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Identification of Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, etc.)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, etc.)

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26.06.2012 15:32, PVOzerski

Bicolorana roeselii
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26.06.2012 17:11, Anatoliy Kuzmin

Please define it. 26.06.12 Mius River valley. Rostov region.

picture: IMG_7684_R_11.jpg
IMG_7684_R_11.jpg — (130.04к)

26.06.2012 17:49, PVOzerski

2nd instar larva of Chorthippus, apparently from the albomarginatus group.
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27.06.2012 17:06, GlebSinon

Please tell me how to make a collection of straight wings, if it is centimeter and covered with dense shields that the pin does not penetrate, and if you try and push-I'll spoil the ex, where did I see that they can be placed on the die? And show someone please in the example photo collection mol.gif

27.06.2012 17:22, GlebSinon

These are called tetrihids, and then I wrote "straight-winged".

28.06.2012 17:45, Anatoliy Kuzmin

Please define it. 18.06.12 Rostov region.
Tesselana vittata?

picture: IMG_2430_R_11_2.jpg
IMG_2430_R_11_2.jpg — (114.31к)

28.06.2012 20:23, DanMar

It seems to be yes, if it is a predimago.
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29.06.2012 10:25, PG18

Please help me with the definition. South Kazakhstan region, clay desert, 22.05.11

picture: DSC_0174_____________.JPG
DSC_0174_____________.JPG — (68.17к)

picture: DSC_0176_____________.jpg
DSC_0176_____________.jpg — (55.08к)

29.06.2012 11:07, PG18

And The Aral Sea Karakum Mountains, 13.05.12

picture: DSC_0683_____________.JPG
DSC_0683_____________.JPG — (112.2к)

picture: DSC_0685_____________.JPG
DSC_0685_____________.JPG — (157.27к)

29.06.2012 11:12, PG18

More from Emba district (NW Kazakhstan), 22.05.12

There are still many undefined pictures of locusts from Kazakhstan that I would very much like to sign...

picture: DSC_0146_____________.JPG
DSC_0146_____________.JPG — (96.48к)

picture: DSC_0153_____________.JPG
DSC_0153_____________.JPG — (91.38к)

picture: DSC_0157_____________.JPG
DSC_0157_____________.JPG — (58.76к)

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29.06.2012 11:27, PG18

And this is Conophyma sokolowi? Syrdarya Karatau, altitude 700-1000 m.

picture: Conophyma_sokolowi_0209_____________.JPG
Conophyma_sokolowi_0209_____________.JPG — (78.67к)

picture: Conophyma_sokolowi_0330_____________.JPG
Conophyma_sokolowi_0330_____________.JPG — (153.36к)

29.06.2012 11:55, PG18

And this is all one species of Glyphonotus uvarovi?
Syrdarya Karatau, May 2010 and 2012.

picture: Glyphonotus_0206_____________.JPG
Glyphonotus_0206_____________.JPG — (83.21к)

picture: Glyphonotus_0774_____________.JPG
Glyphonotus_0774_____________.JPG — (75.67к)

picture: Glyphonotus_uvarovi_0220_____________.JPG
Glyphonotus_uvarovi_0220_____________.JPG — (116.4к)

picture: Glyphonotus_uvarovi_0268_____________.JPG
Glyphonotus_uvarovi_0268_____________.JPG — (72.21к)

picture: Glyphonotus_uvarovi_0778_____________.JPG
Glyphonotus_uvarovi_0778_____________.JPG — (69.25к)

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29.06.2012 15:27, GlebSinon

Check the very first ones for tetrigids.

29.06.2012 15:30, PG18

And a similar question on Dericorys. All one species (Dericorys albidula)? Taken in the Karynzharyk sands (SW Kazakhstan) at different times.
In may:
picture: Dericorys_albidula_0157_____________.JPG
picture: Dericorys_albidula__11_06__8779_____________.JPG
picture: Dericorys_albidula__11_06__8778_____________.JPG
And in October:
picture: Dericorys_albidula_0271_____________.JPG
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29.06.2012 19:53, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Please tell me how to make a collection of straight wings, if it is centimeter and covered with dense shields that the pin does not penetrate, and if you try and push-I'll spoil the ex, where did I see that they can be placed on the die? And please show someone an example of a photo collection mol.gif

Tetrigid is pricked in the right part of the pronotum. Look at the tip of the pin - it should be sharp. In this case, the pronotum is punctured without any problems.

Tattoo example - http://orthoptera.speciesfile.org/Common/b...6&ImageID=60381

Tetrigids are right-winged birds - family Tetrigidae, infra-order Caelifera, order Orthoptera.

02.07.2012 0:02, PVOzerski

2 PG18: DSC_0174_____________.JPG, DSC_0176_____________.JPG - Ptetica cristulata
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02.07.2012 21:13, Anatoliy Kuzmin

Please define it. 02.06.2012 Rostov region.

picture: IMG_2375_R_11.jpg
IMG_2375_R_11.jpg — (132.9к)

03.07.2012 3:03, DanMar

Leptophyes??? Is it an imago?

03.07.2012 5:28, Anatoliy Kuzmin

Leptophyes??? Is it an imago?

Thank you, I didn't see it myself, I was shooting Rhagonycha fulva, I found it in the photo...
Comparative size:

This post was edited by Anatoly52-03.07.2012 05: 31

picture: IMG_2374_R_11_2.jpg
IMG_2374_R_11_2.jpg — (130.62к)

03.07.2012 13:32, DanMar

Do I think leptophyes albovittata is predestined?
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04.07.2012 10:45, PVOzerski

Regarding photos of glyphonotuses: everything is there, except Glyphonotus_uvarovi_0220_____________.JPG, - larvae. Therefore, it is difficult to say anything reliably. Is that something that Glyphonotus_0206_____________.JPG and Glyphonotus_uvarovi_0268_____________.JPG -larvae of the last instar of a short-winged species (judging by the size of the wing buds). Moreover, it is not a fact that it is the same thing. Note, for example, that some larvae have two - colored antennae (with "rings"), while others have monophonic antennae.
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05.07.2012 16:53, Morozzy

Good afternoon!
Tell me, please, is this the voice of a grasshopper? There is a suspicion of a cricket (bird). Recorded in northern Ukraine a week ago.
Thank you in advance.

This post was edited by Morozzy-05.07.2012 16: 56

05.07.2012 23:05, DanMar

Morozzy, in the video sings obiknovennyy green grasshopper (Tettigonia viridissima), such and I now live in a terrarium wink.gif.

picture: IMG_6689.JPG
IMG_6689.JPG — (196.48к)

06.07.2012 9:41, Morozzy

Morozzy, in the video sings obiknovennyy green grasshopper (Tettigonia viridissima), such and I now live in a terrarium wink.gif.

Thank you very much!

06.07.2012 15:25, Penzyak

After a long search on the territory of the Penza region, we managed to find a population of the wingless filly Podisma pedestris (Linnaeus, 1758).
Here are photos of its biotope:
Question-how is this species distributed in your area and what kind of biotopes does it prefer!? Abundance and rarity? Are there any changes in its population?

picture: IMG_1989.jpg
IMG_1989.jpg — (97.63к)

picture: IMG_1997.jpg
IMG_1997.jpg — (137.92к)

picture: IMG_2003.jpg
IMG_2003.jpg — (112.33к)

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06.07.2012 22:02, Dracus

On the territory of the Moscow Region (only two reliable points to date, both found independently) and the Vladimir region, the walking filly lives in a completely different biotope-on and under pine trees, where there is a maximum of coniferous litter. Both populations in the Moscow region occupy an extremely small area near railway stations, and in the Vladimir region - sosnovy bor. It is interesting that you have found it on such an open slope. It would be interesting to learn about other areas as well. By the way, this year, according to my observations, it has a phenological delay of a week and a half.
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07.07.2012 21:11, elvir

purple grasshopper. South of Tatarstan.
picture: IMG_0815.JPG

This post was edited by elvir-08.07.2012 17: 21

09.07.2012 15:29, Anatoliy Kuzmin

Please define it. 09.07.12 Rostov region

picture: IMG_6272_R_1.jpg
IMG_6272_R_1.jpg — (293.14к)

picture: IMG_6849_R_11.jpg
IMG_6849_R_11.jpg — (296.51к)

09.07.2012 15:43, nechet5

please help me determine
if both images were taken in the north of Moscow

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (180k)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (168.61 k)

10.07.2012 21:05, PVOzerski

2 nechet5:
1.JPG -last instar larva of Chorthippus parallelus or Chorthippus montanus.
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10.07.2012 21:07, PVOzerski

2 Анатолий52:
IMG_6272_R_1.jpg - Calliptamus sp.
IMG_6849_R_11.jpg - Platycleis sp.
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10.07.2012 21:08, PVOzerski

2 elvir - ? Stenobothrus sp.

10.07.2012 23:59, DanMar

11.07.2012 20:59, PVOzerski

>Isn't it a tesselate?
I don't think so, it's more like s. str. I might be wrong, though.

12.07.2012 12:32, Anatoliy Kuzmin

>Isn't it a tesselate?
I don't think so, it's more like s. str. I might be wrong, though.

If it is not difficult, decipher these abbreviations, it is not quite clear. And two more copies. please define it. Taken in the same location today
1. 8541
2. 8466, 8426, 8356

picture: IMG_8541_R_11.jpg
IMG_8541_R_11.jpg — (187.69к)

picture: IMG_8466_R_11.jpg
IMG_8466_R_11.jpg — (229.97к)

picture: IMG_8426_R_11.jpg
IMG_8426_R_11.jpg — (217.06к)

picture: IMG_8356_R_11.jpg
IMG_8356_R_11.jpg — (283.48к)

12.07.2012 18:39, PVOzerski

Locusts are all Euchorhippus pulvinatus. A "s. str." it means "in a narrow sense" (in this case, it was meant that the grasshopper is more like a representative of the nominative subgenus, and not of the subgenus (or genus) Tessellana (to which the species P. tessellata belongs).
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12.07.2012 19:05, DanMar

I won't argue, it just looks like a tesselate - the last sternite with a bump that is visible a little, the color of the elytra and the head is similar to a tesselate - tominative as for me so more rounded. Photos already for some reason do not open...

12.07.2012 20:16, Anatoliy Kuzmin

Locusts are all Euchorhippus pulvinatus. A "s. str." it means "in a narrow sense" (in this case, it was meant that the grasshopper is more like a representative of the nominative subgenus, and not of the subgenus (or genus) Tessellana (to which the species P. tessellata belongs).
Thank you. The grasshopper is now clear. we can have only 2-3 species, and the phrase Euchorhippus pulvinatus is not found anywhere...Figured out D. B.-Euchorthippus pulvinatus

This post was edited by Anatoly52-12.07.2012 20: 33

13.07.2012 10:09, PVOzerski

Yes, I made a typo in the word Euchorthippus in a hurry - I apologize.
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13.07.2012 21:33, Anatoliy Kuzmin

Please specify 2 copies. 13.07.12 Rostov region

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