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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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17.12.2008 21:23, Fornax13

1 - again Anthaxia of some kind. If I turned it over in my hands , I would have made up my mind.
2-man Cratomerus'a, you have a common C. hungaricus, about C. diadema do not know, although it is also possible.
3-Can I do it on top? And then I don't get it right.
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17.12.2008 21:32, Nilson

Just in time to catch up with the topic. Please tell me what kind of " uhonosik "(in the sense of otiorinhus) smile.gifis this?
West Caucasus, Arkhyz, stand about 2300 m. Body length 0.9 mm, under rocks.

The only thing that comes to mind is Otyorhynchus obsulcatus, but the front thighs are without spines, the punctuation is slightly different. By 40%, in general (there can be a lot of different representatives of this genus in the Caucasus).
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17.12.2008 21:41, Андреас

"The first one is very popular with us-bigger than the little ones from the same family.
"And I've never seen the second or third kind in my life!" - This is my friend under the mountain Jutsa photographed. - There you can already feel the influence of the ridges of the Greater Caucasus, which is only indirectly related to our enclave of the CMS (cut off by the steppe from the entire Caucasus, and from each other in particular), unexploded volcanoes formed when the Caucasus was not even in sight.
- Right now I found out (called), - that this trertya was sitting (several pieces) on the stump of a felled walnut and drinking juice. - Ah!!! - the same view (I remembered) I saw on the Black Sea coast in Dagomys, flew to the telegraph pole in the heat.

This post was edited by Andreas - 12/17/2008 21: 51

17.12.2008 21:42, RippeR

3 - Chrysobothris sp.
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17.12.2008 21:48, Fornax13

Yes, thank you, really chrysobotris. It's only green...
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17.12.2008 21:49, пигидий

3 - Chrysobothris sp.

and I get
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17.12.2008 22:02, Андреас

-Yes, here-I want to get you out of balance now with these infusoria: "maybe even before Rod?" "Eh?"

- first 1 mm
-second 2 mm
-third 2.5 mm
-fourth 4.5 mm

- I'm ashamed to bother you myself, - but Yuri Arzanov is not in any shape right now...

Picture: Ceutorhynchus______________C. _erysimi_F._14.10.08.__________.JPG
Ceutorhynchus______________C._erysimi_F._14.10.08.__________.JPG — (99.39к)

picture: PC111000.JPG
PC111000.JPG — (149.46к)

picture: PC110957.JPG
PC110957.JPG — (88.38к)

picture: PC111056.JPG
PC111056.JPG — (136.21к)

18.12.2008 1:14, Bad Den

Or maybe someone knows something about the underground nicknames of these Vietnamese horns? smile.gif
1,2,3-Cat Tien
4 - Lam Dong, Bi Dup-Nui Ba Nature Reserve
1,29 mm
user posted image

2. 25 mm
user posted image

3. 33 mm
user posted image

4. 38 mm (2 photos - appearance and his head and prsp. close-up)
user posted image
user posted image

18.12.2008 11:04, Vitnaz

-Yes, here-I want to get you out of balance now with these infusoria: "maybe even before Rod?" "Eh?"

- first 1 mm
-second 2 mm
-third 2.5 mm
-fourth 4.5 mm

- I'm ashamed to bother you myself, - but Yuri Arzanov is not in any shape right now...

The first and fourth are Ceutorhynchus,
the second presumably Holotrichapion pisi
, and the third presumably Ceratapion ?onopordi
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18.12.2008 12:58, Vitnaz

IMHO, Liparus ' false elephant (like the beetle in Makarov's photo) is something from the East Palaearctic fraternity, M. b. Exechesops (=Zygaenodes) elenae Egorov -

I agree: the photo exactly matches the description and drawings. In extreme cases, a new view smile.gif

This post was edited by Vitnaz - 12/18/2008 12: 58
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18.12.2008 14:32, Dmitry Vlasov

By the way, you can strain forumchan from the forest-steppe ETR-na Zin.ru lozhnoslon from the Voronezh Region...

18.12.2008 14:51, Necrocephalus

By the way, you can strain forumchan from the forest-steppe ETR-na Zin.ru lozhnoslon from the Voronezh Region...

What do you mean, strain it? smile.gif If you have in mind the search for this beetle in nature, then at least one forum member from the forest steppe has already included this in his plans... smile.gif

18.12.2008 15:50, akulich-sibiria

good afternoon. Help a couple more elephants.
1. about 6mm
picture: P6060026_.jpg
picture: P6060027_.jpg
picture: P6060028_.jpg
2. Sitona or Mesagroicus...4 mm
picture: P6060029_.jpg
picture: P6060030_.jpg
picture: P6060031_.jpg
3. Is this a Cleonus piger maybe???
picture: P6060032_.jpg
picture: P6060033_.jpg
picture: P6060034_.jpg

18.12.2008 15:55, Buzman

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18.12.2008 15:58, akulich-sibiria

another question: this elephant was identified as Sitona lepidus...on the green I go to S. puncticollis tell me, maybe these are the next synonyms?? also, this beetle can't be S. longulus...if you look at the green, the supraorbital setae are light, not dark
picture: P5300024_.jpg

18.12.2008 17:02, Buzman

No, lepidus and puncticollis are not exactly synonyms. And to determine the seaton by "green", I noted for myself, is quite a hemorrhoid occupation - there are a lot of vague and sometimes inaccurate tezas...

This post was edited by Buzman - 12/18/2008 17: 19

18.12.2008 17:20, Vitnaz

another question: this elephant was identified as Sitona lepidus...on the green I go to S. puncticollis tell me, maybe these are the next synonyms?? also, this beetle can't be S. longulus...if you look at the green, the supraorbital bristles are light, not dark

lepidus=flavescens (www.faunaeur.org и ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insec...tona/index.html - with a picture). We need to look at the top of the elytra, there are two similar species.

This post was edited by Vitnaz - 12/18/2008 17: 34

18.12.2008 17:22, akulich-sibiria

No, lepidus and puncticollis are not exactly synonyms. And to determine the seaton by "green", I noted for myself, is quite a hemorrhoid occupation - there are a lot of vague and sometimes inaccurate tezas...

I found an indication here. that the two names are synonymous. I'll try to post it tomorrow. And what are the best qualifiers for doing this**??

18.12.2008 17:29, Vitnaz

good afternoon. Help a couple more elephants.
1. about 6mm

2. Sitona or Mesagroicus...4 mm

1. Details are poorly visible, similar to Sitona inops.
2. Almost exactly Sitona sulcifrons Thunb.
3. already identified smile.gif
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18.12.2008 17:30, akulich-sibiria

flavescens has expanded row spacing 3 and 4.I didn't find this in this instance...I will look further

18.12.2008 17:33, akulich-sibiria

1. Details are poorly visible, similar to Sitona inops.
2. Almost exactly Sitona sulcifrons Thunb.
3. already identified smile.gif

thank you very much!! about 2. I thought so, I just didn't want to write a pre-view again. wink.gif . With 1. I will fight again. And what should be shown in # 1, what is the angle??

18.12.2008 17:38, Vitnaz

thank you very much!! about 2. I thought so, I just didn't want to write a pre-view again. wink.gif . With 1. I will fight again. And what should be shown in # 1, what is the angle??

1. Preferably head at an angle from above and behind so that it is visible whether the concavity of the back of the head tube passes to the forehead and the location of the inner edges of the eyes
... and perpendicular to top
2. Pronotum disc: evenly dotted, shallow or double.

This post was edited by Vitnaz - 12/18/2008 17: 41

18.12.2008 17:44, Buzman

18.12.2008 17:52, akulich-sibiria

tomorrow I will try to put it all out!..And another question, who can help with Stephanocleonus in Khakassia and Tuva??

18.12.2008 17:59, akulich-sibiria

and to it only on sitons or in general it is possible on elephants??and then I have so many of them here!!!!))

18.12.2008 18:11, Guest

-Yes, here-I want to get you out of balance now with these infusoria: "maybe even before Rod?" - And?
- the fourth 4.5 mm

And maybe some Mogulones...
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18.12.2008 21:07, Андреас

- Many thanks to Vitnaz! - You made me very happy and pleasantly surprised with such a quick and sudden solution of my question concerning these babies, which even with two screwed-on lenses on the object, was extremely difficult to display.

"Now, please!" - help me with the leaf-eating skrytnoglavami! confused.gif

picture: _11_.JPG
_11_.JPG — (136.31к)

picture: _23_.JPG
_23_.JPG — (140.65 k)

picture: _228_.JPG
_228_.JPG — (144.9 k)

picture: _290_.JPG
_290_.JPG — (132.31к)

18.12.2008 21:30, Fornax13

1,2,4 - Cryptocephalus type sericeus (L.). It is difficult to say more precisely.
3-possibly male C. schaefferi Schrnk. If the lower legs are posterior with lobes on the inner edge.
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18.12.2008 22:13, Андреас

"This is crazy! smile.gif
- Then 3 more" similar to each other " leaf beetles - 2 I already myself (!!!) I just defined it to the genus:

Image: Labidostomis_sp..JPG
Labidostomis_sp..JPG — (148.48 k)

picture: Labidostomis_sp.__m_.JPG
Labidostomis_sp.__m_.JPG — (131.12к)

picture: _78_.JPG
_78_.JPG — (136.1к)

18.12.2008 22:36, Fornax13

1, 2 - From the pile where beckeri, propinqua. It's hard with them.
3-also labidostomis, of course. Maybe even longimana is so crazy... I'd like to use the keys to get rid of it...

This post was edited by Fornax13-19.12.2008 01: 18
Likes: 1

19.12.2008 8:54, Borka

Tell me pliz what kind of nutcracker (m/w Lacon of some kind) and something like ploskotelki (I think Uleiota planata).

Udmurtia, early December, under the bark of dry aspen trees

The quality of the photos is certainly not so good, but as it is.

This post was edited by Borka - 19.12.2008 08: 56

picture: Lacon_sp.jpg
Lacon_sp.jpg — (87.41к)

picture: Uleiota_planata.jpg
Uleiota_planata.jpg — (85.41к)

19.12.2008 9:32, Bad Den

Tell me pliz what kind of nutcracker (m/w Lacon of some kind) and something like ploskotelki (I think Uleiota planata).

Nutcracker, I think - Danosoma fasciata (Linnaeus, 1758)
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19.12.2008 9:33, Dmitry Vlasov

The second one is Dendrophagus crenatus
The first one is from the genus Lacon=Danosoma=Adelocera There can be several species, the "green" one can be normally identified. According to this photo, it is quite difficult, because the keels in the posterior corners of the pronotum are not "read"...
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19.12.2008 11:29, Buzman

19.12.2008 13:02, Дзанат

Help me determine it. Of course, I understand that it is almost not realfrown.gif, but there may be some guesses. Very necessary!
length of ndkr. 1,25 mm Crimea, grain reserves.

19.12.2008 15:25, Андреас

- Be so kind to take a look-identify these leaf eaters from the CMS... confused.gif eek.gif
- Sincerely, Andreas cool.gif

image: Lilioceris_sp..JPG
Lilioceris_sp..JPG — (131.47к)

image: Clytra_sp..JPG
Clytra_sp..JPG — (150.37 k)

Image: Chrysolina_sp..JPG
Chrysolina_sp..JPG — (131.89к)

19.12.2008 15:59, Vitnaz

Help me determine it. Of course, I understand that it is almost not realfrown.gif, but there may be some guesses. Very necessary!
length of ndkr. 1,25 mm Crimea, grain reserves.

Guesses are the most dangerous smile.gifthing to me, for example, for some reason it seems that the abdomen looks like someone from Dermestidae.
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19.12.2008 16:25, Fornax13

1-Lilioceris merdigera (L.)
2-Clytra laeviuscula Ratz., if prsp. without dotted lines. If dotted, then C. quadripunctata (L.), but I have not seen this species from Ciscaucasia.
3 - Judging by the color, Chrysolina fastuosa (Scop.)

This post was edited by Fornax13-19.12.2008 17: 38

19.12.2008 17:45, Андреас

- Please look at these four leaf eaters... - the individuals are different. rolleyes.gif

picture: _25_.JPG
_25_.JPG — (144.92 k)

picture: _32_.JPG
_32_.JPG — (143.49 k)

picture: _66_.JPG
_66_.JPG — (145.74к)

picture: _269_.JPG
_269_.JPG — (132.18к)

19.12.2008 17:46, sergei-sch

Tell me, what kind of malashka? I don't understand eating someone's clutch, or vice versa in the process of laying eggs? Taken in the garden, Astrakhan region.

Hello! The image shows a female Malachius aeneus L., although there are quite a few species with similar coloration among Malachius (s.str.), the differences are mainly in the shape of the basal segments of the male's antennae.

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