why do you need them you are not an agronomist)) and in the steppe, where you probably have already hatched, it is much warmer there now than in our country!

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28.04.2020 0:36, ИНО

We finally got some raindrops on the ground today. But not only all of them, very few people were able to do it. So the hydration is purely symbolic. But the holdover is real: +11 at the daily maximum.

28.04.2020 5:25, alex017

If only all our drops would reach your fertile land, which would make you more fertile, we would also be a little better.

28.04.2020 9:10, Hierophis

It's started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif
This morning at 6 o'clock on the balcony +14, and the whole sky is streaked!!!!
Summer jump.gif

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28.04.2020 13:12, alex017

And I sit and hear a squeak, they also flew in.

29.04.2020 1:58, ИНО

Chu, we've had plenty of swifts for ten days now, and swallows too. But there's no sign of summer. When the cuckoo sounds, it will really be summer. As a result, cherry plums did not start well, unlike apricots. although it bloomed much more profusely, and did not freeze out. But there were few insects on it, the result is natural. We are waiting to see what will happen to the plum. There is no point in looking at cherries and cherries, they are still poorly edible. I found out today that in the forest the jerks burned a large section of the lower tier along with the raspberries, which we already had a cat crying. So there won't be any raspberries this year either.

The message was edited by ENO - 29.04.2020 02: 40

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29.04.2020 18:57, Hierophis

Alex, are they really swifts? )
I was told that in Kiev swifts appeared only recently. The abundance of small insects in the air is very important for swifts, for this, at altitudes the temperature should be at least +5.

Ratest jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif

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30.04.2020 11:37, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

I set up a trap for floating beetles yesterday.After tomorrow, or if possible tomorrow, I'll check it out.We have already started the heat wave, yesterday it was about +30 lol.gif

30.04.2020 13:18, alex017

Swifts, they hide under the roofs of buildings in the cold, sometimes fly out, but so far this is an isolated phenomenon.
It's warm, dry, and sunny for an Australian. He probably would have taken root in the steppe.
And here it is pouring incessantly.

01.05.2020 2:06, ИНО

Everything, according to my criteria, summer started today-the cuckoos sang. And it's finally getting hotter than it was at the beginning of March. Stone fruits bloom, okromya bird cherry trees. Surprisingly, there are still unopened hotel buds on apricots. Apparently, the frost slowed them down, but did not kill them. I wonder if they'll open up or just hang there until winter. Now the unpleasant thing: moniliosis still popped. Not so rampant. like last year, but still a record harvest is definitely not in sight. Although, without it, despite all the misadventures of the weather, there was a chance for it. It is noteworthy: during the flowering of apricots this time the weather was completely dry, and still the insidious fungus managed to cling. I think this is due to the fact that the petals practically did not fly around, but withered on the ovaries. Apparently, the frost damaged the "flyby mechanism".

...And there are no swallowtails again.

01.05.2020 19:35, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

I checked today the trap that I set up the day before yesterday near the reservoir in the closed bay.6 Cybister lateralimarginalis

01.05.2020 20:06, Hierophis

Alex why are you giving poor Eremurians Australian citizenship)
I already wrote - they are ours, all Euro-Asian, and with the center of speciation in Central Asia, on the border of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.
How are the delphiniums?

We have for the first time since the beginning of March in the evening +19 jump.gif
Today, the rains are already closer to us, there were such thunderstorms very close, but I could only see the tails of clouds from them frown.gif
Sukhotka is already capital, green grass is visible only in plantings.
But Teren still seems to be tied up, it's already good jump.gif

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