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Identification of Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, etc.)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, etc.)

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18.09.2008 17:11, Vlad Proklov

And the dark-winged filly is Stauroderus scalaris, which can really be harmful sometimes. But this is a rather small locust, it looks like this:
user posted image
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18.09.2008 17:56, Ponyket

Hm..yes kotbegemot, our specimens really do not look like the dark-winged filly in the photo...
Well, if it's not a locust, but a grasshopper. Then the question arises as to why so much of the crop has been eaten...This is not the machinations of the media and not rumors. We walked through this field and saw the gnawed stalks and millions of flocks flying from place to place. Although to be honest, they moved more separately than in packs, each on his own.
And a mustache...they are short..are all the works based on this main difference between grasshoppers and locusts complete nonsense? ...

18.09.2008 18:32, Vlad Proklov

Then the question arises as to why so much of the crop has been eaten...

Because outbreaks of numbers occur not only in locusts, but also in grasshoppers.

And a mustache...they are short..are all the works based on this main difference between grasshoppers and locusts complete nonsense?...

Grasshoppers have long whiskers, while locusts have short whiskers. Your white-fronted grasshopper is no exception. But at grasshoppers they happen, break smile.gif

18.09.2008 18:46, Ponyket

Everything! There is no doubt that this is a grasshopper! Now it remains to confirm what height it is capable of taking off...
3 days I sit on the Internet, gave requests to the library, called the Department of biology at the local university... they don't talk about the height...(..there were even disputes between experts about the type...
If you can, please tell me where you can find out the flight altitude of this grasshopper!!!??

18.09.2008 18:57, Vlad Proklov

Everything! There is no doubt that this is a grasshopper! Now it remains to confirm what height it is capable of taking off...
3 days I sit on the Internet, gave requests to the library, called the Department of biology at the local university... they don't talk about the height...(..there were even disputes between experts about the type...
If you can, please tell me where you can find out the flight altitude of this grasshopper!!!??

Pfft! I have no idea... But it is not a migratory or even a migratory species.

18.09.2008 19:04, Ponyket

Thank you for the fact that at least now I know the direction in which to move!...

18.09.2008 20:09, Vlad Proklov

Thank you for the fact that at least now I know the direction in which to move!...

I think its ceiling is one and a half meters, maximum-two smile.gifIf, of course, a tornado does not come from America wink.gif

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 18.09.2008 20: 10

19.09.2008 7:05, Bukashechnik

The eternal history of the confusion of grasshoppers and locusts...

19.09.2008 12:30, Ponyket

If a grasshopper flies low, then why should it have such large wings?...Or is it so heavy that only such wings can lift its body off the ground ...? smile.gif
And in Leninsky district for several days the wind blew strong, 30 meters per second..although officially they give 18 with gusts... Therefore, the grasshopper could fly high enough without intending to... umnik.gif

19.09.2008 13:03, Bukashechnik

We have seen grasshoppers fly into trees 4-5 meters high, but other species are green (Tettigonia viridissma) and jump (Platycleis intermedia). I can't say anything about Decticus - I didn't have a chance to witness it, and I'm not used to repeating gossipsmile.gif. And at the height of the helicopter's flight, the wind often blows all sorts of small things, from the order of diptera and equal-winged ones, such as aphids and grass flies. Some beetles and butterflies are collected from a helicopter, but because they live in the upper tier of the tropical forest, on the crowns of giant trees, and otherwise they will not be caught.
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19.09.2008 17:49, VladimiR17

Please help me determine. Taken in Israel.
Thank you.

user posted image

19.09.2008 17:51, Vlad Proklov

Please help me determine. Taken in Israel.
Thank you.

Small nymph Platycleidini.
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24.09.2008 9:39, gumenuk

Caught in the country (Moscow region) in the kitchen.

picture: 2008_007735.jpg
2008_007735.jpg — (177.51 k)

24.09.2008 10:25, Bukashechnik

Similar to the house cricket-Acheta domesticus Linnaeus, 1758. It lives almost exclusively in houses and buildings, and here it seeks out the warmest places: corners near stoves and batteries, boiler rooms, bakeries. In recent years, he has become more willing to settle in well-maintained livestock complexes, especially in feed shops. Active all year round. You can't hear the cricket during the day, but it sings all night long. At night, it comes out of the shelter to feed on various plant remains. It attacks other insects, including cockroaches. They are found in almost all of Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Southern Siberia.
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24.09.2008 10:44, gumenuk

And this handsome grandson brought from Turkey

picture: 2008_001333.jpg
2008_001333.jpg — (154.16к)

24.09.2008 11:12, Bad Den

Caught in the country (Moscow region) in the kitchen.

House cricket-Acheta domestica
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24.09.2008 15:29, Vlad Proklov

And this handsome grandson brought from Turkey

Eupholidoptera sp. Which one - I don't know, there are enough of them there.
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24.09.2008 19:26, gumenuk

  Eupholidoptera sp. I don't know which one, but there are plenty of them.

If it's not ours, then the rod is enough for me smile.gif

28.09.2008 20:22, gumenuk

I can still distinguish some adults, but with small ones - troublefrown.gif.

picture: K01__002881.jpg
K01__002881.jpg — (115.21к)

picture: K02_002018.jpg
K02_002018.jpg — (122.42к)

picture: K03__001923.jpg
K03__001923.jpg — (78.43к)

picture: K04__003975.jpg
K04__003975.jpg — (179.5к)

28.09.2008 20:40, Vlad Proklov

I can still distinguish some adults, but with small ones - troublefrown.gif.

1 - Omocestus viridulus
2, 4 - Tettigonia cantans
3 - Euthystira brachyptera
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28.09.2008 21:10, gumenuk

I didn't identify these either teapot.gif

picture: K05__004601.jpg
K05__004601.jpg — (189.41к)

picture: K06__004456.jpg
K06__004456.jpg — (192.47к)

picture: K07__004163.jpg
K07__004163.jpg — (97.8к)

picture: K08__004612.jpg
K08__004612.jpg — (162.78к)

28.09.2008 21:29, Vlad Proklov

I didn't identify these either teapot.gif

1 - Glyptobothrus ?brunneus
2 - Bicolorana roeselii
3 - Euthystira brachyptera killed by fungus
4-Chorthippus parallelus
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28.09.2008 21:34, gumenuk

Vlad! I still have 6 unidentified ones-should I put them up, or is that enough for today?

This post was edited by gumenuk - 28.09.2008 21: 34

28.09.2008 21:49, gumenuk

Putting up the latest unidentified ones

picture: K09__006949.jpg
K09__006949.jpg — (184.21к)

picture: K10__005971.jpg
K10__005971.jpg — (121.52к)

picture: K11__005313.jpg
K11__005313.jpg — (129.49к)

picture: K12_005306.jpg
K12_005306.jpg — (148.33к)

picture: K13__005185.jpg
K13__005185.jpg — (125.33к)

picture: K14__007143.jpg
K14__007143.jpg — (114.03к)

28.09.2008 22:34, Vlad Proklov

Putting up the latest unidentified ones

I was just leaving to eat smile.gifAnd it's true - what to ask, post and that's it smile.gif

1, 4 - Chorthippus parallelus
2 - Bicolorana roeselii
3, 5 - Glyptobothrus ?brunneus
6 - Stethophyma grossum

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 09/28/2008 22: 35
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30.09.2008 12:19, Сергей-Д

What kind of cricket is this?
picture: _________________1_1_____.jpg
picture: _________________1_2_____.jpg

30.09.2008 16:19, Bad Den

From Bradyporidae someone confused.gif
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30.09.2008 18:00, Vlad Proklov

What kind of cricket is this?

Of the Bradyporidae, someone confused.gif

No way. Is this Onconotus ?laxmanni
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01.10.2008 13:10, Alexander Zarodov

For some reason, this horse was listed as a brown confused.gifhorse, but it was taken in the Moscow region.

picture: acrid22102.jpg

01.10.2008 17:43, Vlad Proklov

For some reason, this horse was listed as a brown confused.gifhorse, but it was taken in the Moscow region.

Nah, that's G. brunneus. The backside is orange.
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01.10.2008 23:25, PVOzerski

Backside - backside, and the median field is wide...

01.10.2008 23:32, Vlad Proklov

Backside - backside, and the median field is wide...

Well biguttulus...

02.10.2008 13:37, PVOzerski

biguttulus is more like K13__005185.jpg. And here I'm leaning in favor of apricarius. On the elytra. at least. And the characteristic orange spot at the top of the tip of the abdomen, by the way, is not visible in the photo - this part is covered by the leg.
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02.10.2008 14:15, Alexander Zarodov

Well, they totally confused me... confused.gif

Here's the tip of your belly!

picture: orthzad.jpg

09.10.2008 0:19, agki

What kind of animal is this? South of the Amur region.

This post was edited by agki - 09.10.2008 00: 20

picture: x_9c114951_1_.jpg
x_9c114951_1_.jpg — (72.77 k)

picture: x_967d1d59_1_.jpg
x_967d1d59_1_.jpg — (36.71к)

09.10.2008 1:49, Vlad Proklov

What kind of animal is this? South of the Amur region.

Fat man Deracantha onos.
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11.10.2008 10:40, NakaRB

All shot in Moscow and the region
01 (B. roeseli?)
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
10 (Pholidoptera cinerea?)
user posted image

11.10.2008 21:39, Vlad Proklov

All shot in Moscow and the region

1 - Bicolorana roeselii
2, 3, 9 - Glyptobothrus ?biguttulus
4, 6, 8 - Glyptobothrus ?brunneus
5 - Glyptobothrus apricarius
7 - Stetophyma grossum
10 - Pholidoptera griseoaptera (= cinerea)
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13.10.2008 14:53, Alexander Zarodov

Just in case, for clarification. Is it Bicolorana bicolor? Taken in the west of Moscow region.

picture: kuznechik1204.jpg

13.10.2008 18:30, Vlad Proklov

Just in case, for clarification. Is it Bicolorana bicolor? Taken in the west of Moscow region.

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