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Identification of Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants)

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30.11.2016 19:33, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. 17.07.2016.

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This post was edited by Woodmen - 11/30/2016 19: 33

01.12.2016 13:55, Lafa

The upper male is Polistes riparius Sk. Yamane et S. Yamane, 1987.
The female probably does too, but the image "lacks" the middle and hind legs (there should be b. m. developed black spots).

And this female has legs without black spots.
If you believe the DV Determinant , it will be nimpha.
In which publication can you see the genitals of Siberian Polistes species ?
Here are 2 more pictures of a female on the same nest-
taken there a little earlier (August 1, 2010, photo by E. Berlov).
picture: Polistes_rivFakel2010.jpg
picture: Polistes_rivFakel2010a.jpg

This post was edited by Lafa - 01.12.2016 14: 40

01.12.2016 15:46, AVA

And this female has legs without black spots.
If you believe the DV Determinant , it will be nimpha.
In which publication can you see the genitals of Siberian Polistes species ?
Here are 2 more pictures of a female on the same nest-
taken there a little earlier (August 1, 2010, photo by E. Berlov).

In females of P. riparius, the spots are smaller than in males, and they are located mainly on the inner side at the tops of the legs. Look at the left hind leg in the 1st picture - the spot is clearly visible there.
You won't find the genitals of male Polistes anywhere else yet. And not only Siberian species. It's just that the polysts are poorly studied on this side, since there are quite enough external features to distinguish the species of local faunas.
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01.12.2016 17:00, Liparus

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. 17.07.2016.

I think it's a female-Xorides sp.
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02.12.2016 17:45, Lafa

German wasp to be determined.
Irkutsk region.. S. Harat 17.6.1995 leg. E. Berlov.
Body length 11 mm.

picture: Nemka_17.6.1995.jpg
Nemka_17.6.1995.jpg — (43.11к)

03.12.2016 13:26, Lafa

Three Eumeninae wasps per definition.

1. Irkutsk, length 10.5 mm, 21. VIII. 2010, leg. E. Berlov
+ face.
picture: Osa_uzkaya_10_11mm_IrkFakel_21_22.8.2010.jpg
картинка: Osa_uzkaya_10_11mm_IrkFakel_21_22.8.2010a.jpg

2. Irkutsk, length 12.5 mm, 21. VIII. 2010, leg. E. Berlov
picture: Osa_12_13mm_Irkutsk_21_22.8.2010.jpg

3. Baikal, KBZHD, length 9,5 mm, 18. VIII. 2010, leg. E. Berlov
+ face.
picture: Eumeninae_m_9_10mm_Baikal_18.8.2010.jpg
picture: Eumeninae_m_9_10mm_Baikal_18.8.2010a.jpg

03.12.2016 17:37, AVA

Three Eumeninae wasps per definition.

1 - female Symmorphus [Eumeninae]
2-female Gorytes [Crabronidae, Bembicinae]
3 - male Ancistrocerus [Eumeninae]
There is not enough data to determine the types of data. frown.gif
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03.12.2016 20:58, Liparus

German wasp to be determined.
Irkutsk region.. S. Harat 17.6.1995 leg. E. Berlov.
Body length 11 mm.

Mutilla sp. Representatives of this genus develop in bumblebee nests
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04.12.2016 12:18, Lafa

3 more wasps to determine:
Crabronini. Irkutsk, 21. VIII. 2010, leg. E. Berlov.
Body length 12 mm.
picture: Crabronini_12mm_Irkutsk21_22.8.2010.jpg
Eumeninae. Irkutsk region, Tofalarsky district, Agulskoe lake, 13. VII. 2012, leg. O. Berlov
Body length 8 mm.
picture: Eumeninae_TofalarZakazn13.7.2012.jpg
Eumeninae. Irkutsk, 14. VIII. 1996, leg. E. Berlov
picture: Eumenid._Irkutsk14.8.1996.jpg

04.12.2016 12:33, Lafa

And two bees from the Nomada genus:
Moscow, Domodedovo Airport, June 1, 1972, E. Berlov.
The body length is 13.5 mm.
картинка: Nomada_sp_MoscowDomoded_1.VI.1972_13_14mm.jpg
Irkutsk, June 14, 1995, E. Berlov.
Body length 8 mm
picture: Nomada_sp.8mm_Irkutsk_14.6.1995.jpg

04.12.2016 12:46, ИНО

Mutilla sp. Representatives of this genus develop in bumblebee nests

Not only.

04.12.2016 20:26, Кархарот

3 more wasps to determine:
Crabronini. Irkutsk, 21. VIII. 2010, leg. E. Berlov.
Body length 12 mm.

Eumeninae. Irkutsk region, Tofalarsky district, Agulskoe lake, 13. VII. 2012, leg. O. Berlov
Body length 8 mm.

Eumeninae. Irkutsk, 14. VIII. 1996, leg. E. Berlov

The second and third are Ancistrocerus spp., the species cannot be identified from such photos.
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04.12.2016 20:38, Liparus

Not only.

I didn't write that only

04.12.2016 23:58, AVA

3 more wasps to determine:
Crabronini. Irkutsk, 21. VIII. 2010, leg. E. Berlov.
Body length 12 mm.

Female Ectemnius continuus (Fabricius, 1804)
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05.12.2016 11:23, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. 06.08.2016.
Is it possible to say anything about this Bombus?
"...! And what? What if?" smile.gif

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05.12.2016 16:34, Lafa

Four wasps to determine:

Crabronidae. Sochi, 18. X. 1967, E. Berlov
Body length 14 mm.
picture: Crabro_Sochy_18.X.1967_14mm.jpg

Sphecidae. Kabardino-Balkaria, Mount Cheget, 17.6.1983, E. Berlov.
Body length 22 mm.
picture: Sphecini_Mt_Cheget17.6.1983_22mm.jpg

Sphecidae. Crimea, Simferopol, 8. IV. 1975, E. Berlov.
Body length 17 mm.
picture: Sphecinae_Simferopol_8.IV.1975_17mm.jpg

? Sphex-sp. Irkutsk region, Belorechensk, 17. VII. 2010, O. Berlov.
image: Sphex_sp. _IrkObl_Belorechensk_17. VII. 2010_O.Berlov.jpg

This post was edited by Lafa - 05.12.2016 16: 35

05.12.2016 16:45, AVA

Four wasps to determine:
Crabronidae. Sochi, 18. X. 1967, E. Berlov
Body length 14 mm.
Sphecidae. Kabardino-Balkaria, Mount Cheget, 17.6.1983, E. Berlov.
Body length 22 mm.
Sphecidae. Crimea, Simferopol, 8. IV. 1975, E. Berlov.
Body length 17 mm.
? Sphex-sp. Irkutsk region, Belorechensk, 17. VII. 2010, O. Berlov.

1-female Ectemnius (Clythochrysus) sp. (to determine the species, you need to see the face and the sculpture of the sides of the propodeum is good)
2-3-female Podalonia hirsuta (Scopoli, 1763)
4-female Sphex funerarius Gussakovskij, 1934
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05.12.2016 17:27, Lafa

1-female Ectemnius (Clythochrysus) sp. (to determine the species, you need to see the face and the sculpture of the sides of the propodeum would be good)

There are scans of the face and bottom:
picture: Ectemnias_Crabro_Sochi_18.X.1967a.jpg
picture: Ectemnias_Crabro_Sochi_18.X.1967.jpg

There is also 1 Ectemnius from Sochi (slightly different):
18.X. 1967, E. Berlov.
Body length 14 mm.
picture: Crabroninae_Sochi18.X.1967.jpg
picture: Crabroninae_Sochi_18.X.1967_14mm_niz.jpg
picture: Crabroninae_Sochi_18.X.1967morda.jpg

05.12.2016 17:36, Бомка

it would be more correct to call Polistes dominulus, since real gallicus live in Southern Europe. Although the opinions of scientists on this taxon differ here.

Don't! After the decision of the Nomenclature Commission, everyone came to a consensus. wink.gif

Can I get a link to this solution?

06.12.2016 13:46, AVA

There are scans of the face and bottom:

There is also 1 Ectemnius from Sochi (slightly different):
18.X. 1967, E. Berlov.
Body length 14 mm.

Both females of Ectemnius (Clytochrysus) cavifrons (Thomson, 1870)
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06.12.2016 13:47, AVA

Can I get a link to this solution?

Please specify the essence of your question.

06.12.2016 14:53, Бомка

Please specify the essence of your question.

If I understand correctly, earlier Polistes dominulus and P. gallicus
were mixed, but I read that after the "decision of the Nomenclature Commission", people "sorted out" these species.
I would like to read this decision of the commission.

06.12.2016 16:39, Lafa

Oca for detection.
Bembix sp.
Irkutsk, September 17, 2006. Photo by O. Berlov.
picture: 15745.jpg
picture: 15756.jpg

And scans of this instance:
picture: 2006_.jpg
picture: 2006_n.jpg
picture: 2006_a.jpg

This post was edited by Lafa - 06.12.2016 16: 54

07.12.2016 19:07, Коллекционер

Asked to determine, can you tell me what kind of ants? Bryansk, on light
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07.12.2016 23:35, ИНО

Male Myrmica sp. Next, you need a close-up muzzle of the face.

08.12.2016 1:54, Коллекционер

Male Myrmica sp. Next, you need a close-up muzzle of the face.

the male is only in the last two photos, and mirmik has a 4-member sawyere mace, but here it is 5

08.12.2016 3:10, ИНО

Not only that: at least at the first stage. My definition referred to the last photo, where the venation is distinguishable and the antennae are clearly visible. I recommend that you re-photograph the rest of them and sign where they are, and it is also desirable to specify the dimensions, and the collection time will not be superfluous. A 4-jointed mace is a sign for females/workers. In males, the myrmick is just 5-segmented, if you can even call it a mace.

08.12.2016 16:43, Lafa

To identify two large wasps from Irkutsk:
Irkutsk, 16.8.2016, E. Berlov.
Body length 16 mm.
picture: Crabronini_Irk_16mm_16.8.2016.jpg
picture: Crabronini_Irk_16mm_16.8.2016a.jpg

Irkutsk, 17.7.1980, E. Berlov.
The body length is 17.5 mm.
picture: Crabroninae_sp_Irk_17.7.1980_17_18mm.jpg
picture: Crabroninae_sp_Irk_17.7.1980_17_18m.jpg

08.12.2016 17:00, AVA

To identify two large wasps from Irkutsk:
Irkutsk, 16.8.2016, E. Berlov.
Body length 16 mm.
Irkutsk, 17.7.1980, E. Berlov.
The body length is 17.5 mm.

1-female Crabro (Crabro) cribrarius (Linnaeus, 1758)
2-female Ectemnius (Metacrabro) fossorius (Linnaeus, 1758)
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09.12.2016 14:35, Lafa

Three wasps from the Baikal region for identification:
Сrabronini. Irkutsk, 6. VIII. 2010, E. Berlov
Body length 9 mm.
picture: Crabronini__m_Irk_6. VIII. 2010__E.Berlov_9mmA.jpg
picture: Crabronini__m_Irk_6. VIII. 2010__E.Berlov_9mm.jpg

Lake Baikal, Cape Ryty, 21-22. VI. 2010, Berlov Island
Body length 11.5 mm.
picture: Crabronini__m_Baikal_Rytyi_21_22. VI. 2010__O.Berlov_11.5mmA.jpg
picture: Crabronini__m_Baikal_Rytyi_21_22. VI. 2010__O.Berlov_11.5mm.jpg

Crabronini. Irkutsk region, 50 km S of Irkutsk, Moty village,
bank of the Irkut River, 15. VI. 1993, E. Berlov
Body length 11 mm.
Picture: Crabronini_IrkMoty_15. VI. 1993__E.Berlov_11mmA.jpg
Picture: Crabronini_IrkMoty_15. VI. 1993__E.Berlov_11mm.jpg

This post was edited by Lafa - 09.12.2016 14: 37

11.12.2016 3:32, AVA

Three wasps from the Baikal region for identification:
Сrabronini. Irkutsk, 6. VIII. 2010, E. Berlov
Body length 9 mm.
Lake Baikal, Cape Ryty, 21-22. VI. 2010, Berlov Island
Body length 11.5 mm.
Crabronini. Irkutsk region, 50 km S of Irkutsk, Moty village,
bank of the Irkut River, 15. VI. 1993, E. Berlov
Body length 11 mm.

All males:
1 - Ectemnius (Clytochrysus) lapidarius (Panzer, 1803)
2 - Ectemnius (Hypocrabro) continuus (Fabricius, 1804)
3 - Ectemnius ([i]Clytochrysus) cavifrons (Thomson, 1870)
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11.12.2016 8:07, Lafa

Three more types of definition:

Eumenes sp., ocd. Irkutsk, 23-24. 8. 2010, E. Berlov.
Body length 12 mm.
картинка: Eumenes_sp._m_12mm_Irkutsk_Fakel_23_24.8.2010_E.Berlov2.jpg
картинка: Eumenes_sp._m_12mm_Irkutsk_Fakel_23_24.8.2010_E.Berlov.jpg
картинка: Eumenes_sp._m_12mm_Irkutsk_Fakel_23_24.8.2010_E.Berlov1.jpg

Eumenes sp., East Kazakhstan region, Kaldzhir River near Chernyaevka,
11.6.1986, E. Berlov.
Body length 14.5 mm.
picture: Eumenes_sp_14_5____11.6.1986VKO_Kaldzhir_Berlov.jpg
картинка: Eumenes_sp_14_5____11.6.1986VKO_Kaldzhir_Berlov2.jpg
картинка: Eumenes_sp_14_5____11.6.1986VKO_Kaldzhir_Berlov1.jpg

Eumeninae, Buryatia, Tunka chars in the vicinity of Mondy settlement,
1600 m, 28.6.2013, E. Berlov.
Body length 13 mm.
картинка: Eumeninae_Bur_Mondy_1600m_28.6.2013_Berlov_13mm2.jpg
картинка: Eumeninae_Bur_Mondy_1600m_28.6.2013_Berlov_13mm.jpg

11.12.2016 12:23, Кархарот

1. Male Eumenes sp.
2. Female Eumenes mediterraneus.
3. Female Euodynerus quadrifasciatus or E. notatus.
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11.12.2016 16:17, Lafa

More wasps to identify:

1. Tachysphex sp.
19 km E Irkutsk, 6. VII. 2002, E. Berlov
картинка: Tachysphex_sp_IrkutskRucheiki_6.VII.2002.jpg

Tashkent, 2. IX. 1970, E. Berlov
Body length 8 mm.
picture: Mutillidae__m_8mm_Tashkent_2. IX. 1970_E.Berlov2.jpg
picture: Mutillidae__m_8mm_Tashkent_2. IX. 1970_E.Berlov.jpg

Tashkent, 8. V. 1972, E. Berlov
Body length 13 mm.
picture: Pompilid_Tashkent_8.V.1972_13mm.jpg
picture: Pompilid_Tashkent_8.V.1972_13mm2.jpg

11.12.2016 17:25, ИНО

3. Liris niger. For some reason, many people put it in pompilids.
PS (looking at the collection point). Although it may not be Niger, I do not know what is going on with their fauna in Central Asia. But Lyris is unequivocal.

This post was edited INO-12/11/2016 17: 40
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12.12.2016 16:28, Lafa

Oca to determine:
Irkutsk, 13.8.1980, E. Berlov.
Body length 13 mm
picture: Irkutsk_13.8.1980_13mm.jpgpicture: Irkutsk_13.8.1980_13mm2.jpg

12.12.2016 18:40, Кархарот

Female Ancistrocerus sp. Neither angles nor quality are enough to determine the view, and guessing is a thankless task.
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12.12.2016 22:25, Gans75

Ukraine, Rivne region, August 19.
Megachile versicolor ?
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14.12.2016 14:30, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. 06.07.2016.
Can we say that this is a related bumblebee-Bombus consobrinus (Apidae)?

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15.12.2016 9:22, Андреас

And please identify my two riders. Taken on KMV.

picture: __________1_.JPG
__________1_.JPG — (652.03 k)

picture: __________2_.JPG
__________2_.JPG — (272.09к)

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