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Identification of Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants)

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28.05.2017 1:51, ИНО

I'm wondering who exactly VSB calls "cuckoo wasps" and not bourgeois. After all, pachyderms with spangles have little resemblance. Even the color is not the same.

This post was edited by ENO-28.05.2017 02: 25

28.05.2017 13:10, andr_mih

There's a rut in this ***pedia about winter quarters. This is how their pupae hang on twigs all winter:

28.05.2017 19:43, VSB

Wow, what a discussion. Guys, I haven't taken macro photos for more than two years, I didn't have a proper camera.And here, hooray, there is something to shoot.As for who I'm shooting, there are some questions,and I think there will be fewer by the end of the season.I'm not a biologist, so I asked for help.I saw a blue cuckoo wasp with black wings , something in its head, so I froze. Never mind. Thanks for the definition. But the behavior of this insect seemed interesting to me. Why is his poor so sausage.If someone says something about this, I will be grateful and I will know.

image: ____. jpg
____.jpg — (330.9к)

28.05.2017 20:51, Andrey Ponomarev

I'm wondering who exactly VSB calls "cuckoo wasps" and not bourgeois. After all, pachyderms with spangles have little resemblance. Even the color is not the same.

I realized that this is a cuckoo bee from the genus Nomada
picture: _______________Nomada_sp._11.jpg

28.05.2017 21:22, AVA

I realized that this is a cuckoo bee from the Nomada genus

No, there are no blue ones with black wings among the nomads. Most likely, it meant one of the cuckoo bumblebees. wink.gif

29.05.2017 17:01, VSB

Saw a cuckoo wasp here:http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=200909&picture=-&jazyk=RU

29.05.2017 19:15, AVA

Saw a cuckoo wasp here:http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=200909&picture=-&jazyk=RU

Well, they would have said so right away.
This is precisely the glistening wasp or, in Bourgeois terms, the cuckoo wasp [Siskoo wasp = Chrysididae], which I mentioned. More precisely, Stylbum cyanea.
Except for your black pachyderm mosquito [Bibionidae] it doesn't look like it at all.

30.05.2017 20:13, VSB

When you know it's a pachyderm, it's clear to day that it doesn't look like anyone else.And if you say it's a mosquito, it doesn't look very much like a mosquito.

30.05.2017 20:52, Лена Журавлева

Please tell me the genus and species. Thank you.
Middle Urals, Sverdlovsk region, Pyshma river. In a clearing in the garden

picture: DSC_0162.JPG
DSC_0162.JPG — (279.95к)

picture: DSC_0164.JPG
DSC_0164.JPG — (295.4к)

31.05.2017 3:57, ИНО

The only local hymenoptera that can be confused with large pachyderms from a distance are some sawflies. A "sausage", probably from the wrong completion of metamorphosis.

31.05.2017 10:53, AVA

Please tell me the genus and species. Thank you.
Middle Urals, Sverdlovsk region, Pyshma river. In a clearing in the garden

Female hornet Vespa crabro Linnaeus, 1758 [Vespidae]

31.05.2017 10:56, AVA

When you know it's a pachyderm, it's clear to day that it doesn't look like anyone else.And if you say it's a mosquito, it doesn't look very much like a mosquito.

"Mosquitoes" are not only Culicidae, but also a dozen other families of long-whiskered diptera.
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05.06.2017 11:55, Gans75

Ukraine, Rivne region, April 9, forest clearing, on the flowers of medunitsa.
Bombus pratorum ?
user posted image user posted image user posted image

08.06.2017 7:06, Gans75

Ukraine, Rivne region, April 10.
Andrena (Andrena haemorrhoa)?
picture: _________Andrena_haemorrhoa___2.jpg
picture: _________Andrena_haemorrhoa___4.jpg

This post was edited by Gans75 - 08.06.2017 07: 07

08.06.2017 11:57, iebv-museum

Dear colleagues,

Here is a bumblebee that is not very determined (from a distance it resembles Bombus pascuorum).

At the same time, if possible - an approximate owner of a fresh nest?

Samara region, center (forest-steppe zone)

picture: Bombus_pascuorum_____.JPG
picture: _____________________.JPG

This post was edited by iebv-museum-08.06.2017 11: 58

08.06.2017 19:13, akulich-sibiria

Dear colleagues, where can I find the Seratina bee identifier? The female was caught in Krasnoyarsk, and according to the EC identifier, it was found to be ceratina nigroaenea, but I do not know the distribution of the species.

08.06.2017 19:34, akulich-sibiria

7-8 mm. The body is black with a blue tint. The trim is completely dark. Shoulder mounds are dark. The area of the forehead above the antennal pits is evenly dotted. Midsole at scattered points, especially in the center. The shield is dotted evenly with small dots.
With nigroaenea, of course, I was in a hurry, but it would be interesting to identify this instance. Maybe it's cyanea
picture: DSCN1849.JPG
picture: DSCN1850.JPG
picture: DSCN1851.JPG
picture: DSCN1852.JPG

This post was edited by akulich-sibiria-08.06.2017 19: 57

09.06.2017 0:43, алекс 2611

Dear colleagues, where can I find the Seratina bee identifier? The female was caught in Krasnoyarsk, and according to the EC identifier, it was found to be ceratina nigroaenea, but I do not know the distribution of the species.

There is a determinant Ceratina of Central Asia. In French...

09.06.2017 4:30, akulich-sibiria

There is a determinant Ceratina of Central Asia. In French...

Thank you Alexey, if this is the source that is on the Internet, then I found it, thank you, most likely it is cyanea and there is smile.gif

10.06.2017 12:17, bogdan88

Can this typhoid be identified? Crimea, Sudak, 9.06

image: _____. jpg
_____.jpg — (207.53к)

10.06.2017 20:09, AVA

Dear colleagues,
At the same time, if possible - an approximate owner of a fresh nest?
Samara region, center (forest-steppe zone)

"Young" nest of Dolichovespula saxonica in the last year's (at least) nest of the hornet Vespa crabro.
I've seen them before, too. Usually, as they grow larger, such nests break off and fall down, since the material of the hornet's nest is too fragile and cannot support their weight. frown.gif
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11.06.2017 15:24, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. 11.06.2017.

user posted image user posted image

user posted image user posted image

user posted image

12.06.2017 19:11, vassa1

need help identifying it.
Middle Volga Region

12.06.2017 20:22, ИНО

Male Formica sp.
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12.06.2017 22:56, Slavinator

Saratov region, Engelsky district, June.

picture: ______4.JPG
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picture: ____1.JPG
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picture: ____2.2.JPG
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picture: ____3.1.JPG
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picture: ______3.JPG
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picture: ______1.1.JPG
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picture: ______1.2.JPG
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picture: ______2.1.JPG
______2.1.JPG — (295.69к)

13.06.2017 20:24, RoPro

Please help me identify the horntail. Moscow region. On a dead birch tree.

picture: DSCN9119.jpg
DSCN9119.jpg — (295.6к)

picture: DSCN9112.jpg
DSCN9112.jpg — (194.87к)

13.06.2017 21:25, Liparus

Tremex magus , male
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13.06.2017 22:06, RoPro

Tremex magus , male

Thanks ! smile.gif

16.06.2017 12:47, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Dorogali second 11.06.2017
picture: IMG_5806.jpg

17.06.2017 22:18, lazardin

Hello everyone, as I understand it, a German wasp was found today, on a forest road, north of Vologda
can it be determined up to the species
picture: DSC00338.JPG
picture: DSC00359.JPG

17.06.2017 23:50, алекс 2611

Hello everyone, as I understand it, a German wasp was found today, on a forest road, north of Vologda
can it be determined up to the species

Judging by the place of capture nothing but Mutilla europaea can be imagined
Likes: 1

18.06.2017 2:00, Gans75

18.06.2017 19:44, Slavinator

Is it possible to identify ants based on the photo data?
Saratov region, June

picture: ________1.JPG
________1.JPG — (298.25к)

picture: ________3.JPG
________3.JPG — (286.82к)

picture: ________4.JPG
________4.JPG — (321.52к)

picture: ________5.1.JPG
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picture: ________6.JPG
________6.JPG — (291.52 k)

picture: ________7.JPG
________7.JPG — (302.21к)

picture: ________8.1.JPG
________8.1.JPG — (283.78к)

18.06.2017 22:37, TimK

Is it possible to identify ants based on the photo data?
Saratov region, June

3 and 4-genus Formica, subgenus Serviformica. I can't even look at it.
5 - some kind of bug.
6 - Formica sp.
7 - Lasius sp.
8 - Camponotus vagus

19.06.2017 11:02, bogdan88

The beetle is most likely Anthelephila, but it is best to transfer it to the beetle category

19.06.2017 19:23, AVA

Saratov region, Engelsky district, June.

2.2.JPG - самец Trypoxylon medium [Crabronidae]

19.06.2017 21:59, Slavinator

Thank you so much for your answers!
Are bees and wasps not identified by photos? URL #8507

19.06.2017 23:05, Slavinator

And here's another
Saratov region, June

picture: ____4.1.JPG
____4.1.JPG — (297.33к)

picture: ____4.2.JPG
____4.2.JPG — (303.25к)

20.06.2017 9:57, AVA

Thank you so much for your answers!
Are bees and wasps not identified by photos? URL #8507

Actually, there is only one wasp there. As for bees, let the experts do their best.

20.06.2017 9:59, AVA

And here's another
Saratov region, June

A female of some kind Ectemnius [Crabronidae]. It is unlikely to get to the view from this angle and with this resolution. Just guessing.

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