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Positive temperature anomaly

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29.06.2016 21:32, ИНО

30.06.2016 7:55, alex017


And the opinion of the people to find out, not?
Or does the model of democracy you profess not include it? But in the UK, the majority opinion came as a surprise to the ruling elite and all analysts. Here-this is real democracy (if, of course, nothing was rigged).

You are contradicting yourself.
Well aware of the possibility of fraud even in Britain, you believe in the integrity of summing up the results of a referendum in a country like Ukraine (or Russia).
You only believe in what you feel comfortable and want to believe.
And you don't even hear that a referendum is really very expensive.
Compare the capabilities of Ukraine and Britain...nda... you don't have to read anything else...

By the way, can you share some information about how the" democratic "revolution of' 91 overcame drunkenness in the Russian Federation? And especially interesting is the personal feat on this battlefield of the newly elected President. Or do you think it is not sufficiently democratic and pro-Western?

Do you think that the state didn't owe them anything like that? Let us then name the meaning of the very existence of the state. If the state department is not supposed to protect, help educate, educate children, and so on, then why is it even necessary? Everyone would live in a tribal system, each for himself and for his family. The main thing is that no one needs to pay taxes. And in the state, you pay taxes, follow the laws, and in return, it turns out that it does not owe you anything, all by yourself. Come on, nafig! By the way, the overwhelming majority of current states are like this, and Pan Alex seems to think that this is the right thing to do. And the USSR is knocked out of this canvas, which is very annoying. Well, there is no such thing that the state voluntarily cares about a simple citizen, you are lying!

Do I understand correctly that you think this is a blessing?

Conditions in which the trait of moral ugliness is a useful selection factor, allowing individuals who possess it to eliminate their dominance, as it became with the collapse of the USSR, are a sign of a very shitty state.

You are lucky to be in the survivor category, some are not. And it doesn't have to be that someone is a worse person than you. so for now, everything in my reasoning is clear.

In the 1990s, the number of jobs decreased. Now you can fire drunks. Without a job and a "tractor" that pulled them out of the blue pit, they fell there, so their number began to decrease dramatically!
Isn't that a blessing?

Yes, I think BNEH is not democratic enough.

The State should provide security guarantees against external threats and internal criminals, while ensuring freedom to choose a life path.
If you haven't noticed, I don't think the population should have any taxes.
The number of mutual obligations of the state and the people should be minimal: a minimum of officials - a minimum of corruption; a minimum of controlling and supervisory authorities, a minimum of permits for activities. It is necessary to reduce the sets of rules, instructions, regulatory orders, decrees, and so on to a minimum. Make a part of the services that are bribed legally paid for, or eliminate the reason for giving a bribe.

Moral ugliness, namely complete lack of independence, irresponsibility, drunkenness, was strongly supported and developed in the USSR. Why bother if you will be dragged, saved, supported, cared for all your life?! Moral freaks flooded the former USSR, having advantages.
In the 90s, they lost their advantages and disappeared at a high rate.

Why do you think I'm lucky? Luck is, for example, an expanding drug addict who is not infected with HIV and hepatitis, or, for example, a young drunk who joined the army in a unit with a commander who was disgusted with drunkenness and maintained appropriate discipline. Then, he came back (isn't it lucky??), got married, and started drinking again.
You confuse luck and the ordinary life of an ordinary person.

It is a great pity, of course, for those who died at the hands of the self-destructed...a bit of luck here...Yes...but you are also lucky then. And everyone living.

Did you personally conduct the survey or do you rely on some scientific publication?

If you look not at the "elite", but at the race, then the vast majority are operated on at home.
Here, yesterday successfully divided two Sima bleznyashek.
Equipment in Russian hospitals is constantly being improved and new ones are being purchased.
Moreover, in addition to foreign ones, there are also original domestic developments (which have no world analogues), including those described on this forum. Of course, their share of the percentage.
Soviet medicine was at its best.
As a result, the mass of the people of the USSR was significantly healthier than any bourgeois. The collapse of the USSR also undermined medicine, so as a result, neither one nor the other became normal in the Russian Federation, and this is really very sad.

Where is the modern West, and where is Ukraine? It develops in a completely opposite direction, with a minus sign. But I don't want to develop with a minus sign (that is, degrade) - I'm such a strange person. beyond the liberast's comprehension.

But those who found out, and on their own skin, already in 90% of cases returned back under fire. They say that there is no work (since it is given mainly to citizens of the Russian Federation), there is nothing to pay for housing, and there are no prospects for citizenship. Apparently, not everything is as good with working for refugees as you think. Although probably in that one. In fact, it is diametrically opposed to the real Russia, which exists in your painful consciousness and the situation with benefits is appropriate.

But you are also in no hurry to get together with the cordially inviting Pan Stepov, and move together with Ukraine to the Western Paradise. What are you afraid of, eh?

Have you just stated that you eat exclusively ciprofloxocin, since there is no money for anything else? Yes, the alternative nature of your reality is much deeper than I first thought. All the same, I recommend that you diversify your diet with antidepressants, otherwise in this mood you are not far from rash actions.

I rely on the fact that I have been living next to these people for 4 decades!

The needs of the elite are too great...If the BNEH had decentralised the country and given full autonomy to its regions, the number of people who could receive medical treatment abroad would have been significantly higher than the population outside the MKAD.

Shared twins, happiness.

Is it NEW equipment in hospitals? What planet are you from? Usually written off in other countries. And its replacement is planned or in another 50-100 years?!

Original domestic developments, which you did not specify by a fraction of a percent, probably thousandths, usually look and work in such a way that it would be better not to invent them.

Medicine in the USSR was at the height of the plinth. As well as many, many other things.
No wonder everyone was looking for imported drugs, isn't it?!

It is often said that there are many disabled people in America. Do you know why there are so many of them? Because they have the opportunity to go outside. But the Russian ones do not have such an opportunity, and it seems that they do not exist at all. Healthy appearance.

Ukraine is now in a serious state, it is too tough for it to compete with such a Monster.

You don't have to tell me about visitors from Ukraine, their life, benefits, rules, and job search. I told you why. And you keep theorizing.
Where were those who returned going? To Rostov, Krasnodar Krai? Yes, there is no work there. I always knew this, because I always wanted to go there myself.
In general, you know, it's a bit silly to expect a paradise life in a foreign country right away.
At least that's why I'm not going to Ukraine.

No need to change the subject, you know exactly what I wrote about antibiotics.

30.06.2016 17:47, ИНО

30.06.2016 17:48, ИНО

30.06.2016 17:54, Hierophis

Antibiotics are sometimes called by doctors (even a proof like there is an entry in the card) such a bodyguard as biseptol, streptocide, and similar medications. What Alex wrote-it seems to be a real antibiotic, I have already expressed my thoughts on this-it is dangerous to" eat " such things, as far as food prices are concerned.. I don't know. I really don't understand something here, in the Russian Federation, it seems that the PO is clearly higher in terms of the pupaar than in our country. For example, take the PO that was announced as a beggar's one that you can't live on - 25 thousand rubles. In our opinion, it will be about 10 thousand hryvnias. I think Alex has a PO higher than 25 thousand rubles. All right, com.services in the Russian Federation are more expensive, even with the latest increases in our country, but they are unlikely to go beyond reasonable limits.
I don't know.. we have 10k hryvnia per month, you can eat 1 kg of strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherries and peaches (5kg in total) every day, 31 days a month, and it will take 4500 hryvnia, and 5500 will remain for other needs )) But it is clear that no one can stand to eat so much a day, 1000 UAH per month is enough to eat and eat too much for two all the necessary vitamins, trace elements, biological factors and other things that you need to forget forever what is the disease ) And for another 1000 you can stock up for the winter to freeze a full refrigerator.
So what's the problem?

30.06.2016 18:02, Hierophis

And we still have a short time of life-giving +36 yyy..
And then it was great-you go on the steppe, and just such a tangible warmth, the sun is hot, in the morning at 4 o'clock +28 C, ah ah ah.. And now a little thunderstorms began to pass, but alas, so-three drops, even if the rains were good, but so far everything is past, although there is still Hope jump.gif

This post was edited by Hierophis - 30.06.2016 18: 03

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30.06.2016 19:42, Igor1962

I can't keep silent, despite the temperature anomaly. So in the year 1917, Rashka was such a China with absolutely no industry and no technology -only peasant farms producing grain on horses. But the slogans -All power to the Soviets, land to the peasants, factories to the workers-have done their job . many people in the world sympathized with her.
And the GOELRO-lightbulb Ilyich plan was implemented thanks to the arrival of skilled workers and engineers from America, Germany, and England, many of whom later disappeared in the depths of the GULAG

30.06.2016 19:47, Igor1962

Donbass in 1870 began to raise the Sw of the English industrialist, Without Western technologies, With this swarm there would be no (...) But they paid for everything with grain that was taken clean from the peasants. They killed two birds with one stone and had grain and destroyed the peasants as a petty bourgeois class

30.06.2016 19:57, Hierophis

Well, many ardent supporters of the Soviet Department either do not know, or for some reason "forget" that the start of the USSR is a process mainly carried out thanks to Western technologies and specialists of that time, and of course, it was hardly "good Samaritans", the same engineers and equipment were sent to the States and some European countries in exchange on "nationalized" resources, such as all sorts of gold, some other liquid values taken from various "boyars", as well as" kulaks", which, by the way, for the most part were just really hardworking and enterprising peasants, not eating sea lions and working, for which respectively. they were disliked by such as Esox envious people and lovers of gratuitous behavior, drunkenness and methods like "sit down to drink, and then take everything and share it" smile.gif

Ezoks kotoy rushes to the scoop, just did not see to see calendars-schedules for the 60-70s, and I saw-from the holidays - only May Day and New year, almost every week - " subbotnik "(working Saturday), and the result? to buy a TV, you had to wait 5 years yyy.. I am already silent about the sweeps of the "very smart", repressions, although .. I understand WHO Ezox would like to be in the USSR.. Goebnee what nibut or other "member of the CPSU", he hardly dreams of dirtying his hands about work there)))

30.06.2016 19:57, Igor1962

Tracing the chronology : in the 90's-don't go to Europe, they shouted - Ukraine will be made a testing ground for chemical waste and nuclear weapons. fuel, Starting with Kuchma began to divide the West and East that de and they are different and war is possible we avoided it thank God - (Kuchma). The Kremlin banned all Presidents Yushchenko and Yanukovich from going to Europe for Ukraine. in order to continue to get rich on gas and everything else - in 2013, Azarov-the prime Minister said in the hearts of what are you rushing to Europe, because there is only one blue, the communists podgavkknuli there everything sucks solid unemployment Ukraine is not needed there better in rashku. Yanukovich in Vilnius did not sign the necessary papers in November 2013, and the Maidan began, And again people were shot at for not letting them go to Europe, But the Maidan won ( I don't know who organized it . the loot on it took a huge amount - but thanks anyway )

30.06.2016 20:07, Igor1962

Yanek and pshenka and the others fled, and it was necessary to drive them all at once, but they remained and we do not have a junta and punishers, but there are unfinished thieves . Well, to keep Europe out of the war in eastern Ukraine. Rashka doesn't need the Donbass. What is there to plant tomatoes ? need this tumor that would not be allowed in E.-pu. And you can call x to stop it in 5 minutes.. - we take gas at your price . we do not go to E-ropa and remain backward. how will we divide the navar ? come to Moscow reshaly all will count and will be in chocolate presidents, people with those pensions and salaries in 20 $

30.06.2016 20:14, Igor1962

I'll add it. that the steam engine , the lathe, and the first theater, and all the first writers, artists, and sculptors were in Europe, came to rashka in 50-100 years. Historians know that there was both a silver and a golden age in Ye . The University of Padua was founded in 1250 in Moscow in 1750

30.06.2016 20:25, Hierophis

By the way, Alex, be happy jump.gif
Your tsar again allowed serfs to go to Turkey ))

30.06.2016 20:25, Igor1962

Sent by the Kremlin. the ferret sends a clear message to its cattle - do you see a civil war in eastern Ukraine ? know the importance of good salaries, pensions, and freedom-this is called extremism . it will be interesting. war and in Russia Anti-Maidan organized bikers, former athletes, gopnik. skinheads will all wet intellectuals on the street cops will only watch

30.06.2016 20:25, scarit

Nope, in Moscow - in 1755 smile.gif

30.06.2016 21:20, Aleksandr Safronov

I can't keep silent, despite the temperature anomaly. So in the year 1917, Rashka was such a China with absolutely no industry and no technology...

Lots of letters, full of diarrhea.
Tell us where the little girl was in 1917, and on what lands she lived.
And at the same time - about the achievements of ukroprom and ukronauki.
Likes: 1

30.06.2016 21:20, Aleksandr Safronov

By the way, Alex, be happy jump.gif
Your tsar again allowed serfs to go to Turkey ))

Your viceroy again allowed serfs to die for Roshen in the Donbass ))

30.06.2016 22:44, Hierophis

And what about the achievements of Ukroprom? In Ukraine, they somehow do not particularly build illusions about their "sluggishness", like some northern neighbors who scold the "decaying west", while simultaneously mired in consumer goods developed and invented there .

In Ukraine, they soberly assess the situation, and they want to learn from those countries and societies where there is something to learn, oddly enough. Offer Russia the absence of corruption, the rule of law and the unity of the law for all social groups, fair competition and conditions for business activism, priority in science and development, civilization and everyday culture in the end in the form of polite people, not those who are green (from what, I wonder))) ) and those who go in the tram, trade in the bazaar, sit in educational institutions..
Yes, Ukraine would have entered into a Secret Alliance at that hour!!

But Russia offers this )


But you can find such things in our country, and that's why we go the other way, so that we don't have such things. In the RFII, as usual, we went a simpler way-immediately after this videv... forbidden to take photos in post offices weep.gifNo (person, video, publication - enter the necessary information) - no problem!

30.06.2016 23:15, Aleksandr Safronov

And what about the achievements of Ukroprom?

Don't strain yourself, it's not for you. You only read what you need from your posts, don't you? )))

30.06.2016 23:16, Aleksandr Safronov

Offer Russia the absence of corruption, the rule of law and the unity of the law for all social groups, fair competition and conditions for business activism, priority in science and development, civilization and everyday culture in the end in the form of polite people, not those who are green (from what, I wonder))) ) and those who go on the tram, trade in the bazaar, sit in educational institutions..

Russia has offered you more - free gas prices, investments, orders for enterprises, loans at low interest rates, and mutually beneficial cooperation. But nerabs spat in the giving hand for 20 years and chose cookies of the State Department, the glorification of the Nazis, the civil war and the collapse of industry and statehood.
What you've got, you'll get. It is a pity, but this cup you will drink to the end, to the last drop.
Likes: 1

30.06.2016 23:31, Hierophis

Well, just great, smelly gass in exchange for preserving feudalism, megajoriee and putlerovism, no, we don't need such dryuchba and sotrutnichestvo, and your gass will soon be on piisyat, given the oil prices Yy

30.06.2016 23:42, Aleksandr Safronov

Well, just great, smelly gass in exchange for preserving feudalism, megajoriee and putlerovism, no, we don't need such dryuchba and sotrutnichestvo, and your gass will soon be on piisyat, given the oil prices Yy

The key word for the maidanutys is one: SOON (soon rashka will bend, soon we will be in the eurocolkhoz, soon bezviz...) You don't have any money for stinky gass anymore. You live in the steppe, what will you do to warm yourself in the winter? Well, you can ride, but will the wood-fired production work? )))
After all, the tie-eater told you that you will live like under Yanukovich in 20 years if you plow for 12 hours and eat balanda.

01.07.2016 0:45, ИНО

Wow in the ranks of forum svidolmitov replenishment! They flock to the light of truth like insects to a UV lamp. But this one is quite small, in terms of thinking abilities and erudition. It will be easy to land in a puddle.

01.07.2016 0:46, ИНО

01.07.2016 1:02, ИНО

01.07.2016 1:29, ИНО

Here an interesting article on the Ukrainian most non-residential resource about the transition of Ukraine to European standards of living, starting for some reason with the amount of utility bills. Especially interesting are the comments of Ukrainians to it, read it before the local administration rubs it.

As you can see, the uporotyh Svidomo in (in) Ukraine is a minority, but the majority, when it's hot, thinks quite sensibly. I was most interested in something:

01.07.2016 5:31, Igor1962

Russia has offered you more - free gas prices, investments, orders for enterprises, loans at low interest rates, and mutually beneficial cooperation. But nerabs spat in the giving hand for 20 years and chose cookies of the State Department, the glorification of the Nazis, the civil war and the collapse of industry and statehood.
What you've got, you'll get. It is a pity, but this cup you will drink to the end, to the last drop.

I'll tell you how a bug is a bug to a bug : do not be fooled by the" banderlogs" In the 30s, when the scoop was oh-oh little years old and the civil war when the whites dropped into the village and asked for food, the reds just robbed, when Stalin knocked out about 10 million people in 10 years From 1932-1941, and in 1941 Hitler went to war. Goebbels, as well as Rashka, now shouted one to one that Germany is going to liberate the population to the east from the Bolsheviks, and there are video frames and photos where the Germans are met in villages and cities with bread and salt-where the Germans have a nice conversation with Belarusians , Russians and Ukrainians. Later in a few months the policy of the Germans changed and there were concentration camps and at first it was like white in relation to stalin

01.07.2016 5:36, Igor1962

naturally, there was one patriot Bandera ,Who first supported the Germans and then refused to do so. By the way, during the occupation of Kharkiv in the Civil War, and in 1941, the Germans worked in banks, you could put down deposits, start your own business - people received pensions. they introduced their own currency-karbovans who received less than 200 carbs. he didn't pay taxes. etc. Kharkiv was recaptured by the Bolsheviks in 1943, and then it was again occupied by the Germans and SS units . And then there are Jews to be shot, and so on as usual

01.07.2016 10:02, Aleksandr Safronov

I'll tell you how a bug is a bug to a bug : do not be fooled by the" banderlogs" In the 30s, when the scoop was oh-oh little years old and the civil war when the whites dropped into the village and asked for food, the reds just robbed, when Stalin knocked out about 10 million people in 10 years From 1932-1941, and in 1941 Hitler went to war. Goebbels, as well as Rashka, now shouted one to one that Germany is going to liberate the population to the east from the Bolsheviks, and there are video frames and photos where the Germans are met in villages and cities with bread and salt-where the Germans have a nice conversation with Belarusians , Russians and Ukrainians. Only later a few months later the policy of the Germans changed and there were concentration camps and at first it was like white in relation to Stalin

You tell your fans that, I don't need it.
Yes, there were those who met the Nazis as liberators. And then they, bright European elves, were burned in the furnaces of Auschwitz and Majdanek, shot in Babi Yar. And then there was the Brest Fortress, Leningrad, Stalingrad and Sevastopol.
"...the public now, like Goebbels, is shouting one to one that it is going to liberate the population to the east from separations... "

01.07.2016 10:16, Aleksandr Safronov

naturally, there was one patriot Bandera ,Who first supported the Germans and then refused to do so. By the way, during the occupation of Kharkiv in the Civil War, and in 1941, the Germans worked in banks, you could put down deposits, start your own business - people received pensions. they introduced their own currency-karbovans who received less than 200 carbs. he didn't pay taxes. etc. Kharkiv was recaptured by the Bolsheviks in 1943, and then it was again occupied by the Germans and SS units . And then there are Jews to be shot , and so on as usual

Aha, Bandyra is the idol of Ukropotsreots, Ukronazis and Uniates. How will you repent from the Poles in the eurocolkhoz for Volhynia?
"...Nationalism never stops at praising its own people. He always needs to prove his superiority by humiliating his neighbor or, even worse, destroying him physically. In particular, many European and Russian historians consider the facts of Bandera's involvement in the Volyn massacre, when thousands of Poles and Catholic Armenians were killed, whom Bandera considered "second Jews", to be proven.

01.07.2016 14:40, alex017

[quote=ENO, 30.06.2016 18: 47] It is understandable: elections decide the division of portfolios and feeders between representatives of the elite, and a referendum decides the will of some kind of it... Well, what's his name?.. vo, people, garbage in general some kind of

Garbage decided to neglect and the truth. Now many figures in the regions are not chosen, but appointed. so that the right elite people get their portfolios.
And the wrong elites are caught in something. The right elitists can appropriate as much as they want with impunity.
It gets to the point that no one agrees to some high positions (deputy high-tech), because they don't want to be a litter box and extreme.

[quote=ENO, 30.06.2016 18: 47] Ideally, it is desirable that everyone dies except you, and you alone get all the resources of the country. Got it right?

What are you guessing at? You're just like our government, wondering if the country has hit rock bottom.
I don't need all these resources. My hands are not raking, my eyes are not envious.
And I don't need someone else's stuff at all.
But at the same time, I don't want to feel sick. it did not break body parts when driving in public transport around the city, so that the cost of housing and communal services was at least adequate to the quality and quantity of services provided, so that there was social justice (to everyone according to their merits), so that there was complete freedom of speech and there was no prosecution for opinion.
A lot of simple things that do not require any monstrous investments. Something that people from countries like mine run after at the slightest opportunity.

[quote=ENO, 30.06.2016 18: 47] So that your "Hungry Urals" can become a separate hungry state?

The richest region, if you don't take everything out of it.

[quote=ENO, 30.06.2016 18: 48]
Don't you see that the first half of the thesis contradicts the second? If the state provides complete freedom to choose a life path, including a criminal one, how can it simultaneously protect law-abiding citizens from those who have chosen such a path? A normal state should limit the choice of a citizen's life path to the area of legality

No, freedom of choice is exactly freedom! There are punishments for crimes.
In general, the number of offenses is so high that everyone is now a criminal and can be punished if desired. Whereas real criminals easily evade punishment.
After all, I specifically explained that it is necessary to deal with criminals more intelligently, excluding the possibility of committing a crime, and not toughening the punishment for crimes!

[quote=ENO, 30.06.2016 18: 48]
Well, this is a masterpiece! Where, I hesitate to ask, will the state get funds for all the things that you demand from it (protection of citizens from external and internal threats, cheap services, etc.). What can they get out of criminals?

What about corporate taxes?
Yes, at least on the natural rent from the development of minerals.

[quote=ENO, 30.06.2016 18: 48]
And it is not customary to support such statements with examples in the "Hungry Urals"? I can give a lot of counterexamples, but only after you

He looked at the table. Paper. Russian Federation. Pulp is imported. By the way, terrible paper, electrified, sticky, ugh. Imported-a sight to behold!
Kants.accessories - imported, Chinese.
Phone, computer-bad, Chinese.
Clothing, shoes (special and personal) - Chinese.
Everything around us is imported!!
Who cares if somewhere someone invented something and threw it in the trash of history?
The reality of today is important.

[quote=ENO, 30.06.2016 18: 48] What Alex wrote-it seems to be a real antibiotic, I have already expressed my thoughts on this-it is dangerous to" eat " such things, as far as food prices are concerned.. I don't know. I really don't understand something here, in the Russian Federation, it seems that the PO is clearly higher in terms of the pupaar than in our country. For example, take the PO that was announced as a beggar's one that you can't live on - 25 thousand rubles. In our opinion, it will be about 10 thousand hryvnias. I think Alex has a PO higher than 25 thousand rubles. All right, com.services in the Russian Federation are more expensive, even with the latest increases in our country, but they are unlikely to go beyond reasonable limits.
I don't know.. we have 10k hryvnia per month, you can eat 1 kg of strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherries and peaches (5kg in total) every day, 31 days a month, and it will take 4500 hryvnia, and 5500 will remain for other needs )) But it is clear that no one can stand to eat so much a day, 1000 UAH per month is enough to eat and eat too much for two all the necessary vitamins, trace elements, biological factors and other things that you need to forget forever what is the disease ) And for another 1000 you can stock up for the winter to freeze a full refrigerator.
So what's the problem?

The problem is that I have to keep a huge supply of medical supplies at home.
I'd be glad not to, but it just so happens. They are my whole life.

It doesn't matter. as much as I have.
Let's say that it's not easy to get a PO of 25 rubles where I live. It needs to have two jobs.
It is better to start from 17-18 for a man.
Payment for housing, if it exists, but where does it come from, if such a PO? - 5 rubles
And if there is no housing, then rent 10tr per month + 5tr rent!
Buying clothes and shoes for all seasons and the abundance of different weather conditions, taking into account the quality at which things are enough for one, in the limit-2 seasons....How much can I put here? Terrible point so-and-so, because if you buy something, but you have to starve.
Medicines. If you need to provide yourself with a sufficient standard of living, then you need to spend a decent amount on them, taking into account the cost of imports.
Food. If you eat the cheapest chicken on the stock at 100r / kg cooked with porridge, then you will barely drag your legs.
Pork at 250r / kg, on holidays, and the holiday we have is po day.
Beef - once a year on the dr at 400-500r/kg.
Dessert. The cheapest is halva. 108r/kg.
Fruit. A liter of strawberries (grown in our city) - 250r. It is a liter jar - 250r.
Well, I once saw 180, took two liters. This is rare.
It is worth buying a little fruit, as then a week to eat rice with the taste of chicken, because the chicken itself is not found in the pan.
I'm too lazy to rewrite all the prices...
That's how we eat too much.

I am very happy that things will get better with Turkey. At least they'll bring food.

The message was edited alex017 - 01.07.2016 14:47

01.07.2016 14:57, ИНО

Here, Mr. Alex, the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada does not agree with you about the lack of money for the referendum:

01.07.2016 16:02, ИНО

Pan Alex, it is difficult for me to keep up with the free flight of your thoughts along a chaotic trajectory. For example, what are you talking about?

01.07.2016 16:03, ИНО

01.07.2016 16:06, Hierophis

01.07.2016 16:17, Hierophis


Another empty slander. I see that you can't discuss without such" arguments".

Again, this blind man's eyes were swollen with anger ))) Esox do you even read what you write? lol.gif

01.07.2016 23:04, NMR-guy

It's even bouncing around here... rolleyes.gif eek.gif What a restless cockroach! lol.gif

01.07.2016 23:58, ИНО

Perhaps those present will not believe me, but in the years like 2009 - 2010 Pan Hierophis in personal correspondence with me, and in public on one of the forums, in every possible way praised the USSR and condemned capitalism. I wonder who bit him afterwards.

02.07.2016 9:00, Igor1962

My grandfather from the Kulak family was in the USSR, before the collapse of his iron and steel plant into three "Volga" honest work earned, and still I would have a good inheritance if not for the collapse that devoured the deposits. Ukraine then took pity - after a long ordeal, it gave out 1000 UAH smile.gifHere it is, what a thing: if the "kulaks" were really honest and hardworking, then they rose normally under the USSR, and if suddenly after expropriation they suddenly started to starve, then we can assume that there was something wrong with the method of making the previous state that... After all, not everyone started to starve, but only some.

We had three of them in our apartment: one large color (tube), one large black-and-white (tube) and a small black-and-white (transistor). Now, probably, pan will again start his favorite bagpipes about hypothetical nepotism/theft of my family members.

Stepovoi's erotic fantasies about me lead him further and further away from reality... I told him he'd soon think I was an Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru, with wings.
I won't argue with the Ghoul, because it's necessary for someone to stop first. See you in Donentsk

04.07.2016 8:09, alex017

[quote=ENO, 01.07.2016 17: 02]
Exactly. But I just don't understand, what do you like about it? If not, then what are you arguing with me about?

Well, so, in the Russian Federation, the seat of a deputy is more of a responsibility than a feeder. But in (European) Ukraine - on the contrary, so in the struggle for them they are killed and even start a civil war.

You're the one who's arguing.
I am for fair elections. For the inviolability of the elected representatives of the people. For their independence. For the independence of the branches of government.
Having a deputy's chair in the Russian Federation today means being a servant of the EP or a prisoner.

[quote=ENO, 01.07.2016 17: 02]
Again a contradiction. How can total freedom of choice (=anarchy) co-exist with punishments for crimes?

I didn't talk about anarchy and total freedom. Why go to extremes?

[quote=ENO, 01.07.2016 17: 02] Well, for example, in order not to be constantly poisoned by carcinogens, which food manufacturers will be able to use completely freely and with impunity. Well, or so that the machine at your factory does not fall apart and at the same time does not kill someone because of a violation in the technology of its manufacture. What is bypassed, again, refers to the imperfection of the control system in the Russian Federation, and not to the principle itself. Once again, I am discussing the ideal model.

I don't mind. You often surprise me. You think like a child. Too direct or something. Life is not a direct proportionality.
Why deprive people of the right to eat the food that they like?!
If you remove these completely stupid prohibitions, then there will be more cheap products of low quality, which will cause a decrease in the cost of higher-quality products due to a sharp decrease in demand for them. It will become more accessible to the consumer. It was and I miss that time.

[quote=ENO, 01.07.2016 17: 03] Pay attention to such small things as walls, ceiling, floor, radiators, furniture. Are they also imported? Open the refrigerator, are the products in it imported?

The walls, ceiling and floor are not imported.
However, new construction projects now use modern materials made abroad, from imported raw materials or on imported equipment.
Radiators are not imported, yes. I wanted to change, as well as housing, but, alas, the opportunity was lost.
In the refrigerator: dairy products made from powdered milk, cream, etc., powders-imported, fruits and vegetables-imported, chickens and eggs-Russian.

[quote=ENO, 01.07.2016 17: 03]
Well, let it be 17k, but it is better not to use rent in such calculations, it is assumed by default that the average person lives in their own housing. So the same 10 thousand. already free.

And where does housing come from? Houses don't grow like mushrooms...
Those 10tyr I systematically saved for housing, because mine will soon collapse. I was hoping for 5 years to save up the amount, take the missing loan and move.

[quote=Hierophis,01.07.2016 17:06]
But even if you have $ 75 per com.services, in the end, $ 150 will remain for personal needs. So, instead of adding them up, saving up for all sorts of Turkey, it is logical to invest them in health(because all these Turkey health does not add, any such trip is a strong stress, it takes a week to move away from it, just moved away, just started to adapt-it's time to go home to Rashka)) )

I'm not putting it off now. I only set aside part of my wedding present after plugging the holes. No one celebrated the wedding at all, of course.

You're wrong about Turkey. After her visit, my bronchitis receded for at least six months. Now I'm on antibiotics in the summer.

[quote=Hierophis,01.07.2016 17:06]

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