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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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24.08.2009 20:55, vasiliy-feoktistov


Yes, I also advised the same thing.
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25.08.2009 7:17, косинус

please help me identify

picture: DSC01375.JPG
DSC01375.JPG — (122.26к)

25.08.2009 8:59, Алексей Сажнев

Chrysanthia geniculata W. Schmidt, 1846 (= nigricornis (Westhoff, 1881)

25.08.2009 14:22, barry

help identify the lixus in the chalk.

25.08.2009 14:58, evk

help identify the lixus in the chalk.

Either I have a glitch, or I donsmile.gif't see any lixus!

25.08.2009 14:59, Алексей Сажнев

This is Lixus invisibilis Sazhnev, 2009 :-)

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 25.08.2009 16: 08

25.08.2009 15:16, evk

This is Lixus invisibilis :-)

And how did I not guess smile.gif

25.08.2009 17:16, barry

help identify the lixus in the chalk.

I don't think I wrote this, at least not today. At first, I thought that the login was hacked, but the idea immediately arose-why and who needs it... Then I remembered that Liparus had been visiting... he was preoccupied with lixus while I took pictures of the rest of the chalk. smile.gif That's probably what he meant:

This post was edited by barry - 25.08.2009 17: 21

picture: CRW_7072.jpg
CRW_7072.jpg — (179.37к)

picture: CRW_7083.jpg
CRW_7083.jpg — (171.89к)

25.08.2009 17:27, Алексей Сажнев

possible lixus albomarginatus
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25.08.2009 17:58, evk

possibly Lixus albomarginatus

I support you! At 90% it is, but it is better to write from what chalks wink.gifAnd then maybe Peruvian smile.gif
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25.08.2009 19:06, barry

I support you! At 90% it is, but it is better to write from what chalks wink.gifAnd then maybe Peruvian smile.gif

From Kharkiv, we don't have any others. smile.gif Raisins, Malaya Kamyshevakha-Kopanki

25.08.2009 19:34, evk

From Kharkiv, we don't have any others. smile.gif Raisins, Malaya Kamyshevakha-Kopanki

Well then it should be smile.gif
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25.08.2009 19:57, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well then it should be smile.gif

Yes, it is.
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25.08.2009 20:27, vasiliy-feoktistov

As promised, I post a photo of three bronzes from Africa. Please help me determine. #1 is Northern Egypt, Nile Delta (Potosia purpurascens?), # 2 is also Egypt, Luxor (???????), №3 Equatorial Africa-where exactly is unknown (Pachnoda marginata peregrina?).

I deleted the photos-they are no longer relevant, they are defined. Today in the images of insects opened a new theme "Bronzes of Africa" - photo there. Thanks for the definition!

25.08.2009 22:03, Sungaya

Here are some beetles to check out:


picture: Aromia_moschata.jpg
Aromia_moschata.jpg — (113.66к)

picture: Brachyta_interrogationis.jpg
Brachyta_interrogationis.jpg — (47.95к)

picture: Stictoleptura_rubra.jpg
Stictoleptura_rubra.jpg — (77.76к)

25.08.2009 22:11, vasiliy-feoktistov

Here are some beetles to check out:


Those are the ones. In the third photo, there are 2 females and 1 male. By the way: Brachyta interrogationnis is full under Sergivy Posad on your way.
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25.08.2009 22:18, Алексей Сажнев

Absolutely true:
1. Aromia moschata moschata (Linnaeus, 1758) - both males
2. Brachyta interrogationis (Linnaeus, 1758) - I think male
3. Stictoleptura (Aredolpona) rubra rubra (Linnaeus, 1758) - 2 females and a male
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25.08.2009 22:24, Sungaya

Thank you very much!

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25.08.2009 22:28, vasiliy-feoktistov

Thank you very much!
Kolomenskiy district, Perochi village

Yes, just where there are coniferous trees there and it is always on umbrella trees in the second half of summer (in the Moscow region)
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25.08.2009 22:36, Sungaya

and with these more difficult...
MO, Kolomenskiy district, July 24-29

picture: IMG_1592.jpg
IMG_1592.jpg — (108.56к)

picture: IMG_1678.jpg
IMG_1678.jpg — (54.72к)

picture: IMG_1556.jpg
IMG_1556.jpg — (54.75к)

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25.08.2009 22:43, evk

and with these more difficult...
MO, Kolomenskiy district, July 24-29

Immediately 2nd-Serica brunnea (Linnaeus, 1758)
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25.08.2009 22:47, evk

and with these more difficult...
MO, Kolomenskiy district, July 24-29

1st most likely Stenurella bifasciata, I don't remember. is there anything else similar in the MO?
3 - Arhopalus rusticus (Linnaeus, 1758), although possibly tristis (Fabricius, 1787). I'm not sure from the photo.

This post was edited by evk-25.08.2009 22: 52
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25.08.2009 22:54, vasiliy-feoktistov

and with these more difficult...
MO, Kolomenskiy district, July 24-29

1. Strangalia bifasciata Mulsant, 1863 (female)-this is the one on the right (I'm not sure about the left one).
2. Serica Brunea Linnaeus
3. Criocephalus rusticus Linnaeus,1758
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25.08.2009 23:23, Алексей Сажнев

1. Stenurella bifasciata bifasciata (Müller, 1776) - male and female (if caught in a pair, then exactly), if not, then the male can be checked for S. melanura (Linnaeus, 1758), if the abdomen is at least partially red, then bifasciata. However, there are only 3 species of this genus in the MO, as well as in most parts of the ECR, including S. nigra (Linnaeus, 1758).
2. Serica brunnea (Linnaeus, 1758)
3. Arhopalus (=Criocephalum) rusticus (Linnaeus, 1758) = tristis Fabricius, 1787 (they are now synonymous) - it feels like a male

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 26.08.2009 16: 00
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26.08.2009 19:53, Liparus

Either I have a glitch, or I donsmile.gif't see any lixus!

Ah, it was me who was joking while Boris was taking pictures of Zhukov at home. lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif
then barry I forgot the photo prekripit lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

26.08.2009 20:08, barry

I also wanted to be rude to everyone here so that they would think about Barry)))))))))))))))))))))

I planned for this development of the plot, and I took a picture of you on Ai-Petri beforehand. smile.gif
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26.08.2009 23:02, Sungaya

2. Serica brunnea (Linnaeus, 1758)

is it possible to determine its gender?

26.08.2009 23:19, Алексей Сажнев

I am unfortunately at a loss for
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26.08.2009 23:30, RippeR

it seems to me that they are different in their sawyers, this is probably a male. But I don't remember exactly
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26.08.2009 23:31, Алексей Сажнев

this is yes, and it also felt like a male, but I can't say for sure

27.08.2009 0:49, Fornax13

A male, exactly. Whiskers, yes, the female is short. The female is much more difficult to collect - she sits somewhere in the grass and does not protrude.
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27.08.2009 5:21, evk

To be absolutely precise-in males of all crustacean lamellate whiskers, the segments of the club of the antennae are much more developed, long. And in Serica, this is generally pronounced.

This post was edited by evk - 08/27/2009 14: 38
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27.08.2009 14:19, Дзанат

Hello. Could you check the definition of-Agonum sexpunctatum ?
moustache don't know who he is? maculata?

27.08.2009 14:37, evk

Everything is right. he is.
I won't say anything about the barbel - this is the first time I've seen such a thing frown.gif
It is necessary to write in the post. Where are the beetles coming from?
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27.08.2009 14:37, Алексей Сажнев

1. yes Agonum sexpunctatum (L., 1758)
2. where does the barbel come from? similar to Judolia sexmaculata (L., 1758), I can't tell the sex from the photo, presumably a female, and f. typica I would say

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 08/27/2009 14: 45
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27.08.2009 14:40, Fornax13

Barbel-Judolia sexmaculata.
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27.08.2009 17:30, Дзанат

My relatives, all from the Moscow region -its extreme St.

27.08.2009 17:38, evk

My relatives, all from the Moscow region -its extreme St.

That's why I did not guess the barbel-my fauna is much further south smile.gifand the picture leaves much to be desired (although this is not an excuse frown.gif)

27.08.2009 17:47, Алексей Сажнев

My relatives, all from the Moscow region -its extreme St.

Then 100% Judolia sexmaculata, just outwardly this species is almost indistinguishable from the close Judolia parallelopipeda (Motsch., 1860) - the genital group. Their ranges probably do not overlap. According to M. L. Danilevsky, J. parallelopipeda occurs only east of the Urals and reaches Japan. Specimens from the Ural Range and from more western locations are unambiguously identified as J. sexmaculata.

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 08/27/2009 17: 54

27.08.2009 19:25, Shtil

Can you tell me who it is? Surroundings of Kherson. Although this is doubtful, the material is not mine.
picture: 1.JPG

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